Davao to Hiroshima
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Flight from Davao to Hiroshima

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much is a flight ticket from Davao to Hiroshima?
Planning to take off from Davao to Hiroshima? Grab your ticket on Traveloka with prices starting from , along with additional discounts & promos that can be found on our promo page.
How early should I get to the airport for a domestic & international flight?
For domestic flights, we recommend arriving at the airport at least 2 hours before your scheduled departure time. For international flights, aim to be at the airport at least 3 hours prior to ensure smooth check-in, security checks, and to account for any unexpected delays. It’s better to be early and relaxed than rushing at the last minute right?
When is the best time to buy airline tickets?
Timing is everything when it comes to grabbing airline tickets. Typically, it’s best to book around 4-6 weeks in advance for domestic flights and 2-3 months for international routes. But the prices also depend on the travel demand, seasonality, and major events. You can always monitor the fare trends on Traveloka and set alerts to catch the best deals or promotions!
What is the cheapest day to fly to Hiroshima?
Looking for the best deals to Hiroshima? Historically, midweek flights (particularly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays), tend to be cheaper due to lower demand. However, airfares can fluctuate so we recommend keeping an eye on flight prices and being flexible with your travel dates. Booking in advance can be one the hacks to travel to Hiroshima without breaking the bank!
What information do I need to know when booking a flight?
When booking a flight, every choice sets the tone for your trip. From the preferred flight route – be it direct or with layovers – to the in-flight experience – whether you opt for a standard economy seat or a luxurious first-class journey – and understanding baggage limits, there's a lot to weigh. Other considerations include travel insurance and the airline's booking policies.
How far in advance should I book an international flight?
For international flights, it’s wise to start your search about 5-6 months ahead with the optimal booking window being around 3-4 months before departure. This period often provides a balance between good fares and a reasonable choice of flight times and routes. But please note that several factors such as destination popularity, peak travel season, and regional major events can influence the timeline.
Do I need a passport and visa to fly between Davao to Hiroshima?
Traveling from Davao to Hiroshima typically requires specific documents. For international flights, a passport is almost always necessary. However, for domestic flights, neither a passport nor a visa is usually required, but an official ID will be needed. The necessity of a visa depends on the traveler's citizenship and Hiroshima's entry regulations. It's crucial to verify visa requirements, as rules can differ between countries.
Why should I book my flight with Traveloka?
Booking flight tickets with Traveloka can feel like diving into an ocean of options! Our platform provides the most comprehensive choices to ensure you find the perfect flight for your adventure. With our smooth booking process, you'll also be provided with a variety of payment methods. Anxious about transacting online? We've got you covered with our top-tier security for each transaction! With Traveloka, your flight booking journey becomes hassle-free!
How long does it take to fly from Davao to Hiroshima?
0 hour(s) and 0 minutes is the shortest flight time from Davao to Hiroshima.

Flight from Davao to Hiroshima

Hiroshima is the capital city of Hiroshima Region in Japan. As of 1 June 2019, the city had an estimated population of 1,200,001. The gross domestic product (GDP) in Greater Hiroshima, Hiroshima Urban Employment Area, was US$61.3 billion as of 2010. Kazumi Matsui has been the city's mayor since April 2011 until the present day. Hiroshima was started in 1589 as a castle city on the Ōta River delta. Following the Meiji Renovation in early 1868, Hiroshima rapidly changed into the main city centre and industrial centre. On 1889, Hiroshima officially increased city status. The city was a hub for army activities during the imperial age, playing important roles such as the First Sino-Japanese War, Russo-Japanese War, and the two world wars.

Best time to fly from Davao to Hiroshima

Hiroshima has a pleasant climate so that you can go here at any time of year. The two appropriate times to fly and visit Hiroshima from Davao which are from October until the end of November which is during fall seasons and from March until the end of May which is during spring seasons. Summers seasons starts from June until end of August. Hiroshima manages to be moist and hot. Winters periods begin from December until the end of February in Hiroshima can be cool or cold. There is a rainy time that goes from the mid of June until end of July. Fortunately, it doesn't rain every day and you can take a trip in this period without any worried.

Main airports available in Davao to Hiroshima

Francisco Bangoy International Airport – Francisco Bangoy International Airport or also popular as the Davao International Airport is the main international airport that runs for Davao City and Davao District. There are numerous international and domestic airlines which operate in this airport which includes Philippine Airlines, Qatar Airways, Xiamen Air, Philippines AirAsia, and Cebu Pacific. Francisco Bangoy International Airport located about 41 kilometres from the city midpoint. Francisco Bangoy International Airport has many fascinating shops and cafes within the airport so you can shop or eat while wait on the plane to arrive or depart. To go in and out of the airport is easy because there are plenty of types of public transportation available in Francisco Bangoy International Airport for the visitors.

Hiroshima Airport - Hiroshima Airport is a domestic airport in the city of Mihara, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. Hiroshima Airport situated 50 km (31 mi) east of Hiroshima and it is the biggest airport in the Chūgoku area. Hiroshima Airport has only a single runway opened with a length of 2.5 km (700 metres longer than Hiroshima-Nishi). The airport only has a single terminal with split arrivals and departures facilities for domestic and international flights and seven lettered doors (A through D domestic; E through G international) to help the passengers. There are many flights available from Francisco Bangoy International Airport to Hiroshima Airport daily.

Climate pattern in Davao to Hiroshima

In Hiroshima, the summers are hot, short, oppressive, wet, and mostly cloudy and the winters are quite cold and mostly clear. Furthermore, the temperature typically differs from 33.1°F to 90°F and is rarely below 28.9°F or above 95°F. The cool period takes for about 3 to 4 months which is from 4 December until 17 March, with a normal daily high temperature below 55.4°F. The coldest day of the year is on 26 January, with an average low of 33.1°F and high of 46.4°F. The hot season takes for about 2 to 9 months which starts from 23 June until 20 September, with a typical daily high temperature above 80.2°F. The hottest day of the year is on 5 August, with an average high of 89.4°F and low of 77.3°F.

Highlights attractions in Hiroshima

  • Yamato Museum - Yamato Museum originally opened on 23 April 2005. It is described as the Yamato Museum due to the display in the lobby of the huge model ship called Yamato, a 1/10 scale model of the battleship Yamato. Yamato is the top of the Japanese Combined Fleet in World War II. It was damaged at the south of the Japanese island of Kyushu in late 1945. The museum sited where the battleship was completed build.
  • Hiroshima Peace Memorial - The Hiroshima Peace earlier the Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall, and now generally called the Atomic Bomb Dome, Genbaku Dome, or A-Bomb Dome. Hiroshima Peace Memorial is part of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park sited in Hiroshima, Japan and was designated by a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996. The collapse of the hall aids as a memorial to the civilians who were killed in the atomic blasting of Hiroshima on 6 August 1945.
  • Itsukushima - Itsukushima is an island in the western part of the Inland Sea of Japan which sited in the northwest of Hiroshima Bay. It is generally recognized as Miyajima, which in Japanese means "Shrine Island". Itsukushima is one of Hayashi Gahō's 3 Views of Japan stated in 1643. It is part of the city of Hatsukaichi in Hiroshima Region. The island was part of the earlier town of Miyajima before the 2005 union with Hatsukaichi. Itsukushima is well-recognized for the Itsukushima Shrine and it also recorded in the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Hiroshima is the capital city of Hiroshima Region in Japan. As of 1 June 2019, the city had an estimated population of 1,200,001. The gross domestic product (GDP) in Greater Hiroshima, Hiroshima Urban Employment Area, was US$61.3 billion as of 2010. Kazumi Matsui has been the city's mayor since April 2011 until the present day. Hiroshima was started in 1589 as a castle city on the Ōta River delta. Following the Meiji Renovation in early 1868, Hiroshima rapidly changed into the main city centre and industrial centre. On 1889, Hiroshima officially increased city status. The city was a hub for army activities during the imperial age, playing important roles such as the First Sino-Japanese War, Russo-Japanese War, and the two world wars.

Best time to fly from Davao to Hiroshima

Hiroshima has a pleasant climate so that you can go here at any time of year. The two appropriate times to fly and visit Hiroshima from Davao which are from October until the end of November which is during fall seasons and from March until the end of May which is during spring seasons. Summers seasons starts from June until end of August. Hiroshima manages to be moist and hot. Winters periods begin from December until the end of February in Hiroshima can be cool or cold. There is a rainy time that goes from the mid of June until end of July. Fortunately, it doesn't rain every day and you can take a trip in this period without any worried.

Main airports available in Davao to Hiroshima

Francisco Bangoy International Airport – Francisco Bangoy International Airport or also popular as the Davao International Airport is the main international airport that runs for Davao City and Davao District. There are numerous international and domestic airlines which operate in this airport which includes Philippine Airlines, Qatar Airways, Xiamen Air, Philippines AirAsia, and Cebu Pacific. Francisco Bangoy International Airport located about 41 kilometres from the city midpoint. Francisco Bangoy International Airport has many fascinating shops and cafes within the airport so you can shop or eat while wait on the plane to arrive or depart. To go in and out of the airport is easy because there are plenty of types of public transportation available in Francisco Bangoy International Airport for the visitors.

Hiroshima Airport - Hiroshima Airport is a domestic airport in the city of Mihara, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. Hiroshima Airport situated 50 km (31 mi) east of Hiroshima and it is the biggest airport in the Chūgoku area. Hiroshima Airport has only a single runway opened with a length of 2.5 km (700 metres longer than Hiroshima-Nishi). The airport only has a single terminal with split arrivals and departures facilities for domestic and international flights and seven lettered doors (A through D domestic; E through G international) to help the passengers. There are many flights available from Francisco Bangoy International Airport to Hiroshima Airport daily.

Climate pattern in Davao to Hiroshima

In Hiroshima, the summers are hot, short, oppressive, wet, and mostly cloudy and the winters are quite cold and mostly clear. Furthermore, the temperature typically differs from 33.1°F to 90°F and is rarely below 28.9°F or above 95°F. The cool period takes for about 3 to 4 months which is from 4 December until 17 March, with a normal daily high temperature below 55.4°F. The coldest day of the year is on 26 January, with an average low of 33.1°F and high of 46.4°F. The hot season takes for about 2 to 9 months which starts from 23 June until 20 September, with a typical daily high temperature above 80.2°F. The hottest day of the year is on 5 August, with an average high of 89.4°F and low of 77.3°F.

Highlights attractions in Hiroshima

  • Yamato Museum - Yamato Museum originally opened on 23 April 2005. It is described as the Yamato Museum due to the display in the lobby of the huge model ship called Yamato, a 1/10 scale model of the battleship Yamato. Yamato is the top of the Japanese Combined Fleet in World War II. It was damaged at the south of the Japanese island of Kyushu in late 1945. The museum sited where the battleship was completed build.
  • Hiroshima Peace Memorial - The Hiroshima Peace earlier the Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall, and now generally called the Atomic Bomb Dome, Genbaku Dome, or A-Bomb Dome. Hiroshima Peace Memorial is part of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park sited in Hiroshima, Japan and was designated by a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996. The collapse of the hall aids as a memorial to the civilians who were killed in the atomic blasting of Hiroshima on 6 August 1945.
  • Itsukushima - Itsukushima is an island in the western part of the Inland Sea of Japan which sited in the northwest of Hiroshima Bay. It is generally recognized as Miyajima, which in Japanese means "Shrine Island". Itsukushima is one of Hayashi Gahō's 3 Views of Japan stated in 1643. It is part of the city of Hatsukaichi in Hiroshima Region. The island was part of the earlier town of Miyajima before the 2005 union with Hatsukaichi. Itsukushima is well-recognized for the Itsukushima Shrine and it also recorded in the UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Flight Duration

0 hr(s) 0 mins

Airport in Davao
Airport in Hiroshima

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