Traveloka Team

21 Feb 2024 - 2 min read

Stay Alert: How to Spot and Avoid Hotel Booking Scams

Planning a trip and booking a hotel online is convenient, but it also comes with risks. Hotel booking scams have become increasingly common, and it's important to protect yourself from falling victim to these fraudulent schemes. Let's take a look at some common scams and easy ways to avoid them.

Hotel Booking Scams and How to Avoid Them

Here are some common hotel booking scams to be aware of, along with tips on how you can protect yourself from becoming a victim.

1. Fake Travel Agents

Hotel Booking Scams

Some scammers pretend to be travel agents offering exclusive deals. They might reach out to you through social media, phone calls, or text messages, claiming to have special access to discounted rates. They'll ask you to transfer money to their bank account and provide a fake booking confirmation. Once you send the money, they vanish and become unreachable.

How to avoid it: Stick to reputable booking platforms like Traveloka and only book through their official website or app. Legitimate travel agents won't ask you to transfer money directly to their account.

2. Fake Hotel Websites

Hotel Booking Scams

Scammers create fake hotel websites that look like legitimate ones. They use misleading URLs or domain names similar to well-known brands. When you book a room on these fake websites, you're giving your personal information and credit card details to the scammers.

How to avoid it: Be cautious when entering your information online. Check that the website's URL starts with "https://" for a secure connection. Watch out for any typos or unusual website addresses. If something feels off, don't proceed with the booking.

3. Payment Request for Existing Bookings

Hotel Booking Scams

This scam targets people who have already made legitimate bookings. Fraudsters pose as hotel staff and contact you, asking for full payment in advance. They may use reasons like securing the hotel's occupancy or avoiding cancellations. Once you pay, they disappear, leaving you without a reservation.

How to avoid it: Understand the payment terms and conditions of the booking platform you're using. Reputable platforms often allow you to pay a deposit and settle the full amount upon check-in. Avoid paying in advance unless you've confirmed directly with the hotel.

Tips to Protect Yourself from Hotel Booking Scams

In addition to the previously mentioned precautions, here are some additional tips to further protect yourself from hotel booking scams.

Read reviews and do some background research before making a reservation.
Stick to reputable booking platforms like Traveloka and use their official website or app.
Be cautious of deals that seem too good to be true. Research average prices to set realistic expectations. If you want to get huge discounts, keep an eye out for sale events like the Traveloka EPIC Sale.
Watch out for unsolicited offers. Be wary of unsolicited emails, calls, or messages claiming to offer exclusive hotel deals.
Check the hotel's contact information on their official website or through trusted sources.
Trust your instincts. If something feels suspicious, don't proceed with the booking.

At Traveloka, we prioritize your safety and security. To avoid hotel booking scams, book hotels on our official website or app. Stay cautious with payments, trust your instincts, and enjoy your travels worry-free with Traveloka!

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