Xperience/Vietnam/Provinsi Quang Nam/Hoi An/Cam An ward/Dahan Spa Experience in Hoi An

Dahan Spa Experience in Hoi An

Dahan Spa: 130 Lac Long Quan, Cam An, Hoi An, Quang Nam
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Hoi An
Mulai dari

Rp 466.213

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Pengalaman yang Menunggumu

Give yourself the pampering you deserve after traveling around the bustling districts of the city
Experience one of the best spa services in Hoi An with Dahan Spa
Sit back and enjoy your foot massage while appreciating the Vintage-inspired interiors of the spa
Complement your spa experience with a traditional tea break after relieving your stress!

Dahan spa provides the best services and the most advanced equipments with Spa system similar to 5-star hotel’s spa standards. Besides using the highest quality Moringa oil in Da Nang, Dahan Spa also uses 4 other natural aroma oils and traditional Vietnamese massage. With a team of well trained, professional massage therapist, just use only hands to massage and not dependent on any type of massage machine, we will help you to relieve the stress of your body and regain your spirit

Dahan Spa with a team of well-trained, professional massage therapists

Immerse yourself into the relaxing ambiance of the spa

Dahan Spa use the highest quality Moringa oil

Feel your troubles melt away as you enjoy spa services at Dahan Spa in Hoi An

Quality massage services for the best price

Treat yourself after a long, tiring week with a deserving body massage therapy at Dahan Spa Hoi An

Sit back and enjoy foot massage while appreciating the Vintage-inspired interiors of the spa

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Detail Lokasi

Dahan Spa: 130 Lac Long Quan, Cam An, Hoi An, Quang Nam
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Frequently Asked Questions

Berapa harga voucher Dahan Spa Experience in Hoi An?
Harga voucher untuk Dahan Spa Experience in Hoi An mulai dari Rp 466.213. Kunjungi halaman ini untuk melihat informasi lengkap mengenai harga Dahan Spa Experience in Hoi An.
Dimana detail lokasi Dahan Spa Experience in Hoi An?
Dahan Spa Experience in Hoi An berada di Dahan Spa: 130 Lac Long Quan, Cam An, Hoi An, Quang Nam. Kunjungi halaman ini untuk panduan cara menuju ke Dahan Spa Experience in Hoi An.
Apa saja pilihan tempat seperti Dahan Spa Experience in Hoi An yang bisa dikunjungi di Hoi An?