1. Hotel
  2. Philippines
    (9242 Khách sạn)
  3. Negros Oriental
    (140 Khách sạn)
  4. Zamboanguita
    (8 Khách sạn)
  5. Maluay
    (2 Khách sạn)

Các khách sạn tốt nhất ở Maluay, Zamboanguita

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Trả phòng:
Thứ 7, 04 thg 5 2024
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2 khách sạn

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Gaw G.
Đây là tài khoản riêng tư.
12 Jun 2023
Photos are deceiving. The resort is just 300 square meters. It has a very small area with one building which is surrounded by local houses and it has a very noisy environment. You will not feel secure in the place so we ended transferring to another resort. When we were sleeping we heard staff shouting. I needed to take a shit and the other responded, take a shit in that room because the guests still had not arrived. I brought my snorkel because this is a diving resort so I was thinking it has good underwater views but the beach was so full of rocks that going to the beach is painful to your feet and if you use your fins it will get damaged. You need a shoe to swim in sea water or whatever. This is not a family resort. It is so boring. It is really just for divers who will not bring his family. Also dogs are crazy attacking guests. And the pool smells like dog shit maybe dogs are pooping at the poolside. We tried the pool and we can't handle the smell of dog shit. And so we decided to leave and not sleep in the facility since we really dislike it with so much noise.

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