Cheap flights to Melak (MLK)

Flight to Melak

Melak is a small town situated in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Melak divided by four regions which are North Melak, South Melak, East Melak, and West Melak. In all different regions, there is a different council that takes care of its region. Locals in Melak are quite friendly and trusted. There are many towns inside Merak such as Barong Tongkok, Bentian Besar, Bongan, Damai, Jempang, Linggang Bigung, Long Iram, Mook Manaar Bulatn, Melak, Muara Lawa, Muara Pahu, Nyuatan, Penyinggahan, Sekolaq Darat, Siluq Ngurai, Tering

Airport in Melak

West Kutai Melalan Airport

West Kutai Melalan Airport is a domestic airport that served for the Melak, a district in West Kutai Regency. West Kutai Melalan Airport located in the province of East Kalimantan in Indonesia. The airport resides at an elevation of 100.6 metres (330 ft) above mean sea level. It has one runway designated 21/03 which measures 900 by 31 metres (2,953 ft × 98 ft) to 07/25 size 2,300 by 81 metres (7,546 ft × 262 ft) early date July 1, 2014. There is no flight available from Changi International Airport to West Kutai Melalan Airport until the present.

How to Get Cheap Flights to Melak

Traveloka is a travel search engine that makes it easy for travellers to find the cheapest flights to Melak. All you need to do is key in the information in the search box, and the application will recommend the best trip according to your budget. It compares flight prices across some trusted airlines to help you to get the best possible deal. Use Traveloka’s price alert feature to be notified of flights in your desired price range to get the best flight price to Melak.

When is the Best Time to Fly to Melak

Weather in Melak can be divided into two main seasons which is wet and dry with warm tropical temperatures averaging 28.2°C during the day, throughout the year. In most areas, the dry season spans from May up to September, with the rains falling between October and April. The best time of year to visit Melak is between May and September when the days are sunny and dry. However, during wet season temperatures stay high and rainfall comes in the form of heavy tropical rain that tend to last for a couple of hours and needn't spoil your trip. There are some area exceptions. On West Indonesia, it rains from October up to January in the north, and from November to February in the south. East Indonesia, with its unusual shape, also experiences slightly unlike climate patterns and rainfall can be expected in the northern regions of the island during June until end of July.

What are the Top 3 Things to Do in Melak

National Park – Situated in Melak, there is a preserved rainforest that vast and amazing. There is plenty of species flora and fauna that you cannot see in another place. Feel free to visit here.

Mahakam River - Mahakam River is one of the popular places among fisherman worldwide. It is because this river has plenty of big fish and some rare species here. Feel free to visit here, especially you a fisherman that need some enjoyment here.

Sendawar cultural park - Sendawar cultural park located near Melak area is a region culture place that shows the history of Sendawar. Feel free to visit here and gain some knowledge about this culture area. The admission is free for now.

Melak is a small town situated in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Melak divided by four regions which are North Melak, South Melak, East Melak, and West Melak. In all different regions, there is a different council that takes care of its region. Locals in Melak are quite friendly and trusted. There are many towns inside Merak such as Barong Tongkok, Bentian Besar, Bongan, Damai, Jempang, Linggang Bigung, Long Iram, Mook Manaar Bulatn, Melak, Muara Lawa, Muara Pahu, Nyuatan, Penyinggahan, Sekolaq Darat, Siluq Ngurai, Tering

Airport in Melak

West Kutai Melalan Airport

West Kutai Melalan Airport is a domestic airport that served for the Melak, a district in West Kutai Regency. West Kutai Melalan Airport located in the province of East Kalimantan in Indonesia. The airport resides at an elevation of 100.6 metres (330 ft) above mean sea level. It has one runway designated 21/03 which measures 900 by 31 metres (2,953 ft × 98 ft) to 07/25 size 2,300 by 81 metres (7,546 ft × 262 ft) early date July 1, 2014. There is no flight available from Changi International Airport to West Kutai Melalan Airport until the present.

How to Get Cheap Flights to Melak

Traveloka is a travel search engine that makes it easy for travellers to find the cheapest flights to Melak. All you need to do is key in the information in the search box, and the application will recommend the best trip according to your budget. It compares flight prices across some trusted airlines to help you to get the best possible deal. Use Traveloka’s price alert feature to be notified of flights in your desired price range to get the best flight price to Melak.

When is the Best Time to Fly to Melak

Weather in Melak can be divided into two main seasons which is wet and dry with warm tropical temperatures averaging 28.2°C during the day, throughout the year. In most areas, the dry season spans from May up to September, with the rains falling between October and April. The best time of year to visit Melak is between May and September when the days are sunny and dry. However, during wet season temperatures stay high and rainfall comes in the form of heavy tropical rain that tend to last for a couple of hours and needn't spoil your trip. There are some area exceptions. On West Indonesia, it rains from October up to January in the north, and from November to February in the south. East Indonesia, with its unusual shape, also experiences slightly unlike climate patterns and rainfall can be expected in the northern regions of the island during June until end of July.

What are the Top 3 Things to Do in Melak

National Park – Situated in Melak, there is a preserved rainforest that vast and amazing. There is plenty of species flora and fauna that you cannot see in another place. Feel free to visit here.

Mahakam River - Mahakam River is one of the popular places among fisherman worldwide. It is because this river has plenty of big fish and some rare species here. Feel free to visit here, especially you a fisherman that need some enjoyment here.

Sendawar cultural park - Sendawar cultural park located near Melak area is a region culture place that shows the history of Sendawar. Feel free to visit here and gain some knowledge about this culture area. The admission is free for now.

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