Singapore to Chiang Rai
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Flight from Singapore to Chiang Rai

Flying to Chiang Rai

Things to know before you go
Cheapest one-way flight
SGD 136.04
Cheapest round-trip flight
SGD 259.96
Cheapest month to fly
Shortest flight duration

7 hr(s), 20 mins

Traveloka helps you find cheap and promo flights to Chiang Rai (CEI)



Price from

Thai Lion Air, Thai AirAsia
Sunday, 19 May 2024
SGD 136.04
Thai AirAsia
Tuesday, 21 May 2024
SGD 151.93
Thai VietJet Air, Scoot
Monday, 20 May 2024
SGD 154.16
Nok Air, Thai AirAsia
Tuesday, 21 May 2024
SGD 158.09
Thai Lion Air
Thursday, 23 May 2024
SGD 161.36
Thai Airways, Scoot
Monday, 20 May 2024
SGD 164.34
Jetstar Asia Airways, Thai Lion Air
Wednesday, 05 Jun 2024
SGD 168.19
Batik Air (Malaysia), Thai Lion Air
Sunday, 09 Jun 2024
SGD 168.28
Thai Lion Air, Scoot
Monday, 03 Jun 2024
SGD 172.66
Nok Air, Thai Lion Air
Wednesday, 15 May 2024
SGD 180.37

Find the cheapest time to fly to Chiang Rai (CEI)

Here is the cheapest month - or even day - to fly to Chiang Rai (CEI)

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much is a flight ticket from Singapore to Chiang Rai?
Planning to take off from Singapore to Chiang Rai? Grab your ticket on Traveloka with prices starting from SGD 151.74, along with additional discounts & promos that can be found on our promo page.
How early should I get to the airport for a domestic & international flight?
For domestic flights, we recommend arriving at the airport at least 2 hours before your scheduled departure time. For international flights, aim to be at the airport at least 3 hours prior to ensure smooth check-in, security checks, and to account for any unexpected delays. It’s better to be early and relaxed than rushing at the last minute right?
When is the best time to buy airline tickets?
Timing is everything when it comes to grabbing airline tickets. Typically, it’s best to book around 4-6 weeks in advance for domestic flights and 2-3 months for international routes. But the prices also depend on the travel demand, seasonality, and major events. You can always monitor the fare trends on Traveloka and set alerts to catch the best deals or promotions!
What is the cheapest day to fly to Chiang Rai?
Looking for the best deals to Chiang Rai? Historically, midweek flights (particularly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays), tend to be cheaper due to lower demand. However, airfares can fluctuate so we recommend keeping an eye on flight prices and being flexible with your travel dates. Booking in advance can be one the hacks to travel to Chiang Rai without breaking the bank!
What information do I need to know when booking a flight?
When booking a flight, every choice sets the tone for your trip. From the preferred flight route – be it direct or with layovers – to the in-flight experience – whether you opt for a standard economy seat or a luxurious first-class journey – and understanding baggage limits, there's a lot to weigh. Other considerations include travel insurance and the airline's booking policies.
How far in advance should I book an international flight?
For international flights, it’s wise to start your search about 5-6 months ahead with the optimal booking window being around 3-4 months before departure. This period often provides a balance between good fares and a reasonable choice of flight times and routes. But please note that several factors such as destination popularity, peak travel season, and regional major events can influence the timeline.
Do I need a passport and visa to fly between Singapore to Chiang Rai?
Traveling from Singapore to Chiang Rai typically requires specific documents. For international flights, a passport is almost always necessary. However, for domestic flights, neither a passport nor a visa is usually required, but an official ID will be needed. The necessity of a visa depends on the traveler's citizenship and Chiang Rai's entry regulations. It's crucial to verify visa requirements, as rules can differ between countries.
Why should I book my flight with Traveloka?
Booking flight tickets with Traveloka can feel like diving into an ocean of options! Our platform provides the most comprehensive choices to ensure you find the perfect flight for your adventure. With our smooth booking process, you'll also be provided with a variety of payment methods. Anxious about transacting online? We've got you covered with our top-tier security for each transaction! With Traveloka, your flight booking journey becomes hassle-free!
How long does it take to fly from Singapore to Chiang Rai?
7 hour(s) and 20 minutes is the shortest flight time from Singapore to Chiang Rai

Flight from Singapore to Chiang Rai

Chiang Rai is the major city in northern Thailand. It is located in Chiang Rai District with a population of 200,000 people. Chiang Rai has many attractions, from beautiful nature to historical landmarks. There are many activities that you can do in Chiang Rai, from trekking to sightseeing. It is also popular as a shopping destination too and offers many things at an affordable price. The people in Chiang Rai are warm and friendly, while the food there is delicious. Don’t forget to visit the famous Wat Rong Khun. Chiang Rai provides various accommodations, including B2 Chiang Rai Boutique & Budget Hotel, B2 Night Bazaar Chiang Rai Boutique & Budget Hotel, and Pimann Place. Throughout your trip to Chiang Rai, you could not miss many attractions this city has to offer, including but not limited to Wat Rong Khun, Walking Street, and The Golden Triangle. Travelling from Singapore to Chiang Rai will take approximately 4 hours via connecting flight. However, the travel time may differ depending on the routes available.

When is the best time to fly from Singapore to Chiang Rai?

The ideal time to visit Chiang Rai is from January to April. If you want to avoid bad weather, you can visit Chiang Rai from June to November. Heavy rainfall will make most outdoor attractions and activities unavailable. Hence, check the weather forecast and plan your trip on a hot sunny day. Avoid peak season as the rate for flight and accommodation will rise. However, it will not be an issue if you make an early reservation.

Chiang Rai’s climate is tropical. The weather is a balance which is never too hot and not too cold. The temperatures in Chiang Rai ranges from a mild 26.5°C to 35°C average during the year. Make sure you bring suitable attire to match the current weather.

Operating airlines available in Traveloka Lifestyle SuperApp including both domestic and international carriers. Such airlines include Scoot, Singapore Airlines, Japan Airlines, Silk Air, Malaysia Airlines, Vietjet, Turkish Airlines, Jetstar, EVA Air, and many more. For further information in regards to travel safety during the pandemic can be referred to Traveloka’s travel advisory and other requirements during COVID-19.

What are the main airports available in Singapore to Chiang Rai?

Changi Airport

Changi Airport is the main airport in Singapore. It was awarded the World's Best Airport seven consecutive times since the year 2013. It is one of the busiest airports in the world. It consists of a heritage museum, beautiful gardens and delicious eateries. It receives many passengers every day. It has many facilities and is easily accessible by public transports. Since the Covid-19 outbreak, airport security has been tighter. Hence, you need to follow all the rules and regulations implemented in that airport. There are many operating airlines here, including Singapore Airlines, AirAsia, Philippines Airlines, Cebu Pacific, and many more.

Chiang Rai International Airport

Chiang Rai International Airport is located in Ban Du, Mueang Chiang Rai, Chiang Rai. It is the main airport in Chiang Rai. It is located near popular landmarks in Chiang Rai. It has many facilities and is easily accessible by public transports. Since the Covid-19 outbreak, airport security has been tighter. Hence, you need to follow all the rules and regulations implemented in that airport. There are many operating airlines here, including Thai Lion Air, AirAsia, Thai Smile, and many more.

Places to stay in Chiang Rai.

B2 Chiang Rai Boutique & Budget Hotel - B2 Chiang Rai Boutique & Budget Hotel is a three-star hotel located at 393/38-40 Banphaprakan Road, T. Wieng, A. Muang, Wiang, Mueang Chiang Rai District, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 57000. It is located strategically with many popular landmarks in Chiang Rai, including Wat Phra Kaew. It is only 7 kilometres from Chiang Rai International Airport. It is also situated near convenience stores, shops, and restaurants. It has many rooms that you can choose from based on your budget and preferences. The rooms are equipped with facilities like an air-conditioner and Wi-Fi. It enforces hygiene standards set by authorities of the country. B2 Chiang Rai Boutique & Budget Hotel offers many facilities and provides the best service to the guest.

B2 Night Bazaar Chiang Rai Boutique & Budget Hotel - B2 Night Bazaar Chiang Rai Boutique & Budget Hotel is a two-star budget hotel located at 30 Moo 17, T. Rob Wieng, Rop Wiang, Mueang Chiang Rai District, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 57000. It is located strategically with many popular attractions in Chiang Rai, like Chiangrai Rajabhat University. It has many rooms that you can choose from based on your budget and preferences. The rooms are equipped with facilities like an air-conditioner and Wi-Fi. It enforces hygiene standards set by authorities of the country and provides the best service to the guest. If you love shopping, B2 Night Bazaar Chiang Rai Boutique & Budget Hotel is located 507 meters from Chiang Rai Night Bazaar.

Pimann Place - Pimann Place is a two-star hotel located at 91/1 Moo21 Kaoloi T.Robviang, Mueang , Wiang, Mueang Chiang Rai District, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 57000. It is located strategically with many popular landmarks in Chiang Rai, including Wat Klang Wiang and Chiang Rai Clock Tower. It is only 6.48 kilometres from Chiang Rai International Airport. It is also situated near convenience stores, shops, and restaurants. It has many rooms that you can choose from based on your budget and preferences. The rooms are equipped with facilities like an air-conditioner and Wi-Fi. It offers many facilities and provides the best service to the guest. Pimann Place offers the best accommodation and a trip to remember in Chiang Rai.

Highlights in Chiang Rai.

Wat Rong Khun - Wat Rong Khun is one of the famous attractions in Chiang Rai. It is known as the jewel in Chiang Rai. It is known as the White Temple because the temple has a finely chiselled white structure. It is beautiful and shines like the moon. The dress code at the White Temple is not very strict. However, visitors are expected to dress appropriately, which means no revealing dresses as it is a sacred and religious place. There are many activities that you can do in Wat Rong Khun.

Walking Street - Walking Street is one of the popular attractions in Thailand. Each city has their own Walking Street. Walking Street in Chiang Rai offers a vast selection of markets and non-stop entertainment. There are more than 80 stalls selling souvenirs, artworks, vintage collections and delicious street food. However, it opens only on Saturday.

The Golden Triangle - The Golden Triangle is located in Chiang Rai Province. It is surrounded by forests and rivers. It is the focal point of the meeting of three countries which are Thailand, Laos and Myanmar. You can see three different borders in the same area.

Travel tips to Chiang Rai.

To have the best experience while travelling, you need to plan your trip well. However, sometimes things are not happening according to plan. Hence, it would be best if you thought of a backup plan. There are many tips that you can follow while travelling.

Bring extra snacks and drinks

When you are travelling, make sure you pack extra snacks and drinks. It will help you feel hungry, especially when travelling in a remote area or waiting for your next flight. It will provide you with energy so you won't feel tired easily, especially when you have low blood pressure. Besides that, packing extra snacks will help you fulfil your hunger in the middle of the night.

Avoid taxis

Taxis might be one of the most accessible transportation that can carry you to the designated destination. However, the fare can be too expensive. To save your budget, you can try public transportation like bus or train. If you still want to travel by car, you can choose e hailing service as the rates are fixed without any hidden or extra charges.

How to Book with Traveloka Lifestyle SuperApp

Traveloka Lifestyle SuperApp is the leading lifestyle SuperApp in Southeast Asia with over 100,000 flight routes offered and more than 100,000 hotels across the map. Traveloka gives you the best of both services, right from your fingertips. Traveloka Lifestyle SuperApp gives you the convenience you need when you are doing your flight search and flight booking. We always keep our user experience in mind when we build the mobile application system to ensure every user has a great experience using it.

Booking might be hard on certain online travel agency platforms, but Traveloka has its ways of making it easy for customers to book their flights.

Search your flight

From either the mobile app or the desktop, you will be able to easily search for your flights by filtering the necessary information such as travel date, trip type for either one-way or return, etc.

Choose and Book a flight

You will be given information about the airline name, flight schedule, and ticket price once you arrived at the flight search results page. You can further refine your searches based on the filters you set.

Fill in Contact Information and Passenger Details

If you already have an account with Traveloka, you will be able to fill in your details in advance, thus when it is time to fill in your contact information and passenger details, you can just click on the information.

Complete Your Payment

From the many payment methods available, choose one that best suits you.

Receive Your E-ticket

Within 60 minutes after your payment is confirmed, we will send your e-ticket to your email.

Chiang Rai is the major city in northern Thailand. It is located in Chiang Rai District with a population of 200,000 people. Chiang Rai has many attractions, from beautiful nature to historical landmarks. There are many activities that you can do in Chiang Rai, from trekking to sightseeing. It is also popular as a shopping destination too and offers many things at an affordable price. The people in Chiang Rai are warm and friendly, while the food there is delicious. Don’t forget to visit the famous Wat Rong Khun. Chiang Rai provides various accommodations, including B2 Chiang Rai Boutique & Budget Hotel, B2 Night Bazaar Chiang Rai Boutique & Budget Hotel, and Pimann Place. Throughout your trip to Chiang Rai, you could not miss many attractions this city has to offer, including but not limited to Wat Rong Khun, Walking Street, and The Golden Triangle. Travelling from Singapore to Chiang Rai will take approximately 4 hours via connecting flight. However, the travel time may differ depending on the routes available.

When is the best time to fly from Singapore to Chiang Rai?

The ideal time to visit Chiang Rai is from January to April. If you want to avoid bad weather, you can visit Chiang Rai from June to November. Heavy rainfall will make most outdoor attractions and activities unavailable. Hence, check the weather forecast and plan your trip on a hot sunny day. Avoid peak season as the rate for flight and accommodation will rise. However, it will not be an issue if you make an early reservation.

Chiang Rai’s climate is tropical. The weather is a balance which is never too hot and not too cold. The temperatures in Chiang Rai ranges from a mild 26.5°C to 35°C average during the year. Make sure you bring suitable attire to match the current weather.

Operating airlines available in Traveloka Lifestyle SuperApp including both domestic and international carriers. Such airlines include Scoot, Singapore Airlines, Japan Airlines, Silk Air, Malaysia Airlines, Vietjet, Turkish Airlines, Jetstar, EVA Air, and many more. For further information in regards to travel safety during the pandemic can be referred to Traveloka’s travel advisory and other requirements during COVID-19.

What are the main airports available in Singapore to Chiang Rai?

Changi Airport

Changi Airport is the main airport in Singapore. It was awarded the World's Best Airport seven consecutive times since the year 2013. It is one of the busiest airports in the world. It consists of a heritage museum, beautiful gardens and delicious eateries. It receives many passengers every day. It has many facilities and is easily accessible by public transports. Since the Covid-19 outbreak, airport security has been tighter. Hence, you need to follow all the rules and regulations implemented in that airport. There are many operating airlines here, including Singapore Airlines, AirAsia, Philippines Airlines, Cebu Pacific, and many more.

Chiang Rai International Airport

Chiang Rai International Airport is located in Ban Du, Mueang Chiang Rai, Chiang Rai. It is the main airport in Chiang Rai. It is located near popular landmarks in Chiang Rai. It has many facilities and is easily accessible by public transports. Since the Covid-19 outbreak, airport security has been tighter. Hence, you need to follow all the rules and regulations implemented in that airport. There are many operating airlines here, including Thai Lion Air, AirAsia, Thai Smile, and many more.

Places to stay in Chiang Rai.

B2 Chiang Rai Boutique & Budget Hotel - B2 Chiang Rai Boutique & Budget Hotel is a three-star hotel located at 393/38-40 Banphaprakan Road, T. Wieng, A. Muang, Wiang, Mueang Chiang Rai District, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 57000. It is located strategically with many popular landmarks in Chiang Rai, including Wat Phra Kaew. It is only 7 kilometres from Chiang Rai International Airport. It is also situated near convenience stores, shops, and restaurants. It has many rooms that you can choose from based on your budget and preferences. The rooms are equipped with facilities like an air-conditioner and Wi-Fi. It enforces hygiene standards set by authorities of the country. B2 Chiang Rai Boutique & Budget Hotel offers many facilities and provides the best service to the guest.

B2 Night Bazaar Chiang Rai Boutique & Budget Hotel - B2 Night Bazaar Chiang Rai Boutique & Budget Hotel is a two-star budget hotel located at 30 Moo 17, T. Rob Wieng, Rop Wiang, Mueang Chiang Rai District, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 57000. It is located strategically with many popular attractions in Chiang Rai, like Chiangrai Rajabhat University. It has many rooms that you can choose from based on your budget and preferences. The rooms are equipped with facilities like an air-conditioner and Wi-Fi. It enforces hygiene standards set by authorities of the country and provides the best service to the guest. If you love shopping, B2 Night Bazaar Chiang Rai Boutique & Budget Hotel is located 507 meters from Chiang Rai Night Bazaar.

Pimann Place - Pimann Place is a two-star hotel located at 91/1 Moo21 Kaoloi T.Robviang, Mueang , Wiang, Mueang Chiang Rai District, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 57000. It is located strategically with many popular landmarks in Chiang Rai, including Wat Klang Wiang and Chiang Rai Clock Tower. It is only 6.48 kilometres from Chiang Rai International Airport. It is also situated near convenience stores, shops, and restaurants. It has many rooms that you can choose from based on your budget and preferences. The rooms are equipped with facilities like an air-conditioner and Wi-Fi. It offers many facilities and provides the best service to the guest. Pimann Place offers the best accommodation and a trip to remember in Chiang Rai.

Highlights in Chiang Rai.

Wat Rong Khun - Wat Rong Khun is one of the famous attractions in Chiang Rai. It is known as the jewel in Chiang Rai. It is known as the White Temple because the temple has a finely chiselled white structure. It is beautiful and shines like the moon. The dress code at the White Temple is not very strict. However, visitors are expected to dress appropriately, which means no revealing dresses as it is a sacred and religious place. There are many activities that you can do in Wat Rong Khun.

Walking Street - Walking Street is one of the popular attractions in Thailand. Each city has their own Walking Street. Walking Street in Chiang Rai offers a vast selection of markets and non-stop entertainment. There are more than 80 stalls selling souvenirs, artworks, vintage collections and delicious street food. However, it opens only on Saturday.

The Golden Triangle - The Golden Triangle is located in Chiang Rai Province. It is surrounded by forests and rivers. It is the focal point of the meeting of three countries which are Thailand, Laos and Myanmar. You can see three different borders in the same area.

Travel tips to Chiang Rai.

To have the best experience while travelling, you need to plan your trip well. However, sometimes things are not happening according to plan. Hence, it would be best if you thought of a backup plan. There are many tips that you can follow while travelling.

Bring extra snacks and drinks

When you are travelling, make sure you pack extra snacks and drinks. It will help you feel hungry, especially when travelling in a remote area or waiting for your next flight. It will provide you with energy so you won't feel tired easily, especially when you have low blood pressure. Besides that, packing extra snacks will help you fulfil your hunger in the middle of the night.

Avoid taxis

Taxis might be one of the most accessible transportation that can carry you to the designated destination. However, the fare can be too expensive. To save your budget, you can try public transportation like bus or train. If you still want to travel by car, you can choose e hailing service as the rates are fixed without any hidden or extra charges.

How to Book with Traveloka Lifestyle SuperApp

Traveloka Lifestyle SuperApp is the leading lifestyle SuperApp in Southeast Asia with over 100,000 flight routes offered and more than 100,000 hotels across the map. Traveloka gives you the best of both services, right from your fingertips. Traveloka Lifestyle SuperApp gives you the convenience you need when you are doing your flight search and flight booking. We always keep our user experience in mind when we build the mobile application system to ensure every user has a great experience using it.

Booking might be hard on certain online travel agency platforms, but Traveloka has its ways of making it easy for customers to book their flights.

Search your flight

From either the mobile app or the desktop, you will be able to easily search for your flights by filtering the necessary information such as travel date, trip type for either one-way or return, etc.

Choose and Book a flight

You will be given information about the airline name, flight schedule, and ticket price once you arrived at the flight search results page. You can further refine your searches based on the filters you set.

Fill in Contact Information and Passenger Details

If you already have an account with Traveloka, you will be able to fill in your details in advance, thus when it is time to fill in your contact information and passenger details, you can just click on the information.

Complete Your Payment

From the many payment methods available, choose one that best suits you.

Receive Your E-ticket

Within 60 minutes after your payment is confirmed, we will send your e-ticket to your email.

Flight Duration

7 hr(s) 20 mins

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