Xperience/Taiwan/Outer Islands/Kinmen County/Wuwei/[Deep Kinmen] Kinmen Handmade | Fengshiye Canvas Bag Painting DIY ∙ Herbal Egg Package | Shuangli Lake Nature Center Cafe

[Deep Kinmen] Kinmen Handmade | Fengshiye Canvas Bag Painting DIY ∙ Herbal Egg Package | Shuangli Lake Nature Center Cafe

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Kinmen County
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Rp 30.165

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Shuangli Lake Nature Center is the largest wetland in Kinmen, rich in ecology
Affordable meals, you must order a root herbal egg set
While painting the characteristic Fengshiye canvas bag, watch the ecology of the lake bottom at a close distance

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- Product desciption-

Shuangli Lake, also known as Shuangli Wetland, is shaped like two embracing carp, hence the name. It has rich ecology and waterfowl flocks. There is also a bird-watching trail between the two lakes to enjoy the lakeside scenery. The Double Carp Wetland Nature Center mainly introduces the natural resources of Kinmen, including the knowledge of rare animals such as horseshoe crab, amphioxus, Chinese white dolphin and Eurasian otter. At the same time, the design and construction of the nature center is very special. This is where the coffee shop is located. You can order a drink with a unique herbal egg, and sit by the small window to watch the ecology of the lake bottom. In summer, you can even enjoy the lotus flowers blooming on the lake. Unique memories, come to this little secret base hidden in Shuangli Lake.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Berapa harga voucher [Deep Kinmen] Kinmen Handmade | Fengshiye Canvas Bag Painting DIY ∙ Herbal Egg Package | Shuangli Lake Nature Center Cafe?
Harga voucher untuk [Deep Kinmen] Kinmen Handmade | Fengshiye Canvas Bag Painting DIY ∙ Herbal Egg Package | Shuangli Lake Nature Center Cafe mulai dari Rp 30.165. Kunjungi halaman ini untuk melihat informasi lengkap mengenai harga [Deep Kinmen] Kinmen Handmade | Fengshiye Canvas Bag Painting DIY ∙ Herbal Egg Package | Shuangli Lake Nature Center Cafe.
Kapan jam operasional [Deep Kinmen] Kinmen Handmade | Fengshiye Canvas Bag Painting DIY ∙ Herbal Egg Package | Shuangli Lake Nature Center Cafe?
[Deep Kinmen] Kinmen Handmade | Fengshiye Canvas Bag Painting DIY ∙ Herbal Egg Package | Shuangli Lake Nature Center Cafe saat ini beroperasi pukul 08:30-17:00. Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai tanggal yang tersedia dan jam operasional, silahkan kunjungi halaman ini.
Kapan tanggal yang tersedia untuk [Deep Kinmen] Kinmen Handmade | Fengshiye Canvas Bag Painting DIY ∙ Herbal Egg Package | Shuangli Lake Nature Center Cafe?
[Deep Kinmen] Kinmen Handmade | Fengshiye Canvas Bag Painting DIY ∙ Herbal Egg Package | Shuangli Lake Nature Center Cafe tersedia di tanggal 04 Jun 2024. Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai ketersediaan tanggal dan durasi untuk event ini, silahkan kunjungi halaman ini.