ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM

From 5 verified guests reviews
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15 Upper Weld Road, Little India, Singapore, 207372

Main Facilities

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ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM is located in area / city Little India. WiFi is available within public areas of the property to help you to stay connected with family and friends.
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What's around ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM

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15 Upper Weld Road, Little India, Singapore, 207372
Lobby ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM
Lobby 2 ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM

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ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM is located in area / city Little India.

About ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM

When staying at a hotel, the design and architecture are two important factors that can spoil your eyes. With its unique setting, ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM provides a pleasant accommodation for your stay.

For you, travelers who wish to travel comfortably on a budget, ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM is the perfect place to stay that provides decent facilities as well as great services.

Experience a unique stay at the historical building of ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM , which you rarely find in other places.

Splendid service together with wide range of facilities provided will make you complain for nothing during your stay at ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM .

WiFi is available within public areas of the property to help you to stay connected with family and friends.

With all facilities offered, ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM is the right place to stay.

All facilities in ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM

Functional Hall ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM
Functional Hall
Common Space ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM
Common Space
Lobby ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM
Accommodation Services ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM
Accommodation Services
Exterior ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM

In-room Facilities

  • Desk
  • Hairdryer
  • In-room safe
  • Refrigerator
  • Shower
  • TV

Hotel Services

  • Express check-in
  • Express check-out
  • Front desk
  • Multilingual staff

Nearby Facilities

  • Grocery
  • Laundry
  • Shops
  • Supermarket


  • AC
  • Non-smoking room

Public Facilities

  • Elevator
  • WiFi in public area


  • Free WiFi

Accommodation Policy & General Information in ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM

Important Note
Planning to check in outside the check-in time (such as early morning or late in the evening)? You can arrange it directly with the property!
Security deposit of $50 will only be pre-authorized via credit card. We do not accept Cash payment.

Check-in/Check-out Time

09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 16:00

General Check-in Instructions

Check in and check out timing is stated on the room name. Please check each timing carefully before booking.
Please note that our hotel practices self-check-in. Please download the ‘ST Signature Chat-In’ mobile App in advance from Apple App Store or Google Play Store for ease of checking in. Thereafter, follow the instructions as prompted. Please note that you can complete your pre-arrival registration 6 days prior to arrival date. However, check in can only be completed while you are present at the hotel.
Credit card Pre-authorization at SGD 50 is required; this will be refunded to you 14 workings days after check-out. Please note that the refund for debit card might take longer, depend on the bank. 
It is a must to check in with either your physical NRIC, FIN Card or passport. A selfie is required for check-in to match with the identification uploaded.
To unlock the door, please turn on Bluetooth on the phone and scan the phone over the door lock.
Early check-in and late checkout are subjected to availability and charges may apply. Please contact Community Hosts via the chat for the arrangement. 
Extra bed is not allowed in all room types
If you are travelling with young children or the elderly, it is advisable to request for rooms with lower beds.
Smoking is strictly prohibited on the premises. A SGD 500 fine will be charged to any guest who violates the smoking policy.
The minimum age required to check in is 18 years. Children or guests who are under 18 years old must be accompanied by parents or with written consent of parents/guardians.
Visitors are not allowed in the room.
For special requests, please write in and note that special requests are subject to availability, cannot be guaranteed and may incur additional charges.
Please note that renovation noises surrounding the building are expected from now till further notice.
Please access hotel entrance and lobby via the back alley (behind the building)
A security deposit of SGD 50 is required upon check-in (subject to change). The property accepts credit card only
Waktu check in dan check out tertera di nama kamar. Harap memeriksa waktu check-in and check-out dengan hati-hati sebelum melakukan pemesanan kamar.
Harap diperhatikan bahwa hotel kami menerapkan check-in mandiri. Harap unduh Aplikasi seluler 'ST Signature Chat-In' terlebih dahulu dari Apple App Store atau Google Play Store untuk kemudahan check-in. Setelah itu, ikuti petunjuk sesuai arahan yang diberikan. Harap diperhatikan bahwa Anda dapat melakukan pendaftaran pra-kedatangan 6 hari sebelum tanggal kedatangan Anda. Namun, check-in hanya dapat dilakukan saat Anda berada di hotel.
Diperlukan pra-otorisasi kartu kredit sebesar SGD 50; ini akan dikembalikan kepada Anda 14 hari kerja setelah tanggal check-out. Harap diperhatikan bahwa pengembalian uang untuk kartu debit mungkin memakan waktu lebih lama, tergantung pada bank.
Adalah keharusan bagi Anda untuk check-in dengan Kartu Identitas fisik (NRIC/KTP), Kartu FIN, atau paspor Anda. Selfie diperlukan pada saat check-in untuk dicocokkan dengan identifikasi yang diunggah.
Untuk membuka kunci pintu, harap aktifkan Bluetooth di ponsel dan scan ponsel Anda melalui kunci pintu.
Check-in lebih awal dan check-out lebih lambat tergantung pada ketersediaan kamar dan dikenakan biaya. Silakan menghubungi Host Komunitas melalui chat.
Tempat tidur tambahan tidak diperbolehkan di semua tipe kamar.
Jika Anda bepergian dengan anak kecil atau orang tua, disarankan untuk meminta kamar dengan tempat tidur yang terletak di bagian bawah.
Dilarang keras merokok di hotel. Denda sebesar SGD 500 akan dikenakan kepada setiap tamu yang melanggar kebijakan merokok.
Usia minimum untuk check-in adalah 18 tahun. Anak-anak atau tamu yang berusia di bawah 18 tahun harus didampingi oleh orang tua atau dengan persetujuan tertulis dari orang tua/wali.
Pengunjung tidak diperbolehkan berada di dalam kamar.
Untuk permintaan khusus, silakan menulis permintaan Anda pada saat melakukan pemesanan kamar dan harap diperhatikan bahwa permintaan khusus bergantung pada ketersediaan kamar, tidak dijamin, dan mungkin dikenakan biaya tambahan.
Harap diperhatikan bahwa kebisingan renovasi di sekitar gedung diperkirakan mulai sekarang hingga pemberitahuan lebih lanjut.
Uang jaminan sebesar SGD 50 diperlukan pada saat check-in (dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu). Properti hanya menerima kartu kredit.

Minimum Age Policy

Minimum age to check-in is 18. Minor guests must be accompanied by adults upon check-in.
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General Information

Popular Facilities
AC, Elevator, WiFi
Check-In / Check-Out Time
09:00 - 16:00 - 09:00 - 16:00

Frequently asked question in ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM

What are available facilities at ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM ?
There are top facilites at ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM such as AC, Elevator, WiFi. (some may require extra charges)
What is normal check-in & check-out time at ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM ?
The standard check-in time at ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM is starting from 09:00 - 16:00 while the latest check-out time is at 09:00 - 16:00

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Dao L.
/ 10
03 Apr 2023
lúc đặt phòng bên app không hề note rõ ràng là booking phòng chỉ có 7h. Đề nghị app cải thiện phần nhắc nhở cho khách hàng đối với những booking khác bình thường.

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Lobby 4 ST Signature Jalan Besar, DAYUSE, 7 hours: 9AM-4PM


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