1. Hotel
  2. Malaysia
    (9809 Khách sạn)
  3. Kuala Terengganu
    (293 Khách sạn)
  4. Marang
    (17 Khách sạn)
  5. Pulau Kapas
    (1 Khách sạn)

Các khách sạn sang trọng ở Pulau Kapas, Marang

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Khách sạn sang trọng ở Pulau Kapas được yêu thích nhất

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Giới thiệu

Pulau Kapas is an island off Marang in Terengganu, Malaysia. Pulau Kapas means Cotton Island, a name given to it by locals, due to its soft white beaches. Kapas is a designated marine park; its white-sand beaches are some of the cleanest in Malaysia, and the aquamarine waters are ideal for sea kayaking and snorkelling. Pulau Kapas is one of the most beautiful and relaxing places you will ever visit. It’s truly an island paradise that has a strange power to keep you there longer than you planned on staying. It is not a rich and glamorous place with tons of 5 Star Resorts or expensive restaurants. It is a very minimalistic island, which is what makes it so special. There is not tons of electricity, or decent internet connection — meaning it is the perfect holiday escape. The beach is amazing, the water is perfect, and you will be left speechless when you first arrive.

Pulau Kapas is located just a few kilometres off the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia in the Terengganu province. One of the main reasons you should visit Pulau Kapas is to be exploring it's underwater biodiversity. You can go for snorkelling as a daily activity! You can always see beautiful fish (tons of Nemo), turtles, coral, and even a couple sharks! All you need is a mask, and you can swim out just a minute off the shore, and experience some amazing stuff! Scuba-diving around Pulau Kapas is supposed to be amazing as well. All the places to stay, eat, and drink on Pulau Kapas are on the same side. You can easily walk from one end, all the way down to the other end in about 30-40 minutes depending on how fast you are going. It’s an amazing way to see all the main beaches and soak up the truly relaxing nature of the island. The best part about doing this — the beautiful golden staircases that you will follow. Such a beautiful sight!

How to Get There

By Plane

There is no airport on Kapas Island, but you can always book a flight to Kuala Terengganu Airport. If you are travelling by air, the nearest airport is Sultan Mahmud Airport, which serves the city of Kuala Terengganu and the state of Terengganu. It is located 15 km from Kuala Terengganu town and handles more than 500,000 passengers annually. It has a single runway and serves Malaysia Airlines, Firefly, and Air Asia.

By Boat

From the airport, you can take the short public bus or taxi down to the Marang Jetty. Pulau Kapas is only a short twenty-minute ride off the mainland.

By Bus

If you take the public bus from Kuala Terengganu to the Marang Jetty, just make sure you ask the bus driver to drop you off at Marang.

Tourist Attractions

Perhentian Islands

The Perhentian Islands lie approximately 10 nautical miles (19 km) off the coast of northeastern Malaysia in the state of Terengganu, approximately 40 miles (64 km) south of the Thai border. The name Perhentian means "stopping point" in Malay. This is because the islands became a staging point used by traders travelling from Malaysia to Bangkok. The two main islands are Pulau Perhentian Besar ("Big Perhentian Island") and Pulau Perhentian Kecil ("Small Perhentian Island"). Kecil attracts more travellers as it has cheaper accommodation, while Besar is a little more expensive and caters more to families and those who want to avoid the backpacker party scene. The small, uninhabited islands of Susu Dara, Seringgi and Rawa lie off Kecil. All the islands belong to a protected marine park, which means that fishing, collecting coral and littering are strictly prohibited, although in practice litter is one of the major problems that face the islands.

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