Xperience/Thailand/Chiang Mai/Mae Taeng District/Kuet Chang/Elephant Day Care at Chiang Mai Mountain Sanctuary

Elephant Day Care at Chiang Mai Mountain Sanctuary

Chiang Mai Mountain Sanctury
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Jadwal Tur Paling Dekat | Sab, 27 Jul 2024
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Mae Taeng District
Mulai dari

Rp 681.525

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Learn more about this activity's Enhanced Health & Hygiene Measures
Get to experience what it's like to care for elephants at Chiang Mai Mountain Sanctuary
Enjoy a bath or a natural mud spa with the playful elephants in the river!
Get to experience trekking with elephants into the jungle, learn how to feed and groom them, and more!
Travel with a small group to ensure you have quality time with the elephants
No riding, no hooks, and no chains means no animal cruelty - the ideal way to interact with these lovely animals
Travel hassle free with a roundtrip transfer from anywhere in Chiang Mai to the sanctuary

Chiang Mai Mountain Sanctuary for an opportunity of a lifetime! Start the day with a pick-up from your hotel in Chiang Mai, then drive for an hour to the sanctuary, nestled in the jungles of Northern Chiang Mai. Once you arrive at the locals-run sanctuary, change into your traditional Lanna clothing, and head inside for an experience you'll never forget! Together with a small and intimate group, learn about these fantastic creatures, and how to care for them! Get a chance to make their food, groom them in a natural mud bath, and even go on a thrilling trek to the nearby jungle! If you choose the half day tour, your tour will end with a delicious Thai meal with seasonal fruits. On the other hand, if you choose the full day tour, you'll go on a longer trek into the mountains, plus get a chance to learn about the elephants' daily lives. Your day will end with a trek to a nearby river, where you can get the chance to give the lovely animals a refreshing bath, before heading back to Chiang Mai. The best part? The sanctuary is absolutely cruelty free – which means no chains, no hooks, and no riding; just lots of love to give these animals all year round - the perfect way to interact with elephants!

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Chiang Mai Mountain Sanctury
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Frequently Asked Questions

Berapa harga paket tour Elephant Day Care at Chiang Mai Mountain Sanctuary?
Harga paket tour untuk Elephant Day Care at Chiang Mai Mountain Sanctuary mulai dari Rp 681.525. Kunjungi halaman ini untuk melihat informasi lengkap mengenai harga Elephant Day Care at Chiang Mai Mountain Sanctuary.
Kapan tanggal yang tersedia untuk Elephant Day Care at Chiang Mai Mountain Sanctuary?
Elephant Day Care at Chiang Mai Mountain Sanctuary tersedia di tanggal 27 Jul 2024. Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai ketersediaan tanggal dan durasi untuk event tersebut, silahkan kunjungi halaman ini.