Xperience/Filipina/Palawan/Puerto Princesa/Salvacion/Puerto Princesa Heritage - Half-Day Tour

Puerto Princesa Heritage - Half-Day Tour

Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines
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Jadwal Tur Paling Dekat | Min, 16 Jun 2024
Durasi Tur | 4 Jam
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Puerto Princesa
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Rp 194.648

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Get to know the rich history of Puerto Princesa by visiting the city's beautiful historic spots
Say hello to the crocodiles and learn about Palawan’s efforts to preserve and protect them
Relish the famed local delicacies and treats at Baker’s Hill where you can buy delicious pasalubongs
Check out Mitra’s Ranch and be amazed by the panoramic view of Puerto Princesa

Puerto Princesa is not just about beautiful beaches and scenic spots; it also has a thriving city center that’s bustling with energy and people, and a rich history and culture. This 4-hour tour will give you the chance to explore the sights and sounds of Puerto Princesa, from its historic spots like churches and walkways to its wonderful shelters that are home to butterflies, crocodiles, and other endemic animals. Along the way, you’ll also get to meet friendly residents, relish local delicacies, and most importantly, shop for pasalubongs! This short and sweet tour will introduce you to the other side of Puerto Princesa that is as beautiful as its natural wonders.

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Jadwal Tur

06:50-07:00 Pickup from downtown Puerto Princesa
07:00-11:00 Tour proper
Palawan Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Center (Crocodile Farm)
Mitra’s Ranch
Bakers Hill
Binuatan Creations (Weaving Loom Center)
Immaculate Concepcion Cathedral
Plaza Cuartel
The Baywalk
Souvenir Shops
Butterfly Garden
Tribal Village
Return to Hotel
Note: (1) Accommodation is not included in the tour package. (2) This is a sample itinerary, the starting time of the tour will be based on your preferred schedule.

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Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines
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Frequently Asked Questions

Berapa harga paket tour Puerto Princesa Heritage - Half-Day Tour?
Harga paket tour untuk Puerto Princesa Heritage - Half-Day Tour mulai dari Rp 194.648. Kunjungi halaman ini untuk melihat informasi lengkap mengenai harga Puerto Princesa Heritage - Half-Day Tour.
Kapan tanggal yang tersedia untuk Puerto Princesa Heritage - Half-Day Tour?
Puerto Princesa Heritage - Half-Day Tour tersedia di tanggal 16 Jun 2024. Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai ketersediaan tanggal dan durasi untuk event tersebut, silahkan kunjungi halaman ini.
Berapa lama durasi Puerto Princesa Heritage - Half-Day Tour?
Durasi tour Puerto Princesa Heritage - Half-Day Tour adalah 4 Jam. Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai ketersediaan tanggal dan durasi untuk event tersebut, silahkan kunjungi halaman ini.