1. Hotel
  2. Filipina
    (9283 Hotel)
  3. Laguna
    (117 Hotel)
  4. Cavinti
    (3 Hotel)

Hotel Termewah di Cavinti, Filipina

Hotel yang Terakhir Dilihat
Sen, 13 Mei 2024
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Objek Wisata Populer
BuenApetito Restaurante by Las Caidas Wellness Resort, Second Things

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0 review dari berbagai hotel dan penginapan di Cavinti dengan rata-rata score 0.0/10
Masih ragu untuk memesan? Agar tidak salah pilih, beberapa penilaian dari hotel-hotel di Cavinti dapat membantu Anda untuk memilih penginapan dan hotel terdekat yang tepat!
Bryan D.
Profil ini privat.
6 Jan 2024
The resort was beautiful! Our room was very nice, but the sheets were stained. The kiddie pool was not ready for use and the wifi was not working during our entire stay. The walking paths could use some improvements as the grounds are muddy. The staff were quite pleasant and helpful.

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