Makassar to Malinau
Route desktop cover image

Flight from Makassar (UPG) to Malinau (LNU)

Flying to Malinau

Things to know before you go
Cheapest one-way flight
Rp 3.492.100
Cheapest round-trip flight
Rp 5.872.750
Cheapest month to fly
Shortest flight duration

7 hr(s), 15 mins

Traveloka helps you find cheap and promo flights to Malinau (LNU)



Price from

Super Air Jet, Wings Air
Tuesday, 18 Jun 2024
Rp 3.492.100
Susi Air, Super Air Jet
Thursday, 20 Jun 2024
Rp 4.090.420
Susi Air, Lion Air
Thursday, 20 Jun 2024
Rp 4.148.820
Sriwijaya Air, Lion Air, Wings Air
Monday, 17 Jun 2024
Rp 4.744.600
Batik Air, Wings Air
Wednesday, 12 Jun 2024
Rp 5.014.600
Sriwijaya Air, Super Air Jet, Wings Air
Monday, 24 Jun 2024
Rp 5.099.600
Garuda Indonesia, Lion Air, Wings Air
Friday, 28 Jun 2024
Rp 5.946.300

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to buy flight tickets Makassar to Malinau via Traveloka?
Booking flight tickets Makassar to Malinau on Traveloka is very easy. You just have to open the Traveloka website or Traveloka App and select "Flights". Choose flight tickets according to your travel needs, starting from the departure date, route Makassar to Malinau, to the airline.
When is the best time to book flight tickets Makassar to Malinau via Traveloka?
You can book your flight tickets Makassar to Malinau anytime you want. The earlier you book the flight ticket Makassar to Malinau, the better for you.
How to reschedule my Makassar to Malinau Flight booking?
    There are two types of reschedules that you can use, the first is the Regular Reschedule and the second one is Reschedule+. Basically, the two options have the same steps, but in a particular step, you need to choose between Regular Reschedule and Reschedule+. Please follow this guide for more detailed information:
    1. Go to your Traveloka App homepage and tap Bookings.
    2. Open your e-ticket for the flight you want to reschedule. Go to the Manage Booking section and tap Reschedule.
    3. You will be directed to the Flight List, tap Continue to Select Flight(s).
    4. Tick the flight(s) and passenger(s) that you want to reschedule.
    5. Below, you will see the Reschedule Type section. You can choose between Regular Reschedule or Reschedule+.
    6. Once you’ve selected the type of reschedule you want, tap Continue.
    7. Please read the Reschedule Terms & Conditions. After you’ve finished, tick I agree to the Reschedule Policy, then tap Continue.
    8. Now you will need to fill in the details to search for your new flight. Once you’ve finished, tap Search.
    9. Pick one of the newly available flights that suits your needs.
    10. After you’ve selected your new flight, you need to review the new flight and price details.
    11. If everything is already in place, tap Continue to move to the payment process.
    12. Choose your preferred payment method and complete your payment.
    13. Once your payment is received and the process is completed, find your new e-ticket on the Bookings page and your email.
How to refund my Makassar to Malinau Flight booking?
    For an easier refund process, make sure to log in to your Traveloka account when booking. Then, follow these steps to request your refund:
    1. Log in or register to Traveloka
    Log in to the Traveloka account used during booking. If you don't have an account, please register to Traveloka using the same email used to make the booking.
    2. Open your e-ticket through My Booking
    Go to My Booking and choose the booking you wish to refund. Then, click Refund.
    3. Read your refund policy and estimation.
    You will be able to see the refund policy for your booking, as well as the refund amount estimation. Then, you can click Start My Refund.
    4. Complete your refund details and documents
    Select the flight and passenger(s) you wish to refund. Make sure to select the correct refund reason, and to upload the relevant supporting documents (if applicable).
    5. Submit your refund request
    Review your refund details and click Submit Refund. Your refund request will then be reviewed by Traveloka, and forwarded to the airline.
How long the duration of flights from Makassar to Malinau?
The flight from Makassar to Malinau will take around 7 hr(s) 15 mins.
What airlines serve Makassar to Malinau flights?
There are various best airlines that serve Makassar to Malinau flight routes. You can directly check the airline that serves Makassar to Malinau route by searching for flight tickets on Traveloka. Let's book Makassar flight tickets to Malinau and enjoy a comfortable trip with Traveloka.

Flight from Makassar (UPG) to Malinau (LNU)

Want to Travel to Malinau from Makassar? Let's Check the Airplane Routes

For those of you who want to travel to Malinau from Makassar, the choice of fast and safe mode of transportation is the plane. Although you have to go through a transit process and take time, it is worth it for the beauty of Malinau. Check out complete information about flight routes from Makassar to Malinau, below:

Information about Flight Routes from Makassar to Malinau

Since you're crossing the island from Makassar to Malinau, a plane is the perfect transportation option for you. However, you'll need to check out some information about the flight routes, which are as follows:

1. Types of Flight Routes

As mentioned earlier, there are no direct flights from Makassar to Malinau. However, only connecting flights are available so you have to go through the transit process once. The flight duration is about 2 hours 55 minutes, excluding estimated transit time.

2. Variety of Airline Options

You can choose from a variety of airlines to suit your budget and travel duration. The following is a selection of airlines that can be chosen for the flight route from Makassar to Malinau:

  • Lion Air + Wings Air (you will transit 1 time in Balikpapan).
  • Super Air Jet + Wings Air (you will transit 1 time in Balikpapan).

3. Ticket Price Information from Makassar to Malinau

Of course, the price of a ticket from Makassar to Malinau varies greatly, depending on when the date of your departure. The cheapest flight ticket price from Makassar to Malinau is IDR 2,443,500 in March. Meanwhile, the most expensive flight ticket is in August, with the ticket price is IDR 3,366,700.

Getting to know Makassar Airport and Malinau Airport

Makassar has an international airport called Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport. Sultan Hasanuddin Airport in Makassar is one of the busiest airports serving flights to and from all over Indonesia, as well as connecting with other major cities.

Almost all airlines sell tickets to Makassar, both for domestic and international destinations. Every day, the airport serves six wide-body flights, including one Boeing 747-400 to Medan and Jeddah, as well as three Airbus A330-300 and two Airbus A330-900 to Jakarta.

Meanwhile, Malinau Airport, named Colonel R. A. Blessing Airport, is an airport that only serves ATR aircraft, such as Susi Air, Wings Air, MAF, and Xpress Air. The airport only receives arrivals of the largest commercial aircraft, the ATR 42 and ATR 72-500/600 operated by Xpress Air and Wings Air.

Get to know the beauty of Malinau, a Hidden Gem in North Kalimantan

Malinau may not sound as familiar as Samarinda or Balikpapan. However, Malinau has great tourism potential and is interesting to visit. Check out information about tourist destinations and also annual festivals in Malinau, below:

1. Tourist Destinations in Malinau

There are several tourist destinations in Malinau that offer natural beauty typical of Indonesia. Moreover, most of them can be accessed without an entrance fee. Let's see what tourist destinations in Malinau are interesting to visit:

  • Semolon Waterfall: This is the largest hot spring in Malinau. You can try to wash your body here because Malinau people believe that this waterfall can cure various diseases.
  • Sentaban River: While playing in the water, you can see the breathtaking beauty of Borneo's native forests with the view of trees covering the towering hills.
  • Setulang Tourism Village: This is a village that showcases the distinctive culture of the Dayak Kenyah tribe. Here, you can learn about culture in a fun way, such as seeing traditional dances and Kenyah tribal art performances, as well as unique Kenyah tribal traditional houses.

2. Is the Airfare to Malinau High?

If you're traveling from Makassar, the price of a flight ticket to Malinau is quite high, starting from Rp 2 million. However, what you need to know is that the price of flight tickets to Malinau can vary due to several factors.

In certain months, ticket prices may be high due to high demand, such as school holidays. In other months, prices may be lower due to lower demand or ticket promotions. In addition, other factors such as seat availability and flight schedules can also affect ticket prices.

3. Annual Festival in Malinau

Malinau has a famous art and cultural festival called the Irau Malinau Cultural Festival. This cultural festival is often held to coincide with the anniversary of Malinau district. In this cultural festival you can see various activities ranging from art and cultural performances to various competitions, exhibitions, and also entertainment.

If you are interested in exploring the beauty of Malinau, make a flight ticket booking only at Traveloka. The reason is, Traveloka provides flight routes from Makassar to Malinau at the best prices so that your travel budget is more efficient.

Feel the convenience of booking flight tickets at Traveloka because you can access the application anytime and anywhere. Let's realize your dream to explore the hidden gem of North Kalimantan, Malinau, with Traveloka!

Want to Travel to Malinau from Makassar? Let's Check the Airplane Routes

For those of you who want to travel to Malinau from Makassar, the choice of fast and safe mode of transportation is the plane. Although you have to go through a transit process and take time, it is worth it for the beauty of Malinau. Check out complete information about flight routes from Makassar to Malinau, below:

Information about Flight Routes from Makassar to Malinau

Since you're crossing the island from Makassar to Malinau, a plane is the perfect transportation option for you. However, you'll need to check out some information about the flight routes, which are as follows:

1. Types of Flight Routes

As mentioned earlier, there are no direct flights from Makassar to Malinau. However, only connecting flights are available so you have to go through the transit process once. The flight duration is about 2 hours 55 minutes, excluding estimated transit time.

2. Variety of Airline Options

You can choose from a variety of airlines to suit your budget and travel duration. The following is a selection of airlines that can be chosen for the flight route from Makassar to Malinau:

  • Lion Air + Wings Air (you will transit 1 time in Balikpapan).
  • Super Air Jet + Wings Air (you will transit 1 time in Balikpapan).

3. Ticket Price Information from Makassar to Malinau

Of course, the price of a ticket from Makassar to Malinau varies greatly, depending on when the date of your departure. The cheapest flight ticket price from Makassar to Malinau is IDR 2,443,500 in March. Meanwhile, the most expensive flight ticket is in August, with the ticket price is IDR 3,366,700.

Getting to know Makassar Airport and Malinau Airport

Makassar has an international airport called Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport. Sultan Hasanuddin Airport in Makassar is one of the busiest airports serving flights to and from all over Indonesia, as well as connecting with other major cities.

Almost all airlines sell tickets to Makassar, both for domestic and international destinations. Every day, the airport serves six wide-body flights, including one Boeing 747-400 to Medan and Jeddah, as well as three Airbus A330-300 and two Airbus A330-900 to Jakarta.

Meanwhile, Malinau Airport, named Colonel R. A. Blessing Airport, is an airport that only serves ATR aircraft, such as Susi Air, Wings Air, MAF, and Xpress Air. The airport only receives arrivals of the largest commercial aircraft, the ATR 42 and ATR 72-500/600 operated by Xpress Air and Wings Air.

Get to know the beauty of Malinau, a Hidden Gem in North Kalimantan

Malinau may not sound as familiar as Samarinda or Balikpapan. However, Malinau has great tourism potential and is interesting to visit. Check out information about tourist destinations and also annual festivals in Malinau, below:

1. Tourist Destinations in Malinau

There are several tourist destinations in Malinau that offer natural beauty typical of Indonesia. Moreover, most of them can be accessed without an entrance fee. Let's see what tourist destinations in Malinau are interesting to visit:

  • Semolon Waterfall: This is the largest hot spring in Malinau. You can try to wash your body here because Malinau people believe that this waterfall can cure various diseases.
  • Sentaban River: While playing in the water, you can see the breathtaking beauty of Borneo's native forests with the view of trees covering the towering hills.
  • Setulang Tourism Village: This is a village that showcases the distinctive culture of the Dayak Kenyah tribe. Here, you can learn about culture in a fun way, such as seeing traditional dances and Kenyah tribal art performances, as well as unique Kenyah tribal traditional houses.

2. Is the Airfare to Malinau High?

If you're traveling from Makassar, the price of a flight ticket to Malinau is quite high, starting from Rp 2 million. However, what you need to know is that the price of flight tickets to Malinau can vary due to several factors.

In certain months, ticket prices may be high due to high demand, such as school holidays. In other months, prices may be lower due to lower demand or ticket promotions. In addition, other factors such as seat availability and flight schedules can also affect ticket prices.

3. Annual Festival in Malinau

Malinau has a famous art and cultural festival called the Irau Malinau Cultural Festival. This cultural festival is often held to coincide with the anniversary of Malinau district. In this cultural festival you can see various activities ranging from art and cultural performances to various competitions, exhibitions, and also entertainment.

If you are interested in exploring the beauty of Malinau, make a flight ticket booking only at Traveloka. The reason is, Traveloka provides flight routes from Makassar to Malinau at the best prices so that your travel budget is more efficient.

Feel the convenience of booking flight tickets at Traveloka because you can access the application anytime and anywhere. Let's realize your dream to explore the hidden gem of North Kalimantan, Malinau, with Traveloka!

Flight Duration

7 hr(s) 15 mins

Airport in Makassar
Airport in Malinau

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