
Help Center - Flights

What to do when airlines change my flight without Traveloka notification?

If you happen to received an announcement from the airline about a flight reschedule that has not yet been informed by Traveloka, you can consider it official.

We apologize if you have not received the latest flight schedule information from us. Not to worry, here's what you can do if you receive a schedule change from the airline:

1. Wait for confirmation

Kindly wait for your new e-ticket up to 6 hours after you received the schedule change information from the airline. We are in the process of aligning the information with the airline, and we will sent it to you as soon as it becomes available.

2. Report to Traveloka Customer Care

If you haven't received the new e-ticket from Traveloka after 6 hours, or if your new flight schedule is within the next 48 hours, please contact our Customer Service team through the Chat menu on Traveloka App.

3. Pepared the required supporting document

To help us assist you more efficiently, please have these following items ready:

  • Your Booking ID
  • Any screenshots of the information provided by the airline (SMS/WhatsApp/email).



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