
Shared Shuttle Bus Between Hoi An, Hoi An Memories Show and Da Nang City

368 Vo Nguyen Giap, Bac My An, Ngu Hanh Son District, Vietnam
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Ngu Hanh Son District
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Rp 56.875

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Enjoy a shuttle bus transfer between Da Nang and famous Hoi An with Hoi An Memories Show
Enjoy a comfortable ride and spacious and air-conditioned vehicle
Skip the hassle of hopping from one mode of transportation to another with this service

Traveling between Da Nang and Hoi An has become more convenient with the introduction of a shuttle bus service, offering a seamless and comfortable journey for tourists eager to explore the rich cultural heritage of Central Vietnam. The shuttle bus provides a hassle-free transportation option, connecting the vibrant city of Da Nang to the charming ancient town of Hoi An. Passengers can enjoy the scenic route, taking in the picturesque landscapes along the way. Additionally, the shuttle bus service is an ideal choice for those looking to attend the Hoi An Memories Show, a spectacular cultural performance that brings to life the history and traditions of this enchanting town. With the convenience of the shuttle bus, visitors can easily access both destinations, creating a well-rounded experience that combines the beauty of the journey with the captivating entertainment of the Hoi An Memories Show.

With the convenience of the shuttle bus, visitors can easily access both destinations

Charming ancient town of Hoi An

Shuttle bus between Da Nang and Hoi An

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368 Vo Nguyen Giap, Bac My An, Ngu Hanh Son District, Vietnam
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