Nida Amalia

21 Jan 2020 - 3 min read

Skincare Trends 2020: Which Suits You?

There’s a lot of skincare treatments which are believed can fix your skin problem. Skincare treatment trends have always been upgraded every year. Some are claimed to be popular for the whole year and more members. However, you can see their track records first.

Entering the new year and of course Chinese New Year, Traveloka Xperience gives a special price, a 50% discount for Beauty Products and Spa from 19 - 25 January 2020. Get your chance because Traveloka Xperience lists down several recommended places to visit. Here they are:

Botox dan Fillerin In Perfection Clinic

Who doesn’t want a new and stunning look for the new year? Visiting In Perfection Clinic can help you fix your skin problem and make you more confident.

Skincare treatments like botox and filler are still predicted to be 2020 trend. For both treatments, In Perfect Clinic has always been popular. A very nice and clean clinic will make you certain that all procedures are done are safe and based on the standard.

In Perfection Clinic


Korean IPL Hair Removal in Emira Beauty Clinic

Taking a Korean skincare treatment concept, Emira Beauty Clinic can do the magic to make you gorgeous like Korean celebrities. Stepping into this clinic makes you feel calm with their wooden floor, pastel and white colours plus the furniture.

One of the skincare treatments which is predicted to be the most favourite one is Korean IPL Hair removal. Wearing a tank top won’t be a problem when you have smooth, bright and heir free underarms. This hair removal treatment uses laser technology to prevent new hair, brighten and smoothen your underarms.

Emira Beauty Clinic


Microdermabrasion in Skin Ethica

Skin Ethica can answer your questions and give a solution to your skin problem. One of the treatments that can be a trend this year and provided in Skin Ethica os microdermabrasion. This treatment uses microcrystal which is sprayed to your face to lift the dead cells. Next, the rest of the dead cells will be taken by special equipment.

In Skin Ethica, you can take a Microdermabrasion Package starts from IDR 149.000. This package is one of the popular ones, from dull skin, wrinkles, acne scars, black spot to face tone.

Skin Ethica


Intense Pulsed Light Acne (IPL) and Acne Peel Premium in MD Clinic

Compared to the other three places, besides giving the treatment in the clinic, MD Clinic also has acne treatment, whitening to BB Cushion products which become the most wanted ones and can be purchased online or in the clinic.

To get the treatment there, Intense Pulsed Light Acne (IPL) and Acne Peel Premium are really recommended for you who have acne and acne scar problems. New look with a great complexion can be a perfect thing to start 2020 plus new spirit and energy.

MD Clinic


Those are four places which predicted to be 2020 then. Which one do you choose to fix your skin problem? Try to visit those four places which are located in Bandung and have your time to consult with the doctor. Don’t worry about the budget, with Traveloka Xperience discount, you can save more to look better!

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