Oasia Resort Sentosa by Far East Hospitality

Dari 168 review tamu yang terverifikasi

Kesan Menginap Tamu Lain

Lilya G.
/ 10
Nyaman banget hotelnya, luas dan bersih, kapan-kapan kesini lagi. Thanks.
Verawati V.
/ 10
Sempurna. pelayanan super bagus dan kamar hotelnya mewah. kemana-mana gampang.
Lingawati L.
/ 10
Lokasi sangat bagus karena dekat dengan merlion sentosa dan express train. Pelayanannya sangat baik. Kami mendapatkan free upgrade gratis karena dalam rangka honyemoon. Thank you Le Meridien
Area Akomodasi
Lihat Peta
23 Beach View, Sentosa Island, Singapore, 098679
Lokasi Strategis

Fasilitas Utama

Kolam Renang
Resepsionis 24 Jam
Journey with us at Oasia Resort Sentosa, an idyllic destination to refresh, recharge and refuel. Tailored to the traveller who values wellness and a well-balanced lifestyle, participate in various fitness activities and wellness workshops where you can learn about sustainability, healthy living, urban farming, and self-care tips. Nestled within the resort is Oasia Spa, a sanctuary of healing and relaxation with Asian-inspired signature treatments.

Info Lokasi di sekitar Oasia Resort Sentosa by Far East Hospitality

Temukan Tempat Lainnya
23 Beach View, Sentosa Island, Singapore, 098679


Lokasi Strategis
Lobi Oasia Resort Sentosa by Far East Hospitality
Lobi 2 Oasia Resort Sentosa by Far East Hospitality

Lebih Lanjut tentang Oasia Resort Sentosa by Far East Hospitality

Journey with us at Oasia Resort Sentosa, an idyllic destination to refresh, recharge and refuel. Tailored to the traveller who values wellness and a well-balanced lifestyle, participate in various fitness activities and wellness workshops where you can learn about sustainability, healthy living, urban farming, and self-care tips. Nestled within the resort is Oasia Spa, a sanctuary of healing and relaxation with Asian-inspired signature treatments.


Explore what the island has to offer with ease, located directly opposite Imbiah Station and key attractions such as the Sensoryscape, Imbiah Nature Trails, SkyHelix, and Universal Studios Singapore, as well as walking distance to Siloso beach..


Oasia Resort Sentosa is part of the enclave of hotels in Sentosa by Far East Hospitality, home to another three uniquely-designed offerings – bespoke luxury at The Barracks Hotel Sentosa, adult-centric at The Outpost Hotel Sentosa, and family-fun at Village Hotel Sentosa. Enjoy the four thematic pools, an award-winning spa, a plethora of dining options, and unique experiences during your visit, as well as access a myriad of event spaces at the Events Centre.

Semua Fasilitas di Oasia Resort Sentosa by Far East Hospitality

Bar, Kafe, dan Lounge Oasia Resort Sentosa by Far East Hospitality
Bar, Kafe, dan Lounge
Kolam Renang Oasia Resort Sentosa by Far East Hospitality
Kolam Renang
Pusat Kebugaran Oasia Resort Sentosa by Far East Hospitality
Pusat Kebugaran
Ruangan Fungsional Oasia Resort Sentosa by Far East Hospitality
Ruangan Fungsional
Lobi Oasia Resort Sentosa by Far East Hospitality

Fasilitas Kamar

  • Jubah mandi
  • Bathtub
  • TV kabel
  • Meja
  • Pengering rambut
  • Brankas kamar
  • Kulkas
  • Pancuran
  • TV

Servis Hotel

  • Bellboy
  • Concierge/layanan tamu
  • Penjaga pintu
  • Resepsionis 24 jam
  • Keamanan 24 jam
  • Laundry
  • Penitipan bagasi
  • Staff multibahasa
  • Fasilitas nikah

Fasilitas Publik

  • Area parkir
  • Lift
  • Restoran
  • Layanan kamar
  • Brankas
  • WiFi di area umum

Kegiatan Lainnya

  • Pusat kebugaran
  • Layanan pijat
  • Kolam renang outdoor
  • Sauna
  • Spa


  • AC
  • Aula
  • Area bebas asap rokok

Fasilitas Bisnis

  • Fasilitas rapat
  • Fotocopy
  • Proyektor

Makanan dan Minuman

  • Restoran ber-AC
  • Sarapan berbiaya


  • Transportasi di area hotel
  • Parkir berjaga


  • Aksesibel bagi penyandang disabilitas

Fasilitas Terdekat

  • Toko

Anak-anak dan Hewan Peliharaan



  • WiFi gratis

Jasa Antar Jemput

  • Antar-jemput bandara berbiaya

Kebijakan Akomodasi & Informasi Umum di Oasia Resort Sentosa by Far East Hospitality

Waktu Check-in/Check-out

Dari 15:00
Sebelum 12:00

Petunjuk Umum Check-in

Deposit is required upon check-in by debit or credit card
Admission into Sentosa is complimentary for hotel guests, up to 4 persons per booking confirmation. For entry via Car or Taxi, please present your hotel confirmation at the Sentosa Admission Gantry 1 or 2 for free complimentary admission into the island. For entry via Sentosa Express monorail, please present your hotel confirmation at the Sentosa Express monorail's ticketing counter at VivoCity (Lobby L, Level 3) to exchange for QR code. Scan the QR code at the Express QR Reader for complimentary ride on the Sentosa Express monorail into the island. Ticketing counter closes at 6pm, please approach the staff at the turnstiles for assistance.
NO NAME CHANGE POLICY: Guest’s identification details indicated during booking is final and any changes thereafter will not be allowed.
ADDITIONAL VERIFICATION REQUIRED UPON CHECK-IN: Booking details must match the original identification documents provided by guest during check-in.

Kebijakan Tambahan

Deposit is required upon check-in by debit or credit card
Admission into Sentosa is complimentary for hotel guests, up to 4 persons per booking confirmation. For entry via Car or Taxi, please present your hotel confirmation at the Sentosa Admission Gantry 1 or 2 for free complimentary admission into the island. For entry via Sentosa Express monorail, please present your hotel confirmation at the Sentosa Express monorail's ticketing counter at VivoCity (Lobby L, Level 3) to exchange for QR code. Scan the QR code at the Express QR Reader for complimentary ride on the Sentosa Express monorail into the island. Ticketing counter closes at 6pm, please approach the staff at the turnstiles for assistance.
NO NAME CHANGE POLICY: Guest’s identification details indicated during booking is final and any changes thereafter will not be allowed.
ADDITIONAL VERIFICATION REQUIRED UPON CHECK-IN: Booking details must match the original identification documents provided by guest during check-in.

Informasi Umum

Fasilitas Populer
AC, Restoran, Kolam Renang, Resepsionis 24 Jam, Parkir, Lift, WiFi
Waktu Check-In/Check-Out
Dari 15:00 - Sebelum 12:00
Ketersediaan Sarapan
Ya, beberapa ruangan menyediakan sarapan.

Pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan di Oasia Resort Sentosa by Far East Hospitality

Fasilitas apa saja yang tersedia di Oasia Resort Sentosa by Far East Hospitality ?
Oasia Resort Sentosa by Far East Hospitality memiliki fasilitas terbaik seperti: AC, Restoran, Kolam Renang, Resepsionis 24 Jam, Parkir, Lift, WiFi. (Beberapa fasilitas lain mungkin memerlukan biaya tambahan)
Kapan waktu check-in & check-out di Oasia Resort Sentosa by Far East Hospitality ?
Waktu untuk check-in di Oasia Resort Sentosa by Far East Hospitality adalah mulai dari pukul Dari 15:00 sedangkan waktu check-out paling lambat pukul Sebelum 12:00
Apakah Oasia Resort Sentosa by Far East Hospitality menyediakan sarapan?
Iya, Oasia Resort Sentosa by Far East Hospitality menyediakan sarapan. Namun kamu perlu memilih kamar dengan sarapan atau harus membayar biaya tambahan jika kamu memesan kamar tanpa sarapan.

Review dari Tamu Lainnya di Oasia Resort Sentosa by Far East Hospitality

Rating & Review

Traveloka (168)
Lainnya (108)
Dari 108 review tamu yang terverifikasi
Sangat Bagus
Paling Membantu
Bahasa Inggris
Tampilkan Ulasan dengan Foto
dermawan k.
Profil ini privat.
/ 10
19 May 2023
Relax, tidak berisik. Nyaman. Untuk istirahat dan rekreasi sangat baik.

1 orang menyukai review ini

Poppy S.
/ 10
30 Apr 2023
Menyenangkan, staf ramah, thank you.

Apakah Anda menyukai review ini?

Ratna I. S.
/ 10
24 Mar 2023
Ulasan foto dari Oasia Resort Sentosa by Far East Hospitality dari Ratna I. S.

1 orang menyukai review ini

Mochamad R.
/ 10
08 Jan 2023
Lokasinya strategis, proses check in cepat dan kamar luas.

2 orang menyukai review ini

Mahmud M.
Liburan Keluarga
/ 10
26 Apr 2019
Pelayanannya bagus dan ramah baik-baik pula.

1 orang menyukai review ini

Devi V.
Shopping & Kuliner
/ 10
03 Apr 2019
Hotel meryidien excellent terlihat hotelnya klasik namun mewah petugasnya ramah-ramah. Dekat dengan sentosa dan universal studio.

3 orang menyukai review ini

teddy T.
Liburan Keluarga
/ 10
07 Mar 2019
Kamar kecil dan sarapan terbatas.

Apakah Anda menyukai review ini?

panji k.
Shopping & Kuliner
/ 10
05 Mar 2019
Sangat bagus, dapat upgrade kamar, salah satu kamar hotel terbaik yang pernah saya dapatkan, pintu kamar mandi otomatic, kamar luas, akses dekat ke USS, Casino, semua walking distance.

2 orang menyukai review ini

Bong H. H.
Liburan Keluarga
/ 10
26 Dec 2018
Hotelnya sangat mudah untuk menjangkau 2 stasiun sentosa express. Pelayanan staf juga sangat baik.

Apakah Anda menyukai review ini?

/ 10
25 Dec 2018
Letak hotel persis di depan terima station imbiah dan cable car station. Hotel berada di area Universal Studios. Pelayanan baik.

1 orang menyukai review ini

An icon button
An icon button

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Buat Pesanan Sekarang
Lobi 4 Oasia Resort Sentosa by Far East Hospitality


Disclaimer: Adalah tanggung jawab hotel untuk memastikan akurasi foto hotel. Traveloka.com tidak bertanggung jawab atas ketidak-akuratan foto hotel. Harga kamar yang ditampilkan adalah untuk tamu dewasa. Anak-anak mungkin akan dianggap sebagai tamu dewasa dan dikenakan biaya penuh kecuali jika tertera sebaliknya. Harga kamar belum termasuk sarapan dan sarapan akan dikenakan biaya oleh hotel kecuali jika tertera sebaliknya.