Crown Regency Prince Resort - Boracay

Main Road, Station 1, Bolabog Road, Barangay Balabag, Boracay Island, Balabag, Station 1, Boracay Island, Philippines, 5608
Lihat Peta

Tentang Akomodasi

Crown Regency Prince Resort - Boracay adalah akomodasi di lokasi yang baik, tepatnya berada di Station 1. Resepsionis siap 24 jam untuk melayani proses check-in, check-out dan kebutuhan Anda yang lain. Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi resepsionis, kami siap melayani Anda. WiFi tersedia di seluruh area publik properti untuk membantu Anda tetap terhubung dengan keluarga dan teman.

Fasilitas Utama

Resepsionis 24 Jam

Info Lokasi di sekitar Crown Regency Prince Resort - Boracay

Temukan Tempat Lainnya
Main Road, Station 1, Bolabog Road, Barangay Balabag, Boracay Island, Balabag, Station 1, Boracay Island, Philippines, 5608
Lobi Crown Regency Prince Resort -  Boracay
Lobi 2 Crown Regency Prince Resort -  Boracay

Lebih Lanjut tentang Crown Regency Prince Resort - Boracay


Crown Regency Prince Resort - Boracay adalah akomodasi di lokasi yang baik, tepatnya berada di Station 1.

Tentang Crown Regency Prince Resort - Boracay

Crown Regency Prince Resort - Boracay adalah tempat bermalam yang tepat bagi Anda yang berlibur bersama keluarga. Nikmati segala fasilitas hiburan untuk Anda dan keluarga.

Jika Anda berniat menginap dalam jangka waktu yang lama, Crown Regency Prince Resort - Boracay adalah pilihan tepat. Berbagai fasilitas yang tersedia dan kualitas pelayanan yang baik akan membuat Anda merasa sedang berada di rumah sendiri.

akomodasi ini adalah pilihan yang pas jika Anda mencari liburan yang tenang dan jauh dari keramaian.

Pengalaman menginap Anda tak akan terlupakan berkat pelayanan istimewa yang disertai oleh berbagai fasilitas pendukung untuk kenyamanan Anda.

Resepsionis siap 24 jam untuk melayani proses check-in, check-out dan kebutuhan Anda yang lain. Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi resepsionis, kami siap melayani Anda.

Terdapat restoran yang menyajikan menu lezat ala Crown Regency Prince Resort - Boracay khusus untuk Anda.

WiFi tersedia di seluruh area publik properti untuk membantu Anda tetap terhubung dengan keluarga dan teman.

Pengalaman berkesan dan tak terlupakan akan Anda dapatkan selama menginap di Crown Regency Prince Resort - Boracay.

Semua Fasilitas di Crown Regency Prince Resort - Boracay

Lobi Crown Regency Prince Resort -  Boracay
Bangunan Crown Regency Prince Resort -  Boracay
Kamar Tidur Crown Regency Prince Resort -  Boracay
Kamar Tidur
Toilet Kamar Crown Regency Prince Resort -  Boracay
Toilet Kamar
Restoran Crown Regency Prince Resort -  Boracay

Fasilitas Kamar

  • Jubah mandi
  • Bathtub
  • TV kabel
  • Meja
  • Pengering rambut
  • Brankas kamar
  • Pancuran
  • TV

Servis Hotel

  • Money changer
  • Resepsionis
  • Resepsionis 24 jam
  • Keamanan 24 jam
  • Laundry
  • Penitipan bagasi


  • AC
  • Ruang keluarga
  • Area bebas asap rokok
  • Area merokok
  • Teras

Fasilitas Publik

  • Layanan kamar 24 jam
  • Restoran
  • Layanan kamar
  • Brankas
  • WiFi di area umum

Fasilitas Terdekat

  • ATM/Bank
  • Salon kecantikan
  • Mini market
  • Toko
  • Supermarket

Makanan dan Minuman

  • Sarapan a la carte
  • Restoran ber-AC
  • Sarapan


  • Internet Kamar
  • WiFi gratis

Jasa Antar Jemput

  • Antar-jemput bandara berbiaya
  • Antar-jemput bandara

Kegiatan Lainnya

  • Layanan pijat


  • Antar-jemput bandara

Fasilitas Bisnis

  • Fasilitas bisnis

Kebersihan Terjamin, Menginap Jadi Lebih Nyaman

Nikmati perjalananmu dengan tenang karena kesehatan dan keamananmu terjamin melalui standar protokol berikut.
Akomodasi yang menerapkan standar kebersihan yang dianjurkan otoritas setempat.Pelajari selengkapnya
Desinfeksi Secara Berkala
Staf Terlatih untuk Protokol Kesehatan
Pemeriksaan Suhu untuk Staf & Tamu

Kebijakan Akomodasi & Informasi Umum di Crown Regency Prince Resort - Boracay

Waktu Check-in/Check-out

Dari 15:00
Sebelum 12:00

Petunjuk Umum Check-in

You may be required to present valid government-issued identification at check-in, along with credit card or cash to cover deposits and incidentals. Special request may depend on hotel's availability at check-in and may cost extra fee. Special request availability is not guaranteed. Hotel may charge you additional fee for each extra person after reserved room's maximum capacity. As we intensify our efforts to keep everyone safe, all our hotel properties go through regular disinfection procedures to control or kill infectious agents and minimize the risk of spreading diseases and viruses. As part of our safety protocols, we are also asking for your utmost understanding and cooperation on the precautionary measures that we are currently implementing in our hotel: UPON ENTERING THE PROPERTY • A temperature check will be done at the hotel entrance. • All security guards and frontline staff are required to wear facemasks. SANITATION & DISINFECTION • All common areas with heavy customer contact are disinfected regularly. • Sanitary alcohol and hand sanitizer dispensers are installed in all entrances, reception areas, and front offices. • Comfort rooms are sanitized every 30 minutes. OTHER PREVENTIVE MEASURES • In-house guests are visited in their rooms twice (2) daily for temperature checking. • Guests and employees who are experiencing flu-like symptoms, headache and/or sore throat may seek medical attention from the assigned company nurse. We will follow the Department of Health (DOH) protocol. GENERAL REMINDERS • Hotel guests and employees in public areas shall strictly observe social distancing. • Per Executive Order issued by the LGU, curfew in some cities shall start from 8PM to 5AM. • For sanitary purposes, meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) will be served through room service, and we’ll be using disposable items when serving. Room service is until 8PM only. Please take note of the schedule of the serving of meals: BREAKFAST - Serving Time 07:00 AM Dish-out Time 08:00 AM LUNCH - Serving Time 12:00 NN Dish-out Time 01:00 PM DINNER - Serving Time 06:00 PM Dish-out Time 07:00 PM • All guests should put their soiled linens outside their rooms to be picked up by our Housekeepers. New linens will then be replaced and will also be left outside the rooms. • Change of linen is only upon guest request and any other requests will only be until 8 PM. • All our Housekeepers will be wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in accordance to the directives of the government. Besides these, we are also compliant with all directives coming from the Department of Health (DOH), Department of Tourism (DOT), and other concerned government agencies. Once again, your safety has always been our top priority. Together, let us work tirelessly for a safe and healthy environment for everyone. THE MANAGEMENT.
The island is currently facing frequent electricity blackouts that last for up to 15-30 minutes each time. More severe blackouts can last up to 12 hours or more but these are scheduled and announced by the provider beforehand.

Kebijakan Tambahan

You may be required to present valid government-issued identification at check-in, along with credit card or cash to cover deposits and incidentals. Special request may depend on hotel's availability at check-in and may cost extra fee. Special request availability is not guaranteed.

Hotel may charge you additional fee for each extra person after reserved room's maximum capacity.

As we intensify our efforts to keep everyone safe, all our hotel properties go through regular disinfection procedures to control or kill infectious agents and minimize the risk of spreading diseases and viruses.

As part of our safety protocols, we are also asking for your utmost understanding and cooperation on the precautionary measures that we are currently implementing in our hotel:
• A temperature check will be done at the hotel entrance.
• All security guards and frontline staff are required to wear facemasks.
• All common areas with heavy customer contact are disinfected regularly.
• Sanitary alcohol and hand sanitizer dispensers are installed in all entrances, reception areas, and front offices.
• Comfort rooms are sanitized every 30 minutes.
• In-house guests are visited in their rooms twice (2) daily for temperature checking.
• Guests and employees who are experiencing flu-like symptoms, headache and/or sore throat may seek medical attention from the assigned company nurse. We will follow the Department of Health (DOH) protocol.
• Hotel guests and employees in public areas shall strictly observe social distancing.
• Per Executive Order issued by the LGU, curfew in some cities shall start from 8PM to 5AM.
• For sanitary purposes, meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) will be served through room service, and we’ll be using disposable items when serving. Room service is until 8PM only. Please take note of the schedule of the serving of meals:
BREAKFAST - Serving Time 07:00 AM Dish-out Time 08:00 AM
LUNCH - Serving Time 12:00 NN Dish-out Time 01:00 PM
DINNER - Serving Time 06:00 PM Dish-out Time 07:00 PM
• All guests should put their soiled linens outside their rooms to be picked up by our Housekeepers. New linens will then be replaced and will also be left outside the rooms.
• Change of linen is only upon guest request and any other requests will only be until 8 PM.
• All our Housekeepers will be wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in accordance to the directives of the government.

Besides these, we are also compliant with all directives coming from the Department of Health (DOH), Department of Tourism (DOT), and other concerned government agencies.

Once again, your safety has always been our top priority. Together, let us work tirelessly for a safe and healthy environment for everyone.


Informasi Umum

Fasilitas Populer
AC, Restoran, Resepsionis 24 Jam, WiFi
Waktu Check-In/Check-Out
Dari 15:00 - Sebelum 12:00
Ketersediaan Sarapan
Ya, beberapa ruangan menyediakan sarapan.

Pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan di Crown Regency Prince Resort - Boracay

Fasilitas apa saja yang tersedia di Crown Regency Prince Resort - Boracay?
Crown Regency Prince Resort - Boracay memiliki fasilitas terbaik seperti: AC, Restoran, Resepsionis 24 Jam, WiFi. (Beberapa fasilitas lain mungkin memerlukan biaya tambahan)
Kapan waktu check-in & check-out di Crown Regency Prince Resort - Boracay?
Waktu untuk check-in di Crown Regency Prince Resort - Boracay adalah mulai dari pukul Dari 15:00 sedangkan waktu check-out paling lambat pukul Sebelum 12:00
Apakah Crown Regency Prince Resort - Boracay menyediakan sarapan?
Iya, Crown Regency Prince Resort - Boracay menyediakan sarapan. Namun kamu perlu memilih kamar dengan sarapan atau harus membayar biaya tambahan jika kamu memesan kamar tanpa sarapan.

Review dari Tamu Lainnya di Crown Regency Prince Resort - Boracay

Rating & Review

Dari 11 review tamu yang terverifikasi
Sangat Bagus
Paling Membantu
Bahasa Inggris
Tampilkan Ulasan dengan Foto
Febe N. R.
/ 10
12 May 2023
Saya senang saya menginap di Crown Regency. Mereka memindahkan saya ke stasiun 3 tanpa biaya tambahan, karena mereka memiliki masalah di stasiun mahkota 2. Petugasnya sangat ramah, hotelnya bersih dan nyaman. Yang terbaik adalah di depan pantai. Sangat puas. 🥰.
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Apakah Anda menyukai review ini?

John P. A.
/ 10
20 Apr 2022
Saya memiliki pengalaman menginap yang menyenangkan di sini. Saya tidak berharap bahwa saya akan menikmati masa tinggal saya karena saya melihat komentar negatif dari ulasan. Meja depan sangat akomodatif dan membantu kami atas permintaan kami. Semua fasilitas bekerja dengan lift, AC wifi dll. Hotel ini juga tenang jadi saya bisa tidur nyenyak. Saya hanya tidak suka bantal agak keras untuk saya dan hotel ini agak tua (tidak terlalu masalah). Secara keseluruhan saya memiliki pengalaman yang luar biasa. :).
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Apakah Anda menyukai review ini?

Hendri Y. M.
/ 10
19 Mar 2022
Kami dapat 2 kamar dan check in sekitar jam 4 sore dan check out jam 8 malam di hari yang sama jadi total saya menginap 4 jam saja. Kami check out karena resepsionisnya kasar. Sebelum saya check in saya minta merokok dan dia bilang merokok hanya diperbolehkan di luar jadi saya merokok di luar sebelum merokok saya sudah minta ke security dan security bilang iya. Setelah itu ketika kembali ke kamar saya resepsionis menelepon ke kamar teman saya tentang seseorang yang mengeluh karena resepsionis mengatakan teman saya merokok di kamar. Tapi teman saya bukan perokok. Setelah itu kita akan check out.
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Apakah Anda menyukai review ini?

Marie C. A.
/ 10
27 Jul 2017
Bagus: Nice ruangan, fasilitas lengkap, bersih dan ramah staf. Buruk: makanannya harus disajikan lebih awal untuk mereka yang memiliki penerbangan awal, lokasinya sangat jauh dari pantai, mereka tidak menerima check in lebih awal.
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Apakah Anda menyukai review ini?

Marilou A.
/ 10
25 Aug 2022
The room was very accomodating ang relaxing to stay the employees are very kind and welcoming. Hope to stay at Crown Regency Hotels in Station 2 when I get back to Boracay.

1 orang menyukai review ini

Alicia N. M. C.
/ 10
17 Aug 2022
We went there for 2 nights, 10-12 August 2022. Walking distance to the beach. It's less crowded that area. The hotel was decent, breakfast could be better. Nice spacious room. A little old looking but overall satisfied with the stay. Felt like we were the only guests there. Have not bump into another guest the whole 2-3 days we were there. Not sure why. The hotel itself doesn't have a pool but they have a pool you could use but it was quite far away to walk. Did not go there to check the pool out. The beach was good enough. Have to walk for about 2-3 minutes walk just across the street from the hotel. Staff was friendly.

Apakah Anda menyukai review ini?

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Siap wujudkan perjalananmu?

Buat Pesanan Sekarang
Kamar Tidur 4 Crown Regency Prince Resort -  Boracay


Disclaimer: Adalah tanggung jawab hotel untuk memastikan akurasi foto hotel. tidak bertanggung jawab atas ketidak-akuratan foto hotel. Harga kamar yang ditampilkan adalah untuk tamu dewasa. Anak-anak mungkin akan dianggap sebagai tamu dewasa dan dikenakan biaya penuh kecuali jika tertera sebaliknya. Harga kamar belum termasuk sarapan dan sarapan akan dikenakan biaya oleh hotel kecuali jika tertera sebaliknya.