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Beyti Restaurant






Beyti Restaurant is a unique Turkish meat restaurant admired not only in the country but all over the world. The warm and friendly owner Mr. Beyti Güler comes to every table every evening to wish you "Bon appetit!", igniting genuine conversation with every guest. From a simple start as a small roadside eatery with only 16 seats in 1945, in 1983 the restaurant moved into a three-story building in Florya neighborhood, close to Atatürk International Airport. Up until today, Beyti retains the same decor since the 1980's era with its double staircase and 11 dining halls decorated with Ottoman tiles and Persian rugs. On the terraces, the waiters in white jackets and black bow ties are ready to serve you. Named after the owner, Beyti kebab is highly recommended and has become an iconic part of the city's social and cultural history. Check their impressive wine list, from Turkey vineyards as well as from special French labels. No wonder that in more than fifty years, many heads of state, politicians, businessmen, and celebrities from all over the world have dined here during their visits to Istanbul. You could find their stories on the framed photographs on the walls.

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Orman Sok. 8, Bakırköy, Istanbul

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