Seat Alert on Traveloka

Train tickets sold out? Don’t lose hope just yet! Use Seat Alert and get notified if PT KAI adds new trains or if another passenger cancels their ticket and a seat becomes available in your fully-booked train. Not only that, you can also use Seat Alert to get notified when new ticket sales open so you can be the first to make a booking.

Get Seat Alerts on Traveloka App

Planning to travel in high season?

Book your tickets as soon as ticket sales open, from 90 days before departure.

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Why should I set a Seat Alert?

Non-stop Tracking

Seat Alert continuously tracks train seat availability. Therefore, you can choose to be notified as soon as new trains are available and if seats open in your fully-booked train.

Smart Reminder

Not only can Seat Alert notify you when seats become available, it can also remind you when ticket sales open so you can be the first to make a booking.

Instant Notification

You will be notified as soon as seats become available for your train. Therefore, you will be able to book them immediately and not miss your chance.

Easy to Set Up

Just fill in the details of your desired train, such as the route, departure date, and number of passengers, and you’re all set.

How to Set an Alert

Start from the search page or search results

To set a new alert, you can tap Set Alert that will appear when you see fully-booked trains on the search results, or the Seat Alert icon on the train search page.

Add new alert from the Seat Alert homepage

If you tap the icon on the train search page, you will be directed to the Seat Alert homepage. Tap the + button to set a new alert.

Go to My Booking
Go to My Booking

Fill in your alert details

Fill in details such as your train route, date, number of passengers, and the times you want to be notified.

Make sure your alert has been successfully set

You will see a page confirming that your alert has been successfully created. Now you just need to keep an eye out for the notifications.

Go to My Booking
Go to My Booking

Track your alerts

In case you miss the notifications, you can also track your alerts by tapping the Seat Alert icon on the train search page.

What notifications will I get?

Train tickets become available on several occasions, such as when ticket sales open, if additional trains are available, and if a passenger cancels their ticket. Here’s several things we can notify you on with Seat Alert.

Additional Trains

When demands are high, chances are PT KAI will add new trains schedules for that route. Seat Alert will send notification as soon as these additional trains are available so you can book them immediately.


Seats Available

Get notified when train seats are still available or when someone cancels their tickets and seats are up for grabs. However, you need to book them fast because there will only be limited tickets at a time.


Ticket Sales Open

You can only book train tickets from 90 days in advance, but you do not always remember when that day actually comes. Set an alert to get a reminder when ticket sales open so you don’t miss your chance.


Regular Update

Additional trains and canceled tickets do not come daily. However, we can keep you updated on your train availability and to advise when you should start considering other transport options.

Flight Price Alert
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Train Seat Alert
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