
Cheap flights to Sibolga (RRZ)

Flight to Sibolga, Indonesia

Sibolga City is one of the municipalities in the province of North Sumatra, Indonesia. The city is located on the West Coast of the island of Sumatra, stretching along the coast from North to South and located in the Gulf region of Tapian Nauli. The distance is approximately 350 km from the city of Medan or 8 hours’ drive. The city only has an area of 10.77 sq. km and has a population of around 95,471 people according to the census conducted in 2015. During the Dutch East Indies time, the city was the capital of the Tapanuli Residency. After the independence period until 1998, Sibolga became the municipality of Sibolga. Based on the results of the 2010 Population Census, the population of the temporary Sibolga City was 84,481 people, consisting of 42,408 men and 42,073 women. From the results of the census also, Sibolga South Subdistrict is the district with the highest population of 30,082 people, while the sub-districts with the smallest population are Sibolga City District, which is 14,304 people. The district with the highest population density is Sibolga Sambas Subdistrict, which is 12,821 people per sq. km.

Airports in Sibolga

Ferdinand Lumban Tobing Airport

Dr. Ferdinand Lumban Tobing Airport is an airport located in Pinangsori District, Tapanuli District, North Sumatra. This airport has a runway size of 2,260 × 30 m. The distance from Sibolga is around 40 km. The airport is named after Ferdinand Lumban Tobing, Indonesia's national hero from North Sumatra. If you are coming from the Philippines, you can board a flight at Ninoy Aquino International Airport to get to the Dr. Ferdinand Lumban Tobing Airport. However, there are no direct flights available from the Philippines to Sibolga. You need to transit to other airports before making a flight to Sibolga. You can get a deal from PHP 49,218 for a return ticket.

How to Get Cheap Flights to Sibolga

Traveloka is a travel search engine that makes it easy for travellers to find the cheapest flights to Sibolga. All you need to do is key in the information in the search box, and the application will recommend the best trip according to your budget. It compares flight prices across some trusted airlines to help you to get the best possible deal. Use Traveloka’s price alert feature to be notified of flights in your desired price range to get the best flight price to Sibolga.

When is the Best Time to Fly to Sibolga?

The peak and busiest times of Sibolga are in January followed by October and December. Hotel prices, as well as flight tickets, will be higher than any other months. However, you can still get great deals if you book a flight or accommodation ticket earlier. The lesser month with travellers is in November. You can get cheap flight tickets and hotels if you are visiting Sibolga that month.

The climate of Sibolga city is quite hot with a maximum temperature reaching 32 °C and a minimum of 21.6 °C. While rainfall in Sibolga tends to be irregular throughout the year. The highest rainfall occurs in November with a total of 798 mm, while the most rainfall occurs in December, which is 26 days.

You can visit Sibolga in the month of Syawal according to Islamic calendar to celebrate the Eidul Fitri together with the locals in Sibolga.

What are the Top 3 Things to Do in Sibolga?

Poncan Gadang Island – if from the East of Medan, the location of the island is only 365 kilometers. Therefore, this Poncan Island is very close to the dock in the city of Sibolga. You are not only treated to the beauty of nature and around the sea but also can enjoy Japanese caves that are believed to make this island a strong attraction. Besides, this beauty also makes tourists want to travel here, both local and international tourists. You will see for yourself the exoticism and beauty of this island.

Ujung Beach – the scenery and atmosphere in the afternoon at this beach is very romantic. You must capture many photos while on this beach as the scenery there is lovely.

Pandan Beach – be sure to visit this beach to enjoy the fantastic views. You can also watch the sunset here at the beach.

Sibolga City is one of the municipalities in the province of North Sumatra, Indonesia. The city is located on the West Coast of the island of Sumatra, stretching along the coast from North to South and located in the Gulf region of Tapian Nauli. The distance is approximately 350 km from the city of Medan or 8 hours’ drive. The city only has an area of 10.77 sq. km and has a population of around 95,471 people according to the census conducted in 2015. During the Dutch East Indies time, the city was the capital of the Tapanuli Residency. After the independence period until 1998, Sibolga became the municipality of Sibolga. Based on the results of the 2010 Population Census, the population of the temporary Sibolga City was 84,481 people, consisting of 42,408 men and 42,073 women. From the results of the census also, Sibolga South Subdistrict is the district with the highest population of 30,082 people, while the sub-districts with the smallest population are Sibolga City District, which is 14,304 people. The district with the highest population density is Sibolga Sambas Subdistrict, which is 12,821 people per sq. km.

Airports in Sibolga

Ferdinand Lumban Tobing Airport

Dr. Ferdinand Lumban Tobing Airport is an airport located in Pinangsori District, Tapanuli District, North Sumatra. This airport has a runway size of 2,260 × 30 m. The distance from Sibolga is around 40 km. The airport is named after Ferdinand Lumban Tobing, Indonesia's national hero from North Sumatra. If you are coming from the Philippines, you can board a flight at Ninoy Aquino International Airport to get to the Dr. Ferdinand Lumban Tobing Airport. However, there are no direct flights available from the Philippines to Sibolga. You need to transit to other airports before making a flight to Sibolga. You can get a deal from PHP 49,218 for a return ticket.

How to Get Cheap Flights to Sibolga

Traveloka is a travel search engine that makes it easy for travellers to find the cheapest flights to Sibolga. All you need to do is key in the information in the search box, and the application will recommend the best trip according to your budget. It compares flight prices across some trusted airlines to help you to get the best possible deal. Use Traveloka’s price alert feature to be notified of flights in your desired price range to get the best flight price to Sibolga.

When is the Best Time to Fly to Sibolga?

The peak and busiest times of Sibolga are in January followed by October and December. Hotel prices, as well as flight tickets, will be higher than any other months. However, you can still get great deals if you book a flight or accommodation ticket earlier. The lesser month with travellers is in November. You can get cheap flight tickets and hotels if you are visiting Sibolga that month.

The climate of Sibolga city is quite hot with a maximum temperature reaching 32 °C and a minimum of 21.6 °C. While rainfall in Sibolga tends to be irregular throughout the year. The highest rainfall occurs in November with a total of 798 mm, while the most rainfall occurs in December, which is 26 days.

You can visit Sibolga in the month of Syawal according to Islamic calendar to celebrate the Eidul Fitri together with the locals in Sibolga.

What are the Top 3 Things to Do in Sibolga?

Poncan Gadang Island – if from the East of Medan, the location of the island is only 365 kilometers. Therefore, this Poncan Island is very close to the dock in the city of Sibolga. You are not only treated to the beauty of nature and around the sea but also can enjoy Japanese caves that are believed to make this island a strong attraction. Besides, this beauty also makes tourists want to travel here, both local and international tourists. You will see for yourself the exoticism and beauty of this island.

Ujung Beach – the scenery and atmosphere in the afternoon at this beach is very romantic. You must capture many photos while on this beach as the scenery there is lovely.

Pandan Beach – be sure to visit this beach to enjoy the fantastic views. You can also watch the sunset here at the beach.

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