Public Holiday Indonesia 2023

2023 Public Holiday

There are about 15 official holidays in Indonesia every year. From religious occasion to state-related events, those holidays are definitely worth waiting for. There is numerous way to spend your Public Holidays in 2023, including a family vacation to either domestic or international destination.

List of Public Holidays in 2023

1. The New Year

1st January 2023 will fall on a Sunday, which gives you the opportunity to travel far at the beginning of the year.

2. Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year in 2023 falls on Sunday, 22nd January 2023. If you still have many remaining days off, you can also take the Monday off which will give you more holiday.

3. Isra Mi’raj

Isra Mi’raj is commemorated on the 27th day in the month of Rajab or the 7th month in Islamic calendar. In the regular calendar, Isra Mi’raj in 2023 will fall on Saturday, 18th Feb. Isra Mi’raj was an occasion when Muhammad received the first order from Allah to pray for five times during his journey.

4. Day of Silence

Nyepi or Day of Silence is celebrated by Hindus on every new Saka year. In 2023, Day of Silence will fall on Wednesday, 22nd March. This is such an excellent opportunity to go on holiday during the long weekend. There are plenty of popular domestic destinations to choose from, but you may not want to go to Bali because during the Day of Silence, activities will be stopped and tourism spots will be closed.

5. Good Friday

Good Friday is a holiday for Christians, in 2023, Good Friday will fall on 7 April. Good Friday is an occasion when Catholics and Christians remember the day of when Jesus sacrificed himself and died for the people. Since Good Friday always falls on Friday, you can still use this as a chance to have a three-day weekend holiday.

6. Eid al-Fitr

In 2023, Eid al-Fitr holiday is forecast to fall on the 22 and 23 of April, on Saturday and Sunday. Government is expected to set the Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday as the collective holiday, which means you will be able to go on holiday for one whole week, either you’re traveling in the country or abroad.

7. May Day

1st May is the International Workers’ Day and had been made into official holiday since the new regime. This official holiday is normally used by workers or labor to run their protest asking for better pay and welfare. If you’re planning to go around during this day, it is better to avoid areas where workers usually hold their protest, so you will be saved from bad traffic.

8. Ascension Day of Jesus

The commemoration day of the Ascension Day of Jesus in 2023 falls on Thursday, 18 May. If you are able to take a day off on Friday, you will get a four-day weekend which allows you to travel further than just nearby destinations. If you fancy spending more, you can even use this occasion to go abroad to neighboring countries such as Malaysia or Singapore.

9. Pancasila Day

The birth of Pancasila, Indonesia’s foundation of independence, was established as an official holiday in 2016 under the presidency of Joko Widodo. Since then, 1 June has always become a public holiday and in 2023, Pancasila Day will fall on a Thursday.

10. Vesak Day

Vesak Day in 2023 falls on Sunday, 4th May. This means there will be no additional day for a holiday on Vesak Day. However, you can still enjoy this day by visiting some Buddhist temples and watch the celebration going. To feel ambiance more deeply, try to visit the temple early in the morning. Ideally, come at any time before dawn since that’s when most temples start their ceremonies.

11. Eid al-Adha

The Eid al-Adha holiday or the Day of Sacrifice in 2023 will fall on Thursday, 29 June. Eid al-Adha is also expected to be celebrated festively. You can always enjoy this time off by spending it with your loved ones.

12. Islamic New Year

Indonesia as the most populous country with the Muslim majority in the world makes Islamic New Year celebration a big occasion for the nation. Usually, this new year will be celebrated with religious events such as tausiyah and Quran recitation. There is also the Muslim fashion parade by school children. In 2023, the Islamic New Year of Muharram will fall on Wednesday, 19 July.

13. Independence Day

Indonesian Independence Day is commemorated on 17 August every year. In general, this occasion will be celebrated by holding flag ceremony with the reading of proclamation text. The ceremony is normally followed by the various competition to make the celebration feels even more festive. In 2023, Indonesian Independence Day will fall on Thursday, you can now start planning your weekend escape with the loved ones.

14. The Birthday of Prophet Muhammad

Maulid Nabi Muhammad or The Birthday of Prophet Muhammad is also acknowledged as an official holiday by the government. According to Hijriyah Calendar, Maulid Nabi will fall on the 12th month of Rabiul Awwal. Meanwhile, in the regular calendar for the year 2023, Maulid Nabi will fall on Thursday, 28 September.

15. Christmas Day

Every year, Christmas always falls on 25 December. Christmas day is the occasion when Christians and Catholics remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus. Christmas day has also been one of the festive holidays in Indonesia. Just like other holidays, during Christmas time, public areas such as shopping malls will be decorated with Christmas ornaments like Christmas trees. Shopping malls often have their own Santa Claus to attract more visitors, especially children. In 2023, Christmas day will fall on a Monday. You can take this opportunity to extend your day off.

Those listed above are the complete list of Indonesian Public Holiday for 2023, which you can remember and refer to for planning your next holiday with the family. By discovering the dates of Public Holiday early, you can plan your vacation ahead and have more time to save up for your holiday expense. For easier holiday planning, use Traveloka mobile app to book your flights, hotels, and other activities like festivals and culinary trip. You will be able to fill your holiday needs more effectively.

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