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Smart Combo

Save up to 40% on international round-trip and multi-city flights with premium service airlines.

Why choose Smart Combo?

Save up to 40%

Premium service flights with Smart Combo are cheaper than any round-trip and multi-city flights of the same class.

Full-service airlines

With Smart Combo, you can enjoy full-service facilities from premium airlines such as Air France, Cathay Pacific, Etihad, Garuda Indonesia, KLM, Lufthansa, Singapore Airlines, etc.

All international routes

Book your flights abroad and save with Smart Combo, available in all international and domestic routes in several countries (except in Indonesia).

How can I find Smart Combo flights?

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Select an international round-trip or multi-city route

Enter an international round-trip or multi-city route in the search box. Select the flight dates and the number of passengers, then click Search Flights.

Find Smart Combo

Find flights marked Smart Combo among the search results. Select the flight that suits your needs, then click Choose.

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Choose your flight combination

Smart Combo recommendations for your next flight(s) will appear. Choose a combination that suits your needs.

Continue to payment

After your flight details appear, click Book. Fill in the booking details to proceed to payment.

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