
Help Center - Xperience

How to Book a JR Pass

  1. From the Traveloka Xperience homepage, search “JR Pass” using the search bar to find the results directly.
  2. Select the pass that is suitable for your Japan trip. Please note that there are multiple types and fulfillment methods, depending on your trip duration, usage, destination coverage, and preferred pickup or delivery options. For the nationwide JR Pass, bookings must be made at least 6 days in advance before you head to Japan.
  3. Once you find the right pass, carefully review all the details including the important information regarding pass redemption instructions and timeline.
  4. Make sure you read the terms and conditions, then proceed to ticket selection by tapping Find Vouchers and continue to fill in your complete booking details. Double check your data, and select how you want the Exchange Order to be delivered. Then, complete your payment.
  5. After your payment is confirmed, you will receive your Traveloka voucher. Meanwhile, your Exchange Order will be delivered via email or courier, or you can pick it up by yourself.

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