Nida Amalia

10 Jun 2020 - 3 min read

Salon & Spa Are Soon to be Open, Check These 6 Safe Tips Before Visiting Them!

After two months of social-distancing, business and economy activity will slowly go normal. Some sectors which will be back to the business are shopping malls and beauty clinics. The Ministry of Trade says there will be several phases which will start in June.

If everything goes smoothly, the salon and spa will reopen in the 4th week of June 2020. For you who have a plan to visit your favourite salon and spa, here are 6 tips you can check:

Make sure you’re healthy

Before deciding to visit your favourite salon and spa, make sure you’re healthy. Check your body temperature and no flu and other symptoms.

Someone who’s not in good shape can easily get infected. So if you’ve planned to come on the first week to the salon and spa, keep your body fit. Start eating healthy food, enough rest and work out to be healthy.

Make sure the salon and spa have a COVID-19 standard check

Either it’s your favourite salon and spa or not, you must check whether or not the place has a COVID-19 standard check. Based on the Ministry of Trade’s instruction, all stores which are soon to be open must have a special procedure for their consumers and staff convenience.

Although it’s a must for them, it’s fine to double-check. Calling the salon and spa you’ll visit can be a choice. Ask them about the procedure they have.

Bring your own toiletries

To make yourself worry less, you can bring your own toiletries like towel, bathrobe, soap and shampoo just to make things safer. You can use your travel-size bottles and bring extra clothes once the treatment is done.

Social-distance yourself from staff and other visitors

Although soon to be open, you still need to follow safety procedures such as social-distance yourself from things or other people, and also while you’re waiting.

Bring your own books or magazines

Usually, salons and spas provide magazines and books for their customers. Reading a fashion magician can be so much fun while waiting or massaging.

Although you can clean some books and magazines with tissue, you’d better bring your own. By bringing your own books and magazines means you protect yourself.

Minimize cash transaction

Based on the recommendation from the World Health Organization (WHO) and also the government, you’d better minimize a cash transaction to prevent the spread of COVID-19. A thus online transaction can be the main substitution to pay in the salon later.

To make it easy, you can buy a treatment voucher for any kind of salon in Traveloka Xperience. You just need to redeem the voucher once you get to your favourite salon. Besides easy and safe, you don’t need to worry when doing the transaction.

Another thing you should know, now Traveloka Xperience is collaborating with partners in the CleanXperience program as an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the new normal era. In this program, Traveloka Xperience partners are committed to implementing the CHS (Clean Health Safety) standard, where visitors’ health is a top priority starting from the transaction process to the service delivery.

This CHS standard applies from tourist attractions, beauty salons, massages & spas, playgrounds, to sports venues. Of course, you also need to implement a personal health protocol to stay safe during your next visit.

Another good thing is, there is a special promo from Traveloka Xperience “Time Machine” where you can buy a voucher now and use it anytime you want until 31 March 2021. Not only that, in Time Machine you can get a 30% to 70% discount. This promo lasts until 20 June 2020. So don’t miss it!

So how is it? Ready to go back to your favourite salon and spa? Keep yourself healthy!

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