
Cheap flights to Malinau (MLN)

Flight to Malinau

Malinau Regency is a regency of North Kalimantan Prefecture located in Indonesia. The administrative centre is the city of Malinau. Malinau is also often known as Earth Intimung. The region is home to the Kayan Mentarang National Park. In terms of demographics and belief, Malinau is the only region in North Kalimantan that is predominantly Protestant. Malinau was originally a domestic area inhabited by the Tidung ethnic group. Based on info from Tidung society leaders, the name Malinau originated when the Dutch settled an area previously known as Desa (village) Selamban. At the time Desa Selamban was peopled by the Tidung Tribe, while across the Kabiran river the village Pelita Canaan was inhabited by the Dayak Abai tribe.

Airport in Malinau

Robert Atty Bessing Airport

Robert Atty Bessing Airport also recognized as Kolonel R.A. Bessing Airport, is a domestic airport situated in Malinau, North Kalimantan, Indonesia. Robert Atty Bessing Airport is in the Indonesian territory of Kalimantan on the island of Borneo. The airport provides comfort facilities to passengers. There is no flight available from Changi International Airport to Robert Atty Bessing Airport until the present.

How to Get Cheap Flights to Malinau

Traveloka is a travel search engine that makes it easy for travellers to find the cheapest flights to Malinau. All you need to do is key in the information in the search box, and the application will recommend the best trip according to your budget. It compares flight prices across some trusted airlines to help you to get the best possible deal. Use Traveloka’s price alert feature to be notified of flights in your desired price range to get the best flight price to Malinau.

When is the Best Time to Fly to Malinau

Malinau is in Northern Kalimantan. It is best to go to Kalimantan in June through October for ideal weather. The peak season in Kalimantan will be in May, August and July. Most of the rates will be most costly at this period. If you want to keep expenditure within your budget, do purchase your plane fares and book your accommodation earlier. The off-peak season is in December, and tourism is slow, which means the prices are less high. Malinau has a tropical environment, which makes the temperature hot yet humid all over the year. The average temperature throughout the year ranges 21.2 °C to 32.1 °C. It has both wet months and dry months. However, even in the driest month, which in February it still has high precipitation. Safe to say, you need to bring together with you umbrella at all time when you travel here.

What are the Top 3 Things to Do in Malinau

Boat trip to the Island of Nunukan – this little town is the paradise for people who enjoy seafood. From the boat, you can appreciate the view of the mosque and church from far away. The agreeable villagers are ready to help you if you need any directional guide from them.

Take a stroll at Amal beach – You can go swimming here or enjoy the pleasant view of the beach at the same time. While you are there, enjoy the refreshing clamp and delicious cooked prawn. You can go ahead and taste the tasty local cuisines like Buras and Fried cassavas.

Take a photo of Tugu Cinta Damai – Take a selfie with the memorial in Tanjung Selor. It is in the centre of the city square. This memorial is the special landmark of Northern of Kalimantan. Feel free to visit here.

Malinau Regency is a regency of North Kalimantan Prefecture located in Indonesia. The administrative centre is the city of Malinau. Malinau is also often known as Earth Intimung. The region is home to the Kayan Mentarang National Park. In terms of demographics and belief, Malinau is the only region in North Kalimantan that is predominantly Protestant. Malinau was originally a domestic area inhabited by the Tidung ethnic group. Based on info from Tidung society leaders, the name Malinau originated when the Dutch settled an area previously known as Desa (village) Selamban. At the time Desa Selamban was peopled by the Tidung Tribe, while across the Kabiran river the village Pelita Canaan was inhabited by the Dayak Abai tribe.

Airport in Malinau

Robert Atty Bessing Airport

Robert Atty Bessing Airport also recognized as Kolonel R.A. Bessing Airport, is a domestic airport situated in Malinau, North Kalimantan, Indonesia. Robert Atty Bessing Airport is in the Indonesian territory of Kalimantan on the island of Borneo. The airport provides comfort facilities to passengers. There is no flight available from Changi International Airport to Robert Atty Bessing Airport until the present.

How to Get Cheap Flights to Malinau

Traveloka is a travel search engine that makes it easy for travellers to find the cheapest flights to Malinau. All you need to do is key in the information in the search box, and the application will recommend the best trip according to your budget. It compares flight prices across some trusted airlines to help you to get the best possible deal. Use Traveloka’s price alert feature to be notified of flights in your desired price range to get the best flight price to Malinau.

When is the Best Time to Fly to Malinau

Malinau is in Northern Kalimantan. It is best to go to Kalimantan in June through October for ideal weather. The peak season in Kalimantan will be in May, August and July. Most of the rates will be most costly at this period. If you want to keep expenditure within your budget, do purchase your plane fares and book your accommodation earlier. The off-peak season is in December, and tourism is slow, which means the prices are less high. Malinau has a tropical environment, which makes the temperature hot yet humid all over the year. The average temperature throughout the year ranges 21.2 °C to 32.1 °C. It has both wet months and dry months. However, even in the driest month, which in February it still has high precipitation. Safe to say, you need to bring together with you umbrella at all time when you travel here.

What are the Top 3 Things to Do in Malinau

Boat trip to the Island of Nunukan – this little town is the paradise for people who enjoy seafood. From the boat, you can appreciate the view of the mosque and church from far away. The agreeable villagers are ready to help you if you need any directional guide from them.

Take a stroll at Amal beach – You can go swimming here or enjoy the pleasant view of the beach at the same time. While you are there, enjoy the refreshing clamp and delicious cooked prawn. You can go ahead and taste the tasty local cuisines like Buras and Fried cassavas.

Take a photo of Tugu Cinta Damai – Take a selfie with the memorial in Tanjung Selor. It is in the centre of the city square. This memorial is the special landmark of Northern of Kalimantan. Feel free to visit here.

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