Chesa Rosatsch - Two Bedroom

Via dal Corvatsch, Silvaplana, Maloja District, Kanton Graubünden, Switzerland, 7513
Lihat Peta

Tentang Akomodasi

Chesa Rosatsch - Two Bedroom is located in area / city Silvaplana. 24-hours front desk is available to serve you, from check-in to check-out, or any assistance you need. Should you desire more, do not hesitate to ask the front desk, we are always ready to accommodate you. WiFi is available within public areas of the property to help you to stay connected with family and friends.

Fasilitas Utama

Resepsionis 24 Jam

Info Lokasi di sekitar Chesa Rosatsch - Two Bedroom

Temukan Tempat Lainnya
Via dal Corvatsch, Silvaplana, Maloja District, Kanton Graubünden, Switzerland, 7513
Bangunan Chesa Rosatsch - Two Bedroom
Bangunan 2 Chesa Rosatsch - Two Bedroom

Lebih Lanjut tentang Chesa Rosatsch - Two Bedroom


Chesa Rosatsch - Two Bedroom is located in area / city Silvaplana.

The accommodation has a very good location, also near the Samedan Airport (SMV), which is only 10.06 km away.

There are plenty of tourist attractions nearby, such as Lenzerheide Ski Resort within 34.37 km, and Arosa Ski Resort within 38.6 km.

About Chesa Rosatsch - Two Bedroom

The highest quality service accompanying its extensive facilities will make you get the ultimate holiday experience.

24-hours front desk is available to serve you, from check-in to check-out, or any assistance you need. Should you desire more, do not hesitate to ask the front desk, we are always ready to accommodate you.

WiFi is available within public areas of the property to help you to stay connected with family and friends.

Enjoy luxurious treats and incomparable experience by staying at Chesa Rosatsch - Two Bedroom.

Semua Fasilitas di Chesa Rosatsch - Two Bedroom

Ruang untuk Umum Chesa Rosatsch - Two Bedroom
Ruang untuk Umum
Bangunan Chesa Rosatsch - Two Bedroom
Kamar Tidur Chesa Rosatsch - Two Bedroom
Kamar Tidur
Toilet Kamar Chesa Rosatsch - Two Bedroom
Toilet Kamar

Olahraga & Rekreasi

  • Windsurf
  • Berlayar
  • Golf


  • Kamar dengan pintu penghubung
  • Area merokok


  • Toilet bagi penyandang disabilitas
  • Aksesibel bagi penyandang disabilitas

Fasilitas Publik

  • Area parkir
  • WiFi di area umum


  • Penyewaan sepeda

Fasilitas Kamar

  • TV

Servis Hotel

  • Resepsionis 24 jam

Kebijakan Akomodasi & Informasi Umum di Chesa Rosatsch - Two Bedroom

Waktu Check-in/Check-out

Dari 15:00
Sebelum 12:00
Hotel policy is not yet available.

Informasi Umum

Fasilitas Populer
Resepsionis 24 Jam, Parkir, WiFi
Waktu Check-In/Check-Out
Dari 15:00 - Sebelum 12:00

Pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan di Chesa Rosatsch - Two Bedroom

Fasilitas apa saja yang tersedia di Chesa Rosatsch - Two Bedroom?
Chesa Rosatsch - Two Bedroom memiliki fasilitas terbaik seperti: Resepsionis 24 Jam, Parkir, WiFi. (Beberapa fasilitas lain mungkin memerlukan biaya tambahan)
Kapan waktu check-in & check-out di Chesa Rosatsch - Two Bedroom?
Waktu untuk check-in di Chesa Rosatsch - Two Bedroom adalah mulai dari pukul Dari 15:00 sedangkan waktu check-out paling lambat pukul Sebelum 12:00

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Kamar Tidur 4 Chesa Rosatsch - Two Bedroom


Disclaimer: Adalah tanggung jawab hotel untuk memastikan akurasi foto hotel. tidak bertanggung jawab atas ketidak-akuratan foto hotel. Harga kamar yang ditampilkan adalah untuk tamu dewasa. Anak-anak mungkin akan dianggap sebagai tamu dewasa dan dikenakan biaya penuh kecuali jika tertera sebaliknya. Harga kamar belum termasuk sarapan dan sarapan akan dikenakan biaya oleh hotel kecuali jika tertera sebaliknya.