Singapore to Biak
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Flight from Singapore to Biak

Flying to Biak

Things to know before you go
Cheapest month to fly

Top Hotels in Biak

Asana Biak Hotel Papua
Asana Biak Hotel Papua
Hotel Agung Biak
Hotel Agung Biak
Hotel Manna Inn
Hotel Manna Inn
Hotel Marasi Biak
Hotel Marasi Biak
Hotel Basana Inn
Hotel Basana Inn
Hotel Of Hasel
Hotel Of Hasel
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Frequently Asked Questions

How much is a flight ticket from Singapore to Biak?
Planning to take off from Singapore to Biak? Grab your ticket on Traveloka with prices starting from , along with additional discounts & promos that can be found on our promo page.
How early should I get to the airport for a domestic & international flight?
For domestic flights, we recommend arriving at the airport at least 2 hours before your scheduled departure time. For international flights, aim to be at the airport at least 3 hours prior to ensure smooth check-in, security checks, and to account for any unexpected delays. It’s better to be early and relaxed than rushing at the last minute right?
When is the best time to buy airline tickets?
Timing is everything when it comes to grabbing airline tickets. Typically, it’s best to book around 4-6 weeks in advance for domestic flights and 2-3 months for international routes. But the prices also depend on the travel demand, seasonality, and major events. You can always monitor the fare trends on Traveloka and set alerts to catch the best deals or promotions!
What is the cheapest day to fly to Biak?
Looking for the best deals to Biak? Historically, midweek flights (particularly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays), tend to be cheaper due to lower demand. However, airfares can fluctuate so we recommend keeping an eye on flight prices and being flexible with your travel dates. Booking in advance can be one the hacks to travel to Biak without breaking the bank!
What information do I need to know when booking a flight?
When booking a flight, every choice sets the tone for your trip. From the preferred flight route – be it direct or with layovers – to the in-flight experience – whether you opt for a standard economy seat or a luxurious first-class journey – and understanding baggage limits, there's a lot to weigh. Other considerations include travel insurance and the airline's booking policies.
How far in advance should I book an international flight?
For international flights, it’s wise to start your search about 5-6 months ahead with the optimal booking window being around 3-4 months before departure. This period often provides a balance between good fares and a reasonable choice of flight times and routes. But please note that several factors such as destination popularity, peak travel season, and regional major events can influence the timeline.
Do I need a passport and visa to fly between Singapore to Biak?
Traveling from Singapore to Biak typically requires specific documents. For international flights, a passport is almost always necessary. However, for domestic flights, neither a passport nor a visa is usually required, but an official ID will be needed. The necessity of a visa depends on the traveler's citizenship and Biak's entry regulations. It's crucial to verify visa requirements, as rules can differ between countries.
Why should I book my flight with Traveloka?
Booking flight tickets with Traveloka can feel like diving into an ocean of options! Our platform provides the most comprehensive choices to ensure you find the perfect flight for your adventure. With our smooth booking process, you'll also be provided with a variety of payment methods. Anxious about transacting online? We've got you covered with our top-tier security for each transaction! With Traveloka, your flight booking journey becomes hassle-free!
How long does it take to fly from Singapore to Biak?
0 hour(s) and 0 minutes is the shortest flight time from Singapore to Biak

Flight from Singapore to Biak

Biak is an island located in Cenderawasih Bay near the northern coast of Papua, an Indonesian province. It is the largest island in its small archipelago. This island offers various activities including island hopping, diving, water sports, learning the culture, and many more. Biak also features many exotic beaches to explore, as well as numerous mountains and lakes. It takes around 7 hours of flying time to travel from Singapore to Biak. This will differ based on the airlines and routes taken as well. Considering Traveloka offers various airline options such as Singapore Airlines, Scoot, AirAsia, and more, you have plenty to choose from. Some of the best attractions there are in Biak such as Cenderawasih Museum, Japanese Cave, and Pantai Water Basis.

When is the best time to fly from Singapore to Biak?

Biak is generally warm throughout the year, but there is a certain period of the year that is good enough to do both outdoor and/or indoor activities. The usual period where Biak is open for visiting is from late April to late November. This will be the optimum period to go on a holiday here in Biak. The temperature will usually varied from 24°C to 30°C and is rarely below 23°C or above 31°C. Maybe to get the best time where you are not at the peak of the holiday season in Biak, you can plan a travel to Biak close to the end of April or November, just before the holiday peak starts.

Operating airlines available in Traveloka Lifestyle SuperApp including both domestic and international carriers. Such airlines include Scoot, Singapore Airlines, Japan Airlines, Silk Air, Malaysia Airlines, Vietjet, Turkish Airlines, Jetstar, EVA Air, and many more. For further information in regards to travel safety during the pandemic can be referred to Traveloka’s travel advisory and other requirements during COVID-19.

What are the main airports available in Biak?

Frans Kaisiepo International Airport (BIK)

Frans Kaisiepo International Airport is the main airport operating in Biak. It is 27 km away from Biak. The trip via car or any public land transportation will take around 45 minutes from the airport to the main city. The traveling time will only differ depending on the traffic condition at the time of the travel. Some of the airport facilities you can find at the Frans Kaisiepo International Airport include check-in facilities, free wi-fi, duty-free outlets, restaurants, ATMs, baggage storage, and a lost & found center.

Highlights in Biak.

Cenderawasih Museum - Located near the airport, Cenderawasih Museum is a traditional-looking building that represents Biak Tribe’s house, Rumstram. It is surrounded by some plants which makes it beautiful. There are some attractive objects residing in front of the museum including bombs, martyrs, and other war weapons from World War II. It will be a great loss to miss a visit to Cenderawasih Museum. Cenderawasih Museum is 24 km away from Biak and 4 km from the main airport. It will take roughly 40 minutes to drive from Biak to the Cenderawasih Museum and around 10 minutes from the airport. Cenderawasih Museum opens daily from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm to visit.

Japanese Cave - Japanese Cave is a natural cave that was named after the presence of Japan Army during their reign in Indonesia. The cave is surrounded by lush trees and it features a pathway with fences. The inside of the cave is indeed feeling dark and damp, just like any other cave. It will be a great loss to miss a visit to the Japanese Cave. The Japanese Cave is 24 km away from Biak and 7 km from the main airport. It will take roughly 40 minutes to drive from Biak to the Japanese Cave and around 12 minutes from the airport. Japanese Cave opens all day to visit with no entrance fee.

Pantai Water Basis - Located in Badop Village, Pantai Water Basis is one of the famous and frequently visited beaches in Biak city. Visitors can enjoy swimming with family or friends, or just hanging out at the seaside and taking pictures. It is also quite spacious in the area which can accommodate many vehicles. There are also gazebos available for use. It will be a great loss to miss a visit to Pantai Water Basis. Pantai Water Basis is 24 km away from Biak and 7 km from the main airport. It will take roughly 40 minutes to drive from Biak to the Pantai Water Basis and around 12 minutes from the airport. Pantai Water Basis opens all day to visit with no entrance fee.

Travel tips to Biak.

Keep Your Accommodation Address with You

This might sound ridiculous but it is important nonetheless. We tend to underestimate ourselves and assume we have it all in our heads. It is best to have it with you at all times because when you need a specific direction back, you can refer to it easily. It is best to keep it on paper as well because you will never know when the handy-dandy technology will fail you when you need it the most.

Travel Insurance

Be it whether you are traveling domestic or international, it is important to gear yourself up with travel insurance. This is pretty much self-explanatory because you will never expect what could happen when you are abroad. Even if you are traveling domestically, should things go out of your control such as accidents or sickness, you will have the leverage of insurance coverage.

Be Flexible with Your Travel Plans

Planning is a good way to go traveling, be it domestically or internationally, but don’t disregard the fact that things can and most likely would not go as planned. This could either be due to suddenly the activity you want to do being unavailable or if more logistical issues force you to think of other ways to do things. Keep in mind that planning is a good base, but when you are traveling and there are a lot of external factors involved, it will be a different kind of adventure.

How to Book with Traveloka Lifestyle SuperApp

Traveloka Lifestyle SuperApp is the leading lifestyle SuperApp in Southeast Asia with over 100,000 flight routes offered and more than 100,000 hotels across the map. Traveloka gives you the best of both services, right from your fingertips. Traveloka Lifestyle SuperApp gives you the convenience you need when you are doing your flight search and flight booking. We always keep our user experience in mind when we build the mobile application system to ensure every user has a great experience using it.

Booking might be hard on certain online travel agency platforms, but Traveloka has its ways of making it easy for customers to book their flights.

Search your flight

From either the mobile app or the desktop, you will be able to easily search for your flights by filtering the necessary information such as travel date, trip type for either one-way or return, etc.

Choose and Book a flight

You will be given information about the airline name, flight schedule, and ticket price once you arrived at the flight search results page. You can further refine your searches based on the filters you set.

Fill in Contact Information and Passenger Details

If you already have an account with Traveloka, you will be able to fill in your details in advance, thus when it is time to fill in your contact information and passenger details, you can just click on the information.

Complete Your Payment

From the many payment methods available, choose one that best suits you.

Receive Your E-ticket

Within 60 minutes after your payment is confirmed, we will send your e-ticket to your email.

Biak is an island located in Cenderawasih Bay near the northern coast of Papua, an Indonesian province. It is the largest island in its small archipelago. This island offers various activities including island hopping, diving, water sports, learning the culture, and many more. Biak also features many exotic beaches to explore, as well as numerous mountains and lakes. It takes around 7 hours of flying time to travel from Singapore to Biak. This will differ based on the airlines and routes taken as well. Considering Traveloka offers various airline options such as Singapore Airlines, Scoot, AirAsia, and more, you have plenty to choose from. Some of the best attractions there are in Biak such as Cenderawasih Museum, Japanese Cave, and Pantai Water Basis.

When is the best time to fly from Singapore to Biak?

Biak is generally warm throughout the year, but there is a certain period of the year that is good enough to do both outdoor and/or indoor activities. The usual period where Biak is open for visiting is from late April to late November. This will be the optimum period to go on a holiday here in Biak. The temperature will usually varied from 24°C to 30°C and is rarely below 23°C or above 31°C. Maybe to get the best time where you are not at the peak of the holiday season in Biak, you can plan a travel to Biak close to the end of April or November, just before the holiday peak starts.

Operating airlines available in Traveloka Lifestyle SuperApp including both domestic and international carriers. Such airlines include Scoot, Singapore Airlines, Japan Airlines, Silk Air, Malaysia Airlines, Vietjet, Turkish Airlines, Jetstar, EVA Air, and many more. For further information in regards to travel safety during the pandemic can be referred to Traveloka’s travel advisory and other requirements during COVID-19.

What are the main airports available in Biak?

Frans Kaisiepo International Airport (BIK)

Frans Kaisiepo International Airport is the main airport operating in Biak. It is 27 km away from Biak. The trip via car or any public land transportation will take around 45 minutes from the airport to the main city. The traveling time will only differ depending on the traffic condition at the time of the travel. Some of the airport facilities you can find at the Frans Kaisiepo International Airport include check-in facilities, free wi-fi, duty-free outlets, restaurants, ATMs, baggage storage, and a lost & found center.

Highlights in Biak.

Cenderawasih Museum - Located near the airport, Cenderawasih Museum is a traditional-looking building that represents Biak Tribe’s house, Rumstram. It is surrounded by some plants which makes it beautiful. There are some attractive objects residing in front of the museum including bombs, martyrs, and other war weapons from World War II. It will be a great loss to miss a visit to Cenderawasih Museum. Cenderawasih Museum is 24 km away from Biak and 4 km from the main airport. It will take roughly 40 minutes to drive from Biak to the Cenderawasih Museum and around 10 minutes from the airport. Cenderawasih Museum opens daily from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm to visit.

Japanese Cave - Japanese Cave is a natural cave that was named after the presence of Japan Army during their reign in Indonesia. The cave is surrounded by lush trees and it features a pathway with fences. The inside of the cave is indeed feeling dark and damp, just like any other cave. It will be a great loss to miss a visit to the Japanese Cave. The Japanese Cave is 24 km away from Biak and 7 km from the main airport. It will take roughly 40 minutes to drive from Biak to the Japanese Cave and around 12 minutes from the airport. Japanese Cave opens all day to visit with no entrance fee.

Pantai Water Basis - Located in Badop Village, Pantai Water Basis is one of the famous and frequently visited beaches in Biak city. Visitors can enjoy swimming with family or friends, or just hanging out at the seaside and taking pictures. It is also quite spacious in the area which can accommodate many vehicles. There are also gazebos available for use. It will be a great loss to miss a visit to Pantai Water Basis. Pantai Water Basis is 24 km away from Biak and 7 km from the main airport. It will take roughly 40 minutes to drive from Biak to the Pantai Water Basis and around 12 minutes from the airport. Pantai Water Basis opens all day to visit with no entrance fee.

Travel tips to Biak.

Keep Your Accommodation Address with You

This might sound ridiculous but it is important nonetheless. We tend to underestimate ourselves and assume we have it all in our heads. It is best to have it with you at all times because when you need a specific direction back, you can refer to it easily. It is best to keep it on paper as well because you will never know when the handy-dandy technology will fail you when you need it the most.

Travel Insurance

Be it whether you are traveling domestic or international, it is important to gear yourself up with travel insurance. This is pretty much self-explanatory because you will never expect what could happen when you are abroad. Even if you are traveling domestically, should things go out of your control such as accidents or sickness, you will have the leverage of insurance coverage.

Be Flexible with Your Travel Plans

Planning is a good way to go traveling, be it domestically or internationally, but don’t disregard the fact that things can and most likely would not go as planned. This could either be due to suddenly the activity you want to do being unavailable or if more logistical issues force you to think of other ways to do things. Keep in mind that planning is a good base, but when you are traveling and there are a lot of external factors involved, it will be a different kind of adventure.

How to Book with Traveloka Lifestyle SuperApp

Traveloka Lifestyle SuperApp is the leading lifestyle SuperApp in Southeast Asia with over 100,000 flight routes offered and more than 100,000 hotels across the map. Traveloka gives you the best of both services, right from your fingertips. Traveloka Lifestyle SuperApp gives you the convenience you need when you are doing your flight search and flight booking. We always keep our user experience in mind when we build the mobile application system to ensure every user has a great experience using it.

Booking might be hard on certain online travel agency platforms, but Traveloka has its ways of making it easy for customers to book their flights.

Search your flight

From either the mobile app or the desktop, you will be able to easily search for your flights by filtering the necessary information such as travel date, trip type for either one-way or return, etc.

Choose and Book a flight

You will be given information about the airline name, flight schedule, and ticket price once you arrived at the flight search results page. You can further refine your searches based on the filters you set.

Fill in Contact Information and Passenger Details

If you already have an account with Traveloka, you will be able to fill in your details in advance, thus when it is time to fill in your contact information and passenger details, you can just click on the information.

Complete Your Payment

From the many payment methods available, choose one that best suits you.

Receive Your E-ticket

Within 60 minutes after your payment is confirmed, we will send your e-ticket to your email.

Flight Duration

0 hr(s) 0 mins

Airport in Biak

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