
Help Center - Xperience

How to Cancel and Get a Refund for an Xperience Booking

Before booking an Xperience, please check Reschedule & Refund under the More Things You Should Know section at the bottom of the activity page to see if it’s eligible for cancellation or refund. Activities with Easy Refund labels in categories such as Beauty & Spa or Tours are typically eligible for refund, but are subject to terms and conditions. After you book, you can see the cancellation policy on your voucher through My Booking.

If you want to request a refund for your Xperience activity purchase, follow these steps:

1. Open My Booking on your Traveloka App.

2. Scroll down to the Manage Booking section. If your booking is eligible, you will be able to see the Refund button (available on Traveloka App version 3.18 and above or Traveloka website on desktop).

3. Tap the button and read the Refund Info to find out about eligibility, deadline, refund amount, and processing time.

4. If it is eligible, continue by tapping Start My Refund on the bottom to submit your request.

5. Fill in the required details and reason(s) of cancellation.

6. After submitting your refund request, you can see the status of your refund in the Refund History tab.




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