Nida Amalia

27 May 2020 - 2 min read

Jendela Xeru: A Fun Way to Help Animals in Batu Secret Zoo

Corona has definitely brought an impact to Indonesia since March. A lot of things changed, study and work from home to a closedown of some public places just to stop people from coming. One of them, of course, is the tourist attraction.

Batu Secret Zoo is one of the favourite tourist attractions which is temporarily closed. This means that Covid-19 also affects not only humans but also animals which inhabit the zoo.

Batu Secret Zoo follows the government’s policy

As social-distancing and public places close-down started being implemented, Batu Secret Zoo also closed its access to the public since March 2020. The plan was until 20 April 2020, but because of the unconducive situation, Batu Secret Zoo extended the closed-access to the public until further notice.

Maximize the treatment for the animals

According to Rosi, a veterinarian who also works in Batu Secret Zoo, the treatment and nutrition for the animals are still their first priority. Nothing changes here. All the animals still get the same schedule for eating and checking up.

Something is a little bit different here since the officers and veterinarians wear personal protective equipment especially when they take care of big animals like an orang-utan. By doing it, it will make less risk of getting infected. All the staff also have to follow the procedure of health checks like checking body temperature before and after work.

An initiative to produce food for the animals

The close-down surely gave a big impact to finance management. With thousands of animals inside Batu Secret Zoo, the management should be more extra in handling logistic expenses needed.

To make it more efficient, Batu Secret Zoo tries to grow Napier grass and do catfish-farming in the area. By having them, it will lower the cost from the outside.

Ready to welcome visitors back when it’s back to normal

While the access is closed, Batu Secret Zoo has been renovating their facilities due to visitors’ convenience in the future.

Besides that, several animals have been observed so they will stay in good shape and ready to welcome the visitors. Bertus, an Indian Rhino flew from Edinburgh Zoo and landed in 2018, has become one of the strongest animals. It looks like a Javanese rhino but bigger and satisfies visitors’ curiosity who can’t go to Ujung Kulon National Park.

Besides Bertus, there’s also Bontang, an orang-utan species smuggled to Thailand and lucky because the government saved and returned him to Indonesia.

Help them stay healthy through Jendela Xeru

We understand that social-distancing and staying at home are our priority then Traveloka Xperience packs all the fun in a different way. You can watch many educational videos on the main page.

There are lots of interesting videos with some information and facts including Batu Secret Zoo. After watching it, you can donate through Traveloka Tanggap that cooperates with kitabisa.com. The donation will be given to those who need it. Starting from IDR 10.000, you can also help them.

Help Animals in Batu Secret Zoo

Batu Secret Zoo

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