
Cheap flights to Honolulu (HNL)

Flights to Honolulu

How much does it cost to fly to Honolulu?

Prices for flights to Honolulu vary greatly, depending on the departure location, departure time, facilities, airlines chosen, etc. The average cost of flights to Honolulu is around AU$ 1,000 based on the latest check for 2023. 

How many flights to Honolulu in a week?

On average, there are 260 flights to Honolulu each day, either departing from or arriving in the city. This means that in a week, there are a total of 1,820 flights departing from and arriving in Honolulu, Hawaii.

What is the earlier flight to Honolulu?

The earliest flight to Honolulu departs around 06:00 AM. It may vary depending on the departure origin.

What is the best month to visit Honolulu and why?

Travelers looking for the best weather in Hawaii will find that rainfall is the lowest from April to September. During this month, hotel prices are cheaper, and the weather is pleasant for walking

Information Related to Flight to Honolulu for International Flyer

New Zealand & Pacific Ocean countries

Direct flights from countries in the Pacific Ocean to Honolulu, such as Melbourne and Sydney, are available. However, more flights on this route have one or two stops. You have several cities for your layover, including Auckland, Tokyo, and Los Angeles.

In addition, many airlines offer flights from New Zealand and other Pacific Ocean countries to Honolulu. These airlines include Air New Zealand, Asiana, Lufthansa, and more. The duration of direct flights is approximately 10 to 11 hours, while indirect flights with layovers can take anywhere from 16 to 51 hours.

Europe & UK

Direct flights from Europe and the UK to Honolulu are currently unavailable. However, if you are willing to take a flight with one layover, such as in London, the available airlines become more diverse. You have the option to choose from various airlines, including British Airways and Air France.


Direct flights from the USA to Honolulu, such as Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Seattle, and San Diego, are available. Many flights serving this route are available with one or two transit, with many choices of city for transit like Seattle or San Francisco.

Many airlines, such as American Airlines, Alaska Airlines, Delta Airlines, and many more, serve flights from the USA to Honolulu. The flight from New York, USA, to Honolulu is 9 hours and 55 minutes for direct flights from New York. It takes approximately 11 - 30 hours, including transit for non-direct flights from various cities.


Several cities on the Asian continent, including Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul, and Manila, offer direct flights to Honolulu, although the number of these cities is limited. The flight duration to Honolulu varies depending on the departure location, with an average travel time of 14 hours and 4 minutes from an Asian country.


Direct flights from Africa to Honolulu are not available. However, there is a wider variety of airlines available if you choose a flight with one layover, such as in Doha and Seattle. The travel duration to Honolulu depends on the departure location. However, the flight time from an African country is typically between 30 and 51 hours.

South America

There are no direct flights from South America to Honolulu. To reach Honolulu, you will need to change planes twice. For example, you can change planes in Sao Paulo and San Francisco or New York. The total travel time for this route is approximately 30 to 40 hours, including the layovers. Multiple airlines, such as United Airlines and Delta Airlines, operate this route.

Arriving at Daniel K. Inouye International Airport, Hawaii

How far is Daniel K. Inouye International Airport from the downtown / CBD of Honolulu?

The distance from the Airport to the city center is 5 km or around 15 minutes by car.

What is the typical public transportation available at Daniel K. Inouye International Airport? 

If you are arriving at Honolulu Airport, you have several options for public transportation:


If you are traveling alone, taking the bus is your best choice. Buses run approximately every 30 minutes, with routes including numbers 19, 20, and 31.

Airport Taxi

Taxis are available at the terminals in front of the baggage claim areas. It takes around 15 minutes to reach the city center.

Airport Shuttles

This service is typically provided directly by your hotel. 

What is the closest city to Honolulu?

There are several cities near Honolulu that you can visit to get a different vacation experience, such as Halawa, Weimalu, Pearl City, and many more. The distance from Honolulu city center to these cities is two hours or more.

Big Domestic or International Tourist Event in Honolulu 

The Honolulu Festival

The Honolulu Festival is an annual event in Hawaii that celebrates the cultural heritage of Hawaii and the Pacific Rim. It showcases traditional music, dance, arts and crafts, and a variety of food options. Visitors can immerse themselves in the vibrant atmosphere and experience the diversity of cultures.

How much does it cost to fly to Honolulu?

Prices for flights to Honolulu vary greatly, depending on the departure location, departure time, facilities, airlines chosen, etc. The average cost of flights to Honolulu is around AU$ 1,000 based on the latest check for 2023. 

How many flights to Honolulu in a week?

On average, there are 260 flights to Honolulu each day, either departing from or arriving in the city. This means that in a week, there are a total of 1,820 flights departing from and arriving in Honolulu, Hawaii.

What is the earlier flight to Honolulu?

The earliest flight to Honolulu departs around 06:00 AM. It may vary depending on the departure origin.

What is the best month to visit Honolulu and why?

Travelers looking for the best weather in Hawaii will find that rainfall is the lowest from April to September. During this month, hotel prices are cheaper, and the weather is pleasant for walking

Information Related to Flight to Honolulu for International Flyer

New Zealand & Pacific Ocean countries

Direct flights from countries in the Pacific Ocean to Honolulu, such as Melbourne and Sydney, are available. However, more flights on this route have one or two stops. You have several cities for your layover, including Auckland, Tokyo, and Los Angeles.

In addition, many airlines offer flights from New Zealand and other Pacific Ocean countries to Honolulu. These airlines include Air New Zealand, Asiana, Lufthansa, and more. The duration of direct flights is approximately 10 to 11 hours, while indirect flights with layovers can take anywhere from 16 to 51 hours.

Europe & UK

Direct flights from Europe and the UK to Honolulu are currently unavailable. However, if you are willing to take a flight with one layover, such as in London, the available airlines become more diverse. You have the option to choose from various airlines, including British Airways and Air France.


Direct flights from the USA to Honolulu, such as Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Seattle, and San Diego, are available. Many flights serving this route are available with one or two transit, with many choices of city for transit like Seattle or San Francisco.

Many airlines, such as American Airlines, Alaska Airlines, Delta Airlines, and many more, serve flights from the USA to Honolulu. The flight from New York, USA, to Honolulu is 9 hours and 55 minutes for direct flights from New York. It takes approximately 11 - 30 hours, including transit for non-direct flights from various cities.


Several cities on the Asian continent, including Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul, and Manila, offer direct flights to Honolulu, although the number of these cities is limited. The flight duration to Honolulu varies depending on the departure location, with an average travel time of 14 hours and 4 minutes from an Asian country.


Direct flights from Africa to Honolulu are not available. However, there is a wider variety of airlines available if you choose a flight with one layover, such as in Doha and Seattle. The travel duration to Honolulu depends on the departure location. However, the flight time from an African country is typically between 30 and 51 hours.

South America

There are no direct flights from South America to Honolulu. To reach Honolulu, you will need to change planes twice. For example, you can change planes in Sao Paulo and San Francisco or New York. The total travel time for this route is approximately 30 to 40 hours, including the layovers. Multiple airlines, such as United Airlines and Delta Airlines, operate this route.

Arriving at Daniel K. Inouye International Airport, Hawaii

How far is Daniel K. Inouye International Airport from the downtown / CBD of Honolulu?

The distance from the Airport to the city center is 5 km or around 15 minutes by car.

What is the typical public transportation available at Daniel K. Inouye International Airport? 

If you are arriving at Honolulu Airport, you have several options for public transportation:


If you are traveling alone, taking the bus is your best choice. Buses run approximately every 30 minutes, with routes including numbers 19, 20, and 31.

Airport Taxi

Taxis are available at the terminals in front of the baggage claim areas. It takes around 15 minutes to reach the city center.

Airport Shuttles

This service is typically provided directly by your hotel. 

What is the closest city to Honolulu?

There are several cities near Honolulu that you can visit to get a different vacation experience, such as Halawa, Weimalu, Pearl City, and many more. The distance from Honolulu city center to these cities is two hours or more.

Big Domestic or International Tourist Event in Honolulu 

The Honolulu Festival

The Honolulu Festival is an annual event in Hawaii that celebrates the cultural heritage of Hawaii and the Pacific Rim. It showcases traditional music, dance, arts and crafts, and a variety of food options. Visitors can immerse themselves in the vibrant atmosphere and experience the diversity of cultures.

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