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  3. Tohoku
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  4. Yamagata
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Hotel Bintang 2 di Higashine-shi, Jepang

Hotel yang Terakhir Dilihat
Kam, 09 Mei 2024
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Bandar Udara Yamagata (GAJ)

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0 review dari berbagai hotel dan penginapan di Higashine-shi dengan rata-rata score 0.0/10
Masih ragu untuk memesan? Agar tidak salah pilih, beberapa penilaian dari hotel-hotel di Higashine-shi dapat membantu Anda untuk memilih penginapan dan hotel terdekat yang tepat!
Thanaphat S.
Profil ini privat.
12 Feb 2024
Fantastic accommodation with just 10 minute walk from JR station. There are also large Aeon store, Uniqlo, Sun drugs just opposite their places. Covered with every basic amenities-toothbrush/toothpaste, pajamas, comb, shave, also green tea powder. Their staff are so kind and polite. Here you can access to the room with just a password received from front desk; No keycard needed with no check-out procedure: you can just walk out from the hotel. They have a free onsen to use. Their breakfast was great with salad, bread, sausage, Japanese-style breakfast, fruits, yogurt. In room they gave you a large size TV with compact size toilet.

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