
Cheap flights to Agimuga (AGI)

Flights to Agimuga, Indonesia

Agimuga is an area in Mimika, Papua, Indonesia. The distance between Agimuga to Mimika capital is 87.5 km. Agimuga is located in Papua Province under the Mimika area. The regional head of Agimuga is Yohanis Piligame. Agimuga has a total area of 1772 sq. Km. The population of Agimuga is 822 residents based on the census conducted in 2010. Of the total, 443 are men and 379 are women. Agimuga has four villages in it, namely Kampung Fakafuku, Kampung Kiliarma, Kampung Amungun and Kampung Aramsolki. A total of 268 people or 32.6 percent of Agimuga residents live in Kampung Aramsolki. The least populated village is Kampung Kiliarma with a population of only 155 people or 18.86 percent. The proportion of male populations is greater than the populations of women. Agimuga is bordered on the North with Jila area, in the West with Mimika Baru, in the South with Jita and in the East with the Agats area.

Airports in Agimuga

1. Agimuga Airport

Agimuga Airport is an airport serving Agimuga, Mimika, Papua, Indonesia. This Agimuga Airport has only one runway. You can take a flight from the airport to your place to come to Agimuga.

How to Get Cheap Flights to Agimuga

Traveloka is a travel search engine that makes it easy for travellers to find the cheapest flights to Agimuga. All you need to do is key in the information in the search box, and the application will recommend the best trip according to your budget. It compares flight prices across some trusted airlines to help you to get the best possible deal. Use Traveloka's price alert feature to be notified of flights in your desired price range to get the best flight price to Agimuga.

When is the Best Time to Fly to Agimuga?

The Agimuga District is within the Mimika Territory. So, the temperature and climate at Agimuga and the rest of the area are almost the same. This Mimika region belongs to climate type A according to classification by Schmidt-Ferguson. According to this type of climate, this area receives rainfall exceeding 100 mm per year. According to the classification of Koppen, the Mimika Territory is classified in type A. According to Timika's Meteorological and Geophysical Agency, the average minimum temperature in the Mimika region is about 23 °C in March and can rise to the highest level of 34.2 °C in January. In other areas of Mimika Province as in the Tembagapura area, temperatures can be as low as 3 °C to 20 °C.

This Mimika region has an average air humidity of 89.25% with the highest air humidity recorded in July. The average wind speed in Mimika Region is around 6.25 knots with the highest wind speed recorded in May, August and September. The highest rainfall in Mimika Province occurs in June with rainfall of 1082.2 mm. Meanwhile, the lowest rainfall was recorded in January as low as 178.6 mm. According to BMG Timika Station, Mimika Region has a large number of rainy days, ranging from 22 to 31 rainy days. The rain falls almost daily in Timika.

You can choose the right time to come to Agimuga. You can make a plan to come to Agimuga when the local there are preparing to celebrate any ceremony or celebration to experience the excitement there. Among the celebrations celebrated in Agimuga is the Christmas Day Celebration, New Year Celebration and also the Papua Independence Day. You are advised to make flight and accommodation reservations in advance to get an affordable price offer because of at these times; travellers will become more and more crowded. So, the hotel and flight prices are increasing.

What are the Top 3 Things to Do in Agimuga?

1. Lorentz National Park - It is located in Papua, Indonesia. The Lorentz National Park was formerly known as Irian Jaya or West New Guinea. It has an area of 25,056 sq km. Lorentz National Park is the largest state park in Southeast Asia. In 1999, Lorentz National Park declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Lorentz National Park is the best example of a national park. Lorentz National Park is one of the ecologically diverse parks. It is also the only natural reserve in the Asia Pacific region that has a rich diversity of ecosystems. Lorentz National Park also includes marine, mangroves, rainforests, volcanoes and equatorial glaciers. At an altitude of 4884 meters, Puncak Jaya, formerly known as Carstensz Pyramid is the highest mountain between the Himalayas and the Andes. Birdlife International calls this Lorentz National Park as the most important reserve in Papua. Lorentz National Park has many areas that have not been studied and explored. Indeed, there are many other species of plants and animals that are not yet known. The Lorentz National Park is named after the Dutch explorer Hendrikus Albertus Lorentz who visited the area on an expedition from 1909 to 1910.

2. Lake Sentani - Located in the Jayapura area. You can visit this lake to watch the scenery if you are in Agimuga.

3. Three Kings Cathedral - Located in the capital of Mimika Region, Timika. You can visit the church here as it is one of the tourist attractions there.

Agimuga is an area in Mimika, Papua, Indonesia. The distance between Agimuga to Mimika capital is 87.5 km. Agimuga is located in Papua Province under the Mimika area. The regional head of Agimuga is Yohanis Piligame. Agimuga has a total area of 1772 sq. Km. The population of Agimuga is 822 residents based on the census conducted in 2010. Of the total, 443 are men and 379 are women. Agimuga has four villages in it, namely Kampung Fakafuku, Kampung Kiliarma, Kampung Amungun and Kampung Aramsolki. A total of 268 people or 32.6 percent of Agimuga residents live in Kampung Aramsolki. The least populated village is Kampung Kiliarma with a population of only 155 people or 18.86 percent. The proportion of male populations is greater than the populations of women. Agimuga is bordered on the North with Jila area, in the West with Mimika Baru, in the South with Jita and in the East with the Agats area.

Airports in Agimuga

1. Agimuga Airport

Agimuga Airport is an airport serving Agimuga, Mimika, Papua, Indonesia. This Agimuga Airport has only one runway. You can take a flight from the airport to your place to come to Agimuga.

How to Get Cheap Flights to Agimuga

Traveloka is a travel search engine that makes it easy for travellers to find the cheapest flights to Agimuga. All you need to do is key in the information in the search box, and the application will recommend the best trip according to your budget. It compares flight prices across some trusted airlines to help you to get the best possible deal. Use Traveloka's price alert feature to be notified of flights in your desired price range to get the best flight price to Agimuga.

When is the Best Time to Fly to Agimuga?

The Agimuga District is within the Mimika Territory. So, the temperature and climate at Agimuga and the rest of the area are almost the same. This Mimika region belongs to climate type A according to classification by Schmidt-Ferguson. According to this type of climate, this area receives rainfall exceeding 100 mm per year. According to the classification of Koppen, the Mimika Territory is classified in type A. According to Timika's Meteorological and Geophysical Agency, the average minimum temperature in the Mimika region is about 23 °C in March and can rise to the highest level of 34.2 °C in January. In other areas of Mimika Province as in the Tembagapura area, temperatures can be as low as 3 °C to 20 °C.

This Mimika region has an average air humidity of 89.25% with the highest air humidity recorded in July. The average wind speed in Mimika Region is around 6.25 knots with the highest wind speed recorded in May, August and September. The highest rainfall in Mimika Province occurs in June with rainfall of 1082.2 mm. Meanwhile, the lowest rainfall was recorded in January as low as 178.6 mm. According to BMG Timika Station, Mimika Region has a large number of rainy days, ranging from 22 to 31 rainy days. The rain falls almost daily in Timika.

You can choose the right time to come to Agimuga. You can make a plan to come to Agimuga when the local there are preparing to celebrate any ceremony or celebration to experience the excitement there. Among the celebrations celebrated in Agimuga is the Christmas Day Celebration, New Year Celebration and also the Papua Independence Day. You are advised to make flight and accommodation reservations in advance to get an affordable price offer because of at these times; travellers will become more and more crowded. So, the hotel and flight prices are increasing.

What are the Top 3 Things to Do in Agimuga?

1. Lorentz National Park - It is located in Papua, Indonesia. The Lorentz National Park was formerly known as Irian Jaya or West New Guinea. It has an area of 25,056 sq km. Lorentz National Park is the largest state park in Southeast Asia. In 1999, Lorentz National Park declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Lorentz National Park is the best example of a national park. Lorentz National Park is one of the ecologically diverse parks. It is also the only natural reserve in the Asia Pacific region that has a rich diversity of ecosystems. Lorentz National Park also includes marine, mangroves, rainforests, volcanoes and equatorial glaciers. At an altitude of 4884 meters, Puncak Jaya, formerly known as Carstensz Pyramid is the highest mountain between the Himalayas and the Andes. Birdlife International calls this Lorentz National Park as the most important reserve in Papua. Lorentz National Park has many areas that have not been studied and explored. Indeed, there are many other species of plants and animals that are not yet known. The Lorentz National Park is named after the Dutch explorer Hendrikus Albertus Lorentz who visited the area on an expedition from 1909 to 1910.

2. Lake Sentani - Located in the Jayapura area. You can visit this lake to watch the scenery if you are in Agimuga.

3. Three Kings Cathedral - Located in the capital of Mimika Region, Timika. You can visit the church here as it is one of the tourist attractions there.

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