
14 Mar 2023 - 7 min read

Itinerary & Budget: 14 Days in Austria

Austria is known for its natural beauty and attractions, but there is always a consideration about what the country can offer. Well, no worries, you can follow this list of Austria itineraries & budget for 14 days to have your dream tour of the country.

Check and follow the steps below to enjoy your Austria trip for a memorable and joyful traveling experience. From places to prices, foods to accommodations, here is the itinerary & budgeting for your Austria trip!

Day 1-2, Go To Vienna and Its Iconic Landmarks!

Hotels in Vienna

Austria · 754 hotels available

Austria is a perfect option for your European trip located in the heart of Europe. As the first destination, you must travel to Austria's capital, Vienna.

To get there from Australia, you will have the fastest one-stop flight between Sydney and Vienna, about 23 hours, while it can be extended to 43 hours if you transit in another country's airport, based on the airlines.

After stepping out of the Vienna international airport, you will have all the time to explore the city. But, it is better to complete it in three days so that you will explore Vienna and its beauty and its warmth.

First, get to your hotel, which you can book before your trip from Traveloka, to put your luggage. Take the City Airport Train to Wien Mitte for a 15 to 20 minutes trip. Come out from the hotel, you can use public transportation in Vienna. Don't worry, it is very commendable and convenient to commute inside Vienna.

Day 1

The first destination to visit is the Hofburg Palace. This enormous building has been home to the Austrian dynasty of Hapsburgs since 600 years ago. Currently, the Palace is also the residence of the Federal President of the country. There are other places to visit near the Palace, namely the Sissi museum.

There, you can learn about the life of Queen Elisabeth. From the deets of her life, you can also discover her personal belongings, activities, and even her favorite attire. If you are tired, relax at Cafe Central near the museum, famous for its coffee and sweet pastries.

Day 2

On the following day in Vienna, you can enjoy one of its famous attractions, Weiner Riesenread. Not as famous as the London Eye, this 65-meter-tall Giant Ferris Wheel is better to enjoy. The view from up above is terrific, and you can enjoy Vienna's beauty from there. The best time to ride this attraction is at sunset time.

After a breathtaking ride, you can spend your evening and end your second day while enjoying the Vienna State Opera. The place is home to Vienna's rich culture of music and shows. Besides the show, witness its stunning Renaissance architecture and interior. You can join the 40-minute tour of the opera building to do this.



Hotel room per night

ATS 50


ATS 30




ATS 3 (for Ferris wheel)

Total costs

ATS 86

Day 3-4, Explore Vienna's Top Spots!

There are more places to visit in Vienna. You must visit St. Stephen's Cathedral tower, Schönbrunn Palace, and Naschmarkt. Here are the breakdowns of the list:

Day 3

St. Stephen's Cathedral tower is one of a-must visited Gothic churches located in the city. Besides admiring its architecture and design, one thing you won't want to miss is climbing to the top of it. From the church's top, you will witness Vienna's breathtaking view, and you can take some photos with it as the background.

The second destination is the Schönbrunn Palace. Go to this wondrous building after a St. Stephen's Cathedral Tour. You will need not more than a 10 minutes car ride to get there to look at its building.

The Palace consists of the 1441-room Baroque Palace with significant historical and cultural sentiment as the Hapsburgs' vacation home since the 18th century. Therefore, the Palace is one of the best castles in the country.

Day 4

Naschmarkt is the next destination to visit while in Vienna. The market is surrounded by Vienna-styled buildings and has been open since the 16th century.

You can find anything you want inside the Naschmarkt, including fresh goods, kinds of seafood, and all types of cheeses. Also, you can enjoy the local delights because the market hosts several eateries that sell Vienna's specialties.




ATS 2 (Bus ride)


ATS 30

Hotel room per night

ATS 50

Attractions tickets

ATS 3 (for Museum)

Total costs

ATS 85

Day 5-7, Visit Vienna's Natural Attractions

Vienna's natural attractions are some things you don't want to skip. On days 5 to seven, you will have a chance to enjoy Vienna's natural attractions.

Day 5

Remember to visit and enjoy Vienna's most popular tourist destination at the Spanish Riding School. There, enjoy the Lipizzan horses ridden by the riders in a show. You will witness this beauty of horse riding performed by professionals. It will take a full day of shows and after that, have a little walk around the city.

Day 6

After enjoying the horseriding show, go to another of Vienna's finest natural attractions, Schönbrunner Garden. This beautiful garden has been open to everyone since the 18th century, and since then, the garden has been constantly swarmed by locals and tourists. You will witness the beauty of the architecture and design strongly associated with Vienna's rich renaissance culture.

Near the garden, you can enjoy eating at Schönbrunner Stöckl and Dinner theater to feel the unique experience of food served by the antique-dressed staff.

Day 7

You can enjoy one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Vienna, The Wachau Valley. Located in the city as a part of the Danube Valley, Wachau features some natural attractions, including pre-historic monasteries, castles, and ruins. To enjoy your visit there, you can visit it and take a hike to climb uphill.



Hotel room per night

ATS 50


ATS 60


ATS 3 (Bus)

Attraction ticket per person

ATS 15 (for Horse Riding)

Total costs

ATS 128

Day 8-9, Go To Vienna's Hidden Gems

Visiting Vienna's hidden gems in the second half of Austria's 14-day itinerary would be best. You can enjoy two of Vienna's finest places, the Danube tower, and enjoy the City river trip, on the eighth day, while on the next day, enjoy the Tour of the Rathaus.

Day 8

Looking for a great view of the Danube Tower is one of the best things to do in Vienna. The tower features a great view of Vienna because it is the highest building in Austria. From up above, you can witness the great view of the capital city and the things that surround it.

After the tower climb, end your day by enjoying a cruise trip in the city river. See the peaceful views of the city and enjoy the drink services alongside your time cruising.

Day 9

Spend a full of your ninth day by joining a tour of the city, Tour of Rathaus. This tour is specially planned for tourists who want to witness the history of the 18th-century building. The Rathaus featured five towers, the greatest of which was the middle one and was topped by a statue of the Rathausman. Discover more about Rathaus' history and ask the guide for it.




ATS 3 (bus)


ATS 30

Hotel room per night

ATS 50

Attraction ticket per person

ATS 28 (for cruise)

Total costs

ATS 111

Day 10-11, Explore Salzburg

Hotels in Salzburg Stadt

Salzburg, Austria · 117 hotels available

The tenth day of your Austria trip will be fulfilled if you visit Salzburg. Move yourself to Salzburg from Vienna by train trip. Start your day in this city by spotting a place to eat and sightseeing.

Day 10

Enjoy your Salzburg first day eating at the Cafe Bazar. This traditional Austrian cafe is located right beside the Salzach River. Pamper your palate with Austro-Hungarian cafe menus and enjoy the experience of eating riverside. After completion, you can visit the Mirabell Palace and Gardens.

Day 11

Enjoy visiting the Residenzplatz for some beautiful scenery on your second day in Salzburg. Go to Salzburg's central plaza and visit the Salzburg Museum and the Salzburg Glockenspiel. Don't forget to eat at Mus Deli after seeing all these places.



Hotel room

ATS 53


ATS 15 (train from Vienna)


ATS 20

Total costs

ATS 85

Day 12-13, Visit Salzburg's Historic Places

Similar to Vienna, Salzburg is also famous for its historic places. There you can spot several spots, like HohenSalzburg fortress and Salzburg Cathedral.

Day 12

Go on to visit the HohenSalzburg fortress and witness its beauty. Enjoy the historical site tour that features one of the best views of Europe, many said. The fort is located on a hill and features several facilities, including museums and observation decks. So you can learn about its history alongside enjoying the views.

Day 13

The next day, visit the Catholic Salzburg Cathedral. This religious building is one of the best-designed churches since it stands from the 19th century. Compared to similar structures, you will be amazed by the design of Salzburg Cathedral.




ATS 4 (Tour)


ATS 30

Hotel room per night

ATS 50

Total costs

ATS 88

Day 14, Return Home

On your last day in Austria, head back to Vienna from Salzburg, or you can go straight from one of the cities returning to Australia. Choose the best options for flight tickets back home from Traveloka. Pack your luggage and buy some handicrafts if you want to and say goodbye to Austria for the unforgettable moments of the trip.




ATS 50

Total costs

ATS 50

That's all about what you can do when you travel to Austria. The budget you need to spend is around ATS 1,039,- to ATS 2,000,-. excluding flight tickets. You can follow the itinerary & budgeting above, and to fulfill your accommodation needs, you can get all of it through Traveloka.

From flight tickets to hotel rooms, and many more, you can do it quickly in minutes through the Traveloka website or application.

Book and pay for all of your Austria itineraries for 14 days' accommodations only in one place, Traveloka!

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