Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu
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Flight from Kota Kinabalu (BKI) to Lahad Datu (LDU)

Flying to Lahad Datu

Things to know before you go
Cheapest one-way flight
RM 183.94
Cheapest round-trip flight
RM 362.14
Cheapest month to fly
Shortest flight duration

55 mins

Traveloka helps you find cheap and promo flights to Lahad Datu (LDU)



Price from

Malaysia Airlines
Wednesday, 29 May 2024
RM 183.94

Find the cheapest time to fly to Lahad Datu (LDU)

Here is the cheapest month - or even day - to fly to Lahad Datu (LDU)

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much is a flight ticket from Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu?
Planning to take off from Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu? Grab your ticket on Traveloka with prices starting from RM 187.00, along with additional discounts & promos that can be found on our promo page.
How early should I get to the airport for a domestic & international flight?
For domestic flights, we recommend arriving at the airport at least 2 hours before your scheduled departure time. For international flights, aim to be at the airport at least 3 hours prior to ensure smooth check-in, security checks, and to account for any unexpected delays. It’s better to be early and relaxed than rushing at the last minute right?
When is the best time to buy airline tickets?
Timing is everything when it comes to grabbing airline tickets. Typically, it’s best to book around 4-6 weeks in advance for domestic flights and 2-3 months for international routes. But the prices also depend on the travel demand, seasonality, and major events. You can always monitor the fare trends on Traveloka and set alerts to catch the best deals or promotions!
What is the cheapest day to fly to Lahad Datu?
Looking for the best deals to Lahad Datu? Historically, midweek flights (particularly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays), tend to be cheaper due to lower demand. However, airfares can fluctuate so we recommend keeping an eye on flight prices and being flexible with your travel dates. Booking in advance can be one the hacks to travel to Lahad Datu without breaking the bank!
What information do I need to know when booking a flight?
When booking a flight, every choice sets the tone for your trip. From the preferred flight route – be it direct or with layovers – to the in-flight experience – whether you opt for a standard economy seat or a luxurious first-class journey – and understanding baggage limits, there's a lot to weigh. Other considerations include travel insurance and the airline's booking policies.
How far in advance should I book an international flight?
For international flights, it’s wise to start your search about 5-6 months ahead with the optimal booking window being around 3-4 months before departure. This period often provides a balance between good fares and a reasonable choice of flight times and routes. But please note that several factors such as destination popularity, peak travel season, and regional major events can influence the timeline.
Do I need a passport and visa to fly between Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu?
Traveling from Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu typically requires specific documents. For international flights, a passport is almost always necessary. However, for domestic flights, neither a passport nor a visa is usually required, but an official ID will be needed. The necessity of a visa depends on the traveler's citizenship and Lahad Datu's entry regulations. It's crucial to verify visa requirements, as rules can differ between countries.
Why should I book my flight with Traveloka?
Booking flight tickets with Traveloka can feel like diving into an ocean of options! Our platform provides the most comprehensive choices to ensure you find the perfect flight for your adventure. With our smooth booking process, you'll also be provided with a variety of payment methods. Anxious about transacting online? We've got you covered with our top-tier security for each transaction! With Traveloka, your flight booking journey becomes hassle-free!
How long does it take to fly from Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu?
0 hour(s) and 55 minutes is the shortest flight time from Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu.

Flight from Kota Kinabalu (BKI) to Lahad Datu (LDU)

The flight route from Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu is popular with tourists. Lahad Datu is a city in Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia, known for its oil palm industry. The Palm Oil Industrial Cluster, completed in 2007, is located near the port of Lahad Datu.

Lahad Datu has plenty of activities to enjoy, such as exploring natural attractions, shopping, and visiting historical sites. The local cuisine is also famous for its deliciousness, so try it out when you visit.

If you're planning a trip to Lahad Datu, this article briefly guides flights from Kota Kinabalu.

When Is the Best Time to Fly from Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu?

Lahad Datu, Malaysia, has a tropical rainforest climate. The temperature in this area is stable throughout the year. The average temperature ranges from 30 degrees Celsius to 32 degrees Celsius.

Because the season in Lahad Datu tends to be hot and the rainfall is quite low, you can visit yearly. So, you don't need to worry about visiting Lahad Datu any time, and you can still do outdoor activities comfortably. But, for the information, June is when this place experiences more rain than any other month.

If you look at the level of tourist crowds in Lahad Datu, the peak season for this place is July, August, and October. November and December are less busy than the previous three months, but still quite busy.

Meanwhile, for those who want to visit Lahad Datu and avoid crowds, you can come in January, February, March, June, and September. Lahad Datu is quiet for April and May but more crowded than in the previous months.

Visiting Lahad Datu, you should prepare comfortable clothes, such as t-shirts. You must also prepare an umbrella and sunglasses to avoid feeling too hot. As explained above, the average temperature in this area is quite hot.

What Are the Main Airports Available in Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu?

Kota Kinabalu International Airport

Kota Kinabalu International Airport is the second busiest airport in Malaysia, after the main airport in Kuala Lumpur, namely Kuala Lumpur International Airport. The airport is located 8 km from the center of Kota Kinabalu and is the main gateway for the Sabah and Kalimantan regions.

Before it was named Kota Kinabalu International Airport, it was named Jesselton Airfield during World War II. Currently, there are many flights from Kota Kinabalu International Airport to various places, domestically and abroad.

For the convenience of the visitors, this airport is equipped with various facilities. You can find outlets and retail selling goods, cafes, and restaurants here. Kota Kinabalu International Airport has a comfortable waiting room for premium passengers.

Apart from that, there are other facilities, such as a waiting area, foreign exchange and ATM services, IDD and STC call services, prayer rooms for Muslim passengers, a smoking lounge, a baby care room, and more.

To get to Kota Kinabalu International Airport, you can use the airport bus, which operates every hour. Visit the bus stops at Center Point, Horizon Hotel, and Padang Merdeka to use this public transportation.

To come to Kota Kinabalu International Airport, there are no more regulations regarding restrictions due to COVID-19. Visitors no longer need to take a COVID-19 test before departure and do not need to show proof of the vaccine.

Lahad Datu Airport

Lahad Datu Airport is an airport located in Lahad Datu. In 2005, it transported 116,973 passengers with over 3,000 flights. The airport is located near the city center, about 1 km away.

Getting to Lahad Datu Airport is relatively easy, and you can use the bus to the terminal closest to the airport, taxis, or private vehicles. In addition, passengers can walk because the location is close to the city center.

Lahad Datu Airport is a small airport that usually connects the city of Lahad Datu with Kota Kinabalu and Miri. Since Lahad Datu only serves local flights, only a few airlines operate at this airport.

Following post-COVID-19 regulations, visitors are no longer required to have the latest vaccine, and no COVID-19 tests are required before departing from Lahad Datu Airport.

What Airline That Fly to That Route?

The choice of airline from Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu is only Malaysia Airlines. Malaysia Airlines is Malaysia's national airline offering local and international flights.

Flights from Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu are very popular, so there are plenty of options for departure times. Meanwhile, the time needed for a direct flight from Kota Kinabalu International Airport to Lahad Datu Airport is 55 minutes. Below is a list of departure and arrival times from Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu that you can choose from:

  • 07:20 AM - 08:15 AM
  • 08:15 AM - 09:00 AM
  • 02:30 PM - 03:25 PM
  • 03:10 PM - 04:05 PM

Apart from direct flights, some flights require transit to Sandakan. The time needed for this flight is 3 hours 20 minutes with a departure time of 10:00 AM and the arrival time is 01:20 PM.

Flights from Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu with Malaysia Airlines will provide passengers with 20 kg baggage and 7 kg cabin, free meals, and in-flight entertainment.

For those of you who have a flight ticket from Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu, you can book easily via Traveloka App. You can find flights easily through this platform, and various payment methods are available.

Best Hotel to Stay near Kota Kinabalu International Airport

Various hotels are available around the Kota Kinabalu International Airport. These hotels can be an option if your flight has a problem and you must stay overnight to wait for your next schedule. Here are the recommendations:

Sabah Luxury Cozy Family Suite

Location: A-8-8 Floor 8, Block A, Jalan Kepayan, Kondominium Kristal, Kota Kinabalu City Centre, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 88100. (665 m from Kota Kinabalu International Airport)

The first recommended option is the Sabah Luxury Cozy Family Suite, which offers clean and tidy rooms. Its location is conveniently close to the Kota Kinabalu International Airport and is within walking distance.

The hotel offers comprehensive facilities and services that pamper guests. It has a swimming pool that can help guests relax and enjoy themselves. Additionally, guests can take advantage of laundry services and a fitness center.

  • Aeropod Sovo Studio

Location: Jalan Sabah Rail, Kota Kinabalu City Centre, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 88100 (1.28 km from Kota Kinabalu International Airport)

Aeropod Sovo Studio can be the next option if you need accommodation near Kota Kinabalu International Airport. The facilities provided by this hotel are a garden, a fitness center, and complete in-room facilities. You don't need to hesitate to call the staff if you need help while staying at this place because the staff are very friendly and ready to help guests 24 hours a day.

Homesuite' Home @ Aeropod SOVO

Location: Aeropod SOVO, Block K, Jalan Aeropod, Off Jalan Kepayan, Kota Kinabalu City Centre, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 88200 (1.66 km from Kota Kinabalu International Airport)

Staying at Homesuite' Home @Aeropod Sovo can provide a pleasant experience. Even though it's only one night, you can enjoy all the facilities at this hotel. The choice of rooms is also very varied, such as Twin, Quadruple, Deluxe Twin, and Deluxe Queen. You can choose according to your needs and budget.

Tourist Attractions in Lahad Datu

When you're in Lahad Datu, you have plenty of options for activities. To get around, you can use taxis or buses. This transportation is available whether you've just arrived at Lahad Datu Airport and need to go somewhere else or are heading to the airport from another location.

Below are a series of tourist attractions that you must visit while in Lahad Datu:

The Tower of Heaven

The Tower of Heaven is a tourist spot in Lahad Datu which offers beautiful natural views. The tower here is at the highest point of the Lahad Datu district, at the top of Silam Mountain, which has a height of 884 meters. The view you can see from the top of the tower is a view of the beach and forest. In addition, you can witness unspoiled bird life.

Sungai Kapur

Sungai Kapur is part of the Tabin Wildlife Reserve. Here, you can explore rivers and forests, which provide an unforgettable experience. Ancient mangrove forests surround the Kapur River. This tourist spot is perfect for nature lovers to visit. In addition, the place is not too crowded, quiet enough to relax and enjoy the cool air.

Madai Cave

Madai Cave, located about 50 km from Lahud Datu, is still a popular tourist destination in the Madai Baturong Forest Reserve Nature Centre. The cave is home to various flora and fauna, with the main attraction being the large limestone cave that houses swallows.

Darvel Bay

Darvel Bay is one of the most popular diving destinations. It has a breathtaking view, especially underwater scenery, and is only 20 minutes from Lahad Datu. Visiting Darvel Bay is mandatory to enjoy its signature food in Lahad Batu.

Currently, regulations related to COVID-19 regulations are not as strict as before. Visitors can visit tourist attractions in Lahad Datu, Malaysia, without any number restrictions and may enter even if they have not been vaccinated.

The flight route from Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu is popular with tourists. Lahad Datu is a city in Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia, known for its oil palm industry. The Palm Oil Industrial Cluster, completed in 2007, is located near the port of Lahad Datu.

Lahad Datu has plenty of activities to enjoy, such as exploring natural attractions, shopping, and visiting historical sites. The local cuisine is also famous for its deliciousness, so try it out when you visit.

If you're planning a trip to Lahad Datu, this article briefly guides flights from Kota Kinabalu.

When Is the Best Time to Fly from Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu?

Lahad Datu, Malaysia, has a tropical rainforest climate. The temperature in this area is stable throughout the year. The average temperature ranges from 30 degrees Celsius to 32 degrees Celsius.

Because the season in Lahad Datu tends to be hot and the rainfall is quite low, you can visit yearly. So, you don't need to worry about visiting Lahad Datu any time, and you can still do outdoor activities comfortably. But, for the information, June is when this place experiences more rain than any other month.

If you look at the level of tourist crowds in Lahad Datu, the peak season for this place is July, August, and October. November and December are less busy than the previous three months, but still quite busy.

Meanwhile, for those who want to visit Lahad Datu and avoid crowds, you can come in January, February, March, June, and September. Lahad Datu is quiet for April and May but more crowded than in the previous months.

Visiting Lahad Datu, you should prepare comfortable clothes, such as t-shirts. You must also prepare an umbrella and sunglasses to avoid feeling too hot. As explained above, the average temperature in this area is quite hot.

What Are the Main Airports Available in Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu?

Kota Kinabalu International Airport

Kota Kinabalu International Airport is the second busiest airport in Malaysia, after the main airport in Kuala Lumpur, namely Kuala Lumpur International Airport. The airport is located 8 km from the center of Kota Kinabalu and is the main gateway for the Sabah and Kalimantan regions.

Before it was named Kota Kinabalu International Airport, it was named Jesselton Airfield during World War II. Currently, there are many flights from Kota Kinabalu International Airport to various places, domestically and abroad.

For the convenience of the visitors, this airport is equipped with various facilities. You can find outlets and retail selling goods, cafes, and restaurants here. Kota Kinabalu International Airport has a comfortable waiting room for premium passengers.

Apart from that, there are other facilities, such as a waiting area, foreign exchange and ATM services, IDD and STC call services, prayer rooms for Muslim passengers, a smoking lounge, a baby care room, and more.

To get to Kota Kinabalu International Airport, you can use the airport bus, which operates every hour. Visit the bus stops at Center Point, Horizon Hotel, and Padang Merdeka to use this public transportation.

To come to Kota Kinabalu International Airport, there are no more regulations regarding restrictions due to COVID-19. Visitors no longer need to take a COVID-19 test before departure and do not need to show proof of the vaccine.

Lahad Datu Airport

Lahad Datu Airport is an airport located in Lahad Datu. In 2005, it transported 116,973 passengers with over 3,000 flights. The airport is located near the city center, about 1 km away.

Getting to Lahad Datu Airport is relatively easy, and you can use the bus to the terminal closest to the airport, taxis, or private vehicles. In addition, passengers can walk because the location is close to the city center.

Lahad Datu Airport is a small airport that usually connects the city of Lahad Datu with Kota Kinabalu and Miri. Since Lahad Datu only serves local flights, only a few airlines operate at this airport.

Following post-COVID-19 regulations, visitors are no longer required to have the latest vaccine, and no COVID-19 tests are required before departing from Lahad Datu Airport.

What Airline That Fly to That Route?

The choice of airline from Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu is only Malaysia Airlines. Malaysia Airlines is Malaysia's national airline offering local and international flights.

Flights from Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu are very popular, so there are plenty of options for departure times. Meanwhile, the time needed for a direct flight from Kota Kinabalu International Airport to Lahad Datu Airport is 55 minutes. Below is a list of departure and arrival times from Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu that you can choose from:

  • 07:20 AM - 08:15 AM
  • 08:15 AM - 09:00 AM
  • 02:30 PM - 03:25 PM
  • 03:10 PM - 04:05 PM

Apart from direct flights, some flights require transit to Sandakan. The time needed for this flight is 3 hours 20 minutes with a departure time of 10:00 AM and the arrival time is 01:20 PM.

Flights from Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu with Malaysia Airlines will provide passengers with 20 kg baggage and 7 kg cabin, free meals, and in-flight entertainment.

For those of you who have a flight ticket from Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu, you can book easily via Traveloka App. You can find flights easily through this platform, and various payment methods are available.

Best Hotel to Stay near Kota Kinabalu International Airport

Various hotels are available around the Kota Kinabalu International Airport. These hotels can be an option if your flight has a problem and you must stay overnight to wait for your next schedule. Here are the recommendations:

Sabah Luxury Cozy Family Suite

Location: A-8-8 Floor 8, Block A, Jalan Kepayan, Kondominium Kristal, Kota Kinabalu City Centre, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 88100. (665 m from Kota Kinabalu International Airport)

The first recommended option is the Sabah Luxury Cozy Family Suite, which offers clean and tidy rooms. Its location is conveniently close to the Kota Kinabalu International Airport and is within walking distance.

The hotel offers comprehensive facilities and services that pamper guests. It has a swimming pool that can help guests relax and enjoy themselves. Additionally, guests can take advantage of laundry services and a fitness center.

  • Aeropod Sovo Studio

Location: Jalan Sabah Rail, Kota Kinabalu City Centre, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 88100 (1.28 km from Kota Kinabalu International Airport)

Aeropod Sovo Studio can be the next option if you need accommodation near Kota Kinabalu International Airport. The facilities provided by this hotel are a garden, a fitness center, and complete in-room facilities. You don't need to hesitate to call the staff if you need help while staying at this place because the staff are very friendly and ready to help guests 24 hours a day.

Homesuite' Home @ Aeropod SOVO

Location: Aeropod SOVO, Block K, Jalan Aeropod, Off Jalan Kepayan, Kota Kinabalu City Centre, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 88200 (1.66 km from Kota Kinabalu International Airport)

Staying at Homesuite' Home @Aeropod Sovo can provide a pleasant experience. Even though it's only one night, you can enjoy all the facilities at this hotel. The choice of rooms is also very varied, such as Twin, Quadruple, Deluxe Twin, and Deluxe Queen. You can choose according to your needs and budget.

Tourist Attractions in Lahad Datu

When you're in Lahad Datu, you have plenty of options for activities. To get around, you can use taxis or buses. This transportation is available whether you've just arrived at Lahad Datu Airport and need to go somewhere else or are heading to the airport from another location.

Below are a series of tourist attractions that you must visit while in Lahad Datu:

The Tower of Heaven

The Tower of Heaven is a tourist spot in Lahad Datu which offers beautiful natural views. The tower here is at the highest point of the Lahad Datu district, at the top of Silam Mountain, which has a height of 884 meters. The view you can see from the top of the tower is a view of the beach and forest. In addition, you can witness unspoiled bird life.

Sungai Kapur

Sungai Kapur is part of the Tabin Wildlife Reserve. Here, you can explore rivers and forests, which provide an unforgettable experience. Ancient mangrove forests surround the Kapur River. This tourist spot is perfect for nature lovers to visit. In addition, the place is not too crowded, quiet enough to relax and enjoy the cool air.

Madai Cave

Madai Cave, located about 50 km from Lahud Datu, is still a popular tourist destination in the Madai Baturong Forest Reserve Nature Centre. The cave is home to various flora and fauna, with the main attraction being the large limestone cave that houses swallows.

Darvel Bay

Darvel Bay is one of the most popular diving destinations. It has a breathtaking view, especially underwater scenery, and is only 20 minutes from Lahad Datu. Visiting Darvel Bay is mandatory to enjoy its signature food in Lahad Batu.

Currently, regulations related to COVID-19 regulations are not as strict as before. Visitors can visit tourist attractions in Lahad Datu, Malaysia, without any number restrictions and may enter even if they have not been vaccinated.

Flight Duration

0 hr(s) 55 mins

Airport in Lahad Datu

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