Xperience/China/Shanghai/Songjiang/[Shanghai Theme Park] Shanghai Shimao Elf City Theme Park | Smurfs Land

[Shanghai Theme Park] Shanghai Shimao Elf City Theme Park | Smurfs Land

Shanghai Shimao Elf City Theme Park|Smurfs Land
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Rp 368.614

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Shanghai Shimao Elf City Theme Park is an indoor and outdoor comprehensive theme park invested and built by Shimao Group. It consists of two major areas: Shenkeng Secret Area and Smurfs Park. The Smurfs Paradise is divided into the Maoshan King Area and the Smurf Area. Mao Insurance King Zone is immersed in the scenario story of Shimao's original IP "Lingshi Mao Insurance King", "Integrating modern sound, light, electricity, digital technology, automatic control and other high-tech, in a combination of virtual and real, real and illusion, dynamic interaction During the project experience, you can feel the unique charm of combining parent-child travel with modern technology. The Smurfs area is carefully built with international IP and advanced international concepts and technologies. It not only has rich and interesting amusement facilities, Smurf-themed interactive games, but also indoor day and night Alternate experiences, Gargamel's home and other animated landscaping lead visitors into the dreamy Smurf world.

Shanghai Shimao Elf City Theme Park|Smurfs Land

Shanghai Shimao Elf City Theme Park|Smurfs Land

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Shanghai Shimao Elf City Theme Park|Smurfs Land
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Frequently Asked Questions

Berapa harga tiket [Shanghai Theme Park] Shanghai Shimao Elf City Theme Park | Smurfs Land?
Harga tiket untuk [Shanghai Theme Park] Shanghai Shimao Elf City Theme Park | Smurfs Land mulai dari Rp 368.614. Kunjungi halaman ini untuk melihat informasi lengkap mengenai harga [Shanghai Theme Park] Shanghai Shimao Elf City Theme Park | Smurfs Land.
Apa saja tempat wisata seperti [Shanghai Theme Park] Shanghai Shimao Elf City Theme Park | Smurfs Land yang bisa dikunjungi di Songjiang?
Tempat wisata seperti [Shanghai Theme Park] Shanghai Shimao Elf City Theme Park | Smurfs Land yang bisa dikunjungi di Songjiang antara lain Shanghai Disneyland, Tiket Shanghai Tower 118th Floor Observation Deck, dan Shanghai Ocean Aquarium: Admission Ticket | China.

Informasi Umum

Harga Tiket
Mulai dari Rp 368.614.
Shanghai Shimao Elf City Theme Park|Smurfs Land.
Diskon [Shanghai Theme Park] Shanghai Shimao Elf City Theme Park
Smurfs Land hari ini