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12 Sep 2022 - 7 min read

Trip To Ipoh: Things To Do In Ipoh & Best Restaurant To Eat

Things to do in Ipoh - Countries in Southeast Asia have a strong attraction so that many tourists from outside the continent come to Southeast Asia. One of the countries in Southeast Asia that must be explored is Malaysia, a country rich in culture and history that offers a variety of interesting places that will impress its guests. Kuala Lumpur as the capital city of the country is the area that is best known by many people, but apart from Kuala Lumpur, there are several other areas in Malaysia that are no less interesting, one of which is Ipoh which is the capital of the state of Perak, Malaysia.

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Ipoh is one of the most interesting areas in Malaysia because in this city there are many tourist attractions and delicious culinary delights. Currently, Ipoh has become popular among tourists, thanks to the various famous places that are here. While in Ipoh you will find historic buildings from the British colonial period that still exist today and are used as tourist attractions. Natural tourism and culinary in Ipoh also make it a strong attraction so that it is able to attract many people and decide to come to this city.

1. Birch Memorial Clocktower

Source: Instagram - @imannurdinws

The first recommendation of a popular place is the Birch Memorial Clocktower, which is one of the historical places in this area and has been established since 1909. This place is quite famous and is visited by many local and foreign tourists. This place was built to commemorate a very historic event, namely the death of James WW Birch who was killed by a Malay tribal chief, namely Muzium Darul Ridzuan. Birch Memorial Clocktower is perfect for those of you who like history.

Location: Dato Sagor Road, Ipoh 30000 Malaysia

2. D.R. Seenivasagam Park

Taman D.R. Seenivasagam - Things to do in Ipoh

The second tourist spot that you can visit while in Ipoh is Taman D.R. Seenivasagam, this park is in the center of Ipoh city. This park is a comfortable place to relax with family and friends. In this park, there is also a small lake and an area for children to play. You can have a picnic all day in this park while enjoying the city of Ipoh.

Location: Keliling Dalam Road, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia

3. Kellie’s Castle

Source: Instagram - @hueiiqii

The next tour in Ipoh that you can visit is Kellie's Castle. This tourist location is indeed quite far from the city center of Ipoh, which is located in Batu Gajah. Kellie's Castle is an old building with European architecture. This place has a fairly strong attraction not only because of the shape of the building but also because of the history of the palace being built. More interestingly, this building has a basement.

Location: Gopeng Road, 31000 Batu Gajah, Perak, Malaysia

4. Mural Painting

Source: Instagram - @hfhbhrdn

Next is a very popular and iconic place in Ipoh, namely a mural by a painter from Lithuania, Ernest Zacharevic. For you art lovers, you must come and see the painting. Ernest Zacharevic's murals are poured on the walls in several street corners of Ipoh city. You can see how beautiful the painting is and take pictures here. If you want to see other arts you can also visit some places that are thick with art in Ipoh, Malaysia.

Location: Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia

5. Sri Mariamman Kovil

The recommended popular place that you can visit in Ipoh is Sri Mariamman Kovil or better known as Bila Kek Lok Tong which is a Buddhist temple located in Ipoh City, you can visit this place and see the various activities carried out in the temple. You can also relax here because the courtyard of this building is also quite wide.

Location: Buntong, 30100 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia

6. Lost World of Tambun

Source: Instagram - @namasayaaizza

Another entertainment that you can enjoy in Ipoh is Lost World of Tambun, this place is a family-friendly show. In this place, you can enjoy and watch various performances. There are also several indoor and outdoor rides set amidst stunning natural scenery. If you like a challenge, there's a roller coaster waiting, there are also hot springs to recuperate. There is also a zoo where you can see raccoons, deer, and rabbits. If you want to feel another sensation, you can stay in this place until the evening to see the fire show and the amazing glowing forest.

Location: Persiaran Lagun Sunway 1, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Ipoh 31150 Malaysia
Ipoh is really interesting, isn’t it? Various popular places in this city have their own history so that you not only see the beautiful buildings but also can know the reason for the establishment of these historical buildings. However, apart from offering cultural and historical attractions, Ipoh also has several restaurants serving delicious dishes that you should try.

Best Restaurants in Ipoh

1. Deen CT Corner Cendol

Source: Instagram - @annahbcr

The first dish you must try when visiting Ipoh is the most legendary cendol in this place. This ice cendol filled with red beans and corn is very popular, moreover, the price is also very affordable. Deen CT Corner Cendol provides many types of cendol, such as Ordinary Cendol, Peanut Cendol, Corn Cendol, and Pulut Cendol, or you can also mix all the variants to make it more delicious.

Location:Mustapha Al Bakri Road, Jubilee Park, 30300 Ipoh, Negeri Perak, Malaysia

2. Yong Suan Coffee Shop Marijuana Rice

Source: Instagram @haslizalizz

Next is Nasi Ganja Kedai Kopi Yong Suan or Yong Suan Coffee Shop which is no less interesting to visit, the dishes here are very appetizing. The name seems different from the restaurant in general, it is not without reason that it was given the name Nasi Marijuana the reason is that many people are addicted and always want to come back to this place. If you visit here, it is mandatory to try the favorite menu here, namely, red chicken with thick curry sauce. There are also several other menus such as squid which is no less delicious.

Location:Yang Kalsom Road, Jubilee Park, 30300 Ipoh, Negeri Perak, Malaysia

3. Lou Wong Chicken Sprouts

Source: Instagram - @weijjian

Another chicken menu that you should try is Lou Wong Chicken Bean sprouts which is also a popular food in the Ipoh Region. You must try its flagship menu, the very delicious Bean sprouts Chicken with its tender and juicy chicken plus crunchy bean sprouts. This bean sprout chicken is suitable to be eaten with seasoned rice. In this place, there are also several other menus that you can try.

Location: Yau Tet Shin Road, Jubilee Park, 30000 Ipoh, Negeri Perak, Malaysia

4. Yee Fatt Dry Curry Noodles

Yee Fatt Dry Curry Noodles is another option if you want to taste the food in Ipoh, this restaurant is unique because of its coffee shop style. The place offers several delicious menus, including dry curry noodles and delicious curry soup. There are also several other menus that are no less delicious, if you want to come to this place you should come early, especially on weekends because this place is always crowded with visitors.

Location: Kampar Road, 31650 Ipoh, Negeri Perak, Malaysia

5. M. Salim Restaurant

Source: Instagram - @azaikmalrashid

The last recommendation that is no less delicious is the M. Salim Restaurant, this restaurant offers South Indian food, namely Fish Head Curry, Goat Curry, and salted fried chicken. The menus at this restaurant are also halal, so for you Muslim tourists, don't worry if you want to eat at this place. M. Salim restaurant has two outlets, the first outlet is located at Yang Kalsom Road, and the other outlet is at Tokong Road.

Location:Yang Kalsom Road, Jubilee Park, 30250 Ipoh, Negeri Perak, Malaysia

Besides the recommendations above, there are many other interesting places in Ipoh that you can visit. As a city that is thick with culture, history, and art, Ipoh always spoils every guest who comes.

If you look closely, Ipoh also has other interesting places, such as Concubine Lane & Market Lane, Kong Heng Square, BookXcess Kong Heng, Yasmin Ahmad Museum, and many more. The location is indeed a bit far from Kuala Lumpur City, but the long distance can be paid off with the memorable experience you get while in Ipoh.

So, Malaysia is not only Kuala Lumpur, there are many other areas that are no less interesting, there are many reasons that make you have to plan a vacation to Malaysia, one of which is to visit the city of Ipoh, Malaysia.

If you want to enjoy Ipoh for a long time, you can also stay at various hotels in the city of Ipoh, of course, this has been prepared considering this place is now one of the areas frequented by tourists, both local and foreign. If you choose to stay overnight you can enjoy the city of Ipoh and book a hotel to spend the night in Ipoh through Traveloka.

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